Little Stranger on No Simple Road - April 5th, 2022

Without further ado, the No SImple Road crew gives you... Little Stranger!

... first of all thanks for what you do because it's so yes man and so cool do you remember just the other day I was like is there any new music fun that you're grooving on and he was like try this boom with it so much I needed some fun music I needed it so bad right now there's a lot of other good music I'm listening to I'm not saying that but I need a bunch of B. I need to move I know that my hip hop swag I need to do that and I just haven't had anything fresh I haven't heard anything that of lyrics I don't know yet and you guys are really awesome and fun and inspiring too that's thank you for doing it right now thank you for your timing thank you so much really fast so here's the thing man thank obviously like this podcast is very firmly entrenched in the jam band scene most of our guests come from that world but you guys are an out liar and the way I found out about you I'm part of like a a group chat thing on Instagram with a bunch of people that share live streams with each other right allegedly the the tender and %HESITATION about two months ago I think you guys have played in Asheville just as well and the somebody was like in the group chat they were at the show and they posted a little video and they were like has anybody seen this band these guys fucking killed it and I'm always looking for new stuff so I pulled you guys up and apple and I were out on the porch and %HESITATION I put on that I put on the new album and I was like holy shit we gotta get these guys show it's awesome yeah and he and he didn't he didn't tell me what it was like it was usually you didn't tell me who away just put it on or sit there listening and I'm I'm like you're my M. like start seeing me like this this is like a lost soul this is great who does that your great name yeah how do you guys an absolute so much music and like you know that like about you save yourself the comparisons to like you know back and other things like that but with your own flavor like that clinched would remake it %HESITATION that was made %HESITATION Amin it's S. wow I will make you I wanted to start their own which one he was Kevin was a U. I think it was you Kevin that said that that song yeah right change your life yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm curious do because I had an experience at my first Grateful Dead concert in nineteen eighty nine that completely changed the rest of my life like seriously altered everything after that show I went back to where I was living sold on my ship bought a school bus and went on the road and the little what's that I said I was eleven I couldn't quite do us but I'm curious like how I want you to get your a little bit more than that yeah so what right to the I guess the two thousand one I think it's two thousand one two thousand one or nineteen ninety easy it is it's all there %HESITATION but that yeah my dad my dad I think they are having the X. games in Philly that year my dad worked in like center city Philadelphia for Verizon I think at the time end up as a member I was like I was like a whole day he liked it a lot kinda half day at work and I was an eleven year old just like running the stairs up and down just like trying to exert all types energy but yeah I was I was pretty early on I think we're going to H. street competition or add cream Campbell's autograph one of my favorite skaters but but it was just like it was like it was just this combination of like all of the coolest things I've ever seen like skateboarding live at that high of a level it was like all around Philly all these kind of monumental areas and then I remembered there was just like you know grills product had a street team out there at the time it was the first single off of their self titled album yes first out first and %HESITATION yeah I just like I like couldn't believe it the art artwork was so cool and then I remember coming home to listen to and just being like holy shit what is this this is unlike anything I've really heard before it definitely that that stuff destroyed genre yeah yeah man but yeah Damon Albarn it is like my favorite vality creator I just think he's got such an ear for melody and then to combine it with hip hop in a way that sort of like just blends Lee yes so seamlessly yeah we we really shared when we started the group %HESITATION I had just gotten really like I I heard Clint Eastwood when he came out and kept up with like the singles as they came out but I really go deep in college and got a cabin started making music together we both had this like passionate love for gorillas and that kind of sparked what what we wanted to do with our music not to be that like them but like had this kind of hip hop meets melody yeah yeah it's cool when you see somebody not necessarily doing what you want to do but like in a direction that close to what you want to do and it it like helps you to figure out your own way in in a sense you know it's not that you want to copy it's like do that mood I want to replicate that mood that I made that made me feel like that and that's what I pick up from you guys is like I just first of all personally you know I'd love to be silly I love to laugh I like to dance I like to use my energy because I've got a lot of it some moves like music creates certain moods and the jam band music definitely gets a lot of energy out but there's something about hip hop that doesn't get scratched with a lot of music that we end up you know listening to a lot are going to concerts a lot that when you guys jump on the scene this is like kind of flash forward I was born in seventy eight so I was growing up in the nineties I was like you know having a family and stuff like that so it definitely impacted me but like you know Donna Summer was really like impacted me and the beach boys and like other stuff like that put something that's current and what you guys are doing it's like %HESITATION consciously so I want to hear how you guys they started playing music together like how that formed you guys know your style but like how did you guys form together you know in that way yeah %HESITATION we we were but then our different projects %HESITATION I had a band that toured a little bit on the east coast we are more of like a reggae kind of jam band %HESITATION our earliest %HESITATION it was funny actually the drummer in in that band could was called long miles he told me that the band took a turn for the for the worse when I got into fish and like I had a similar thinking and like you said I saw my first fish %HESITATION it was their second show back at Hampden and eight like three tabs acid with my body I didn't even know the band he just scored these tech I just fell more in love with the guy will be my best friends yeah big huge fish van %HESITATION he so like and this was more of a reggae jam band that band fell apart and I we moved back to Philly from Charleston and Kevin's band was kind of on like the decline a little bit or maybe just stagnant yeah and %HESITATION we are both in Philly for a period of like nine months and I had just gotten into production but on a very very %HESITATION simple level I was again garageband recording vocals through your learning yeah you're figuring it out learning and I figured out how to make beats and do it and %HESITATION cabin and I had like I guess he had hopped on stage with us from my band to play in Philly and his band will play in Philly and we will go out there and say %HESITATION yeah we kind of always like look at each other like did we gotta do something together would be so great so we had this idea just do like a side project EP and %HESITATION when we recorded it in Philly it was pretty clear while we are making it that we that we just mashed together really well we have the same exact vision for what we wanted to do is a little delayed what does that feel like because if yeah it feels different for each one of you but it's the same feeling kind you know what I mean it's like with the what when you fall in love it's like you're not yourself but you feel like with the other person feel different you know what I'm saying like how does that feel you can break it down like a for me it was like at almost immediate like feeling appeared like leveling up your your work your best level like you're you're almost like impressing yourself to move with with some of the stuff that you like didn't quite think but it's because the you know the songs are getting you there we we've always been fans of each other so I think that like that helps yeah I help there is that mutual respect that like you just gotta trust for the process is going to try and and you know flaunt your best thing on top of it yeah I think for it for me and my former band I didn't have to have that other person who was also %HESITATION creator and like innovator it was me creating and then the band who are amazing musicians but just from a creative standpoint it was me yes certainly cabin who was this like spark plug of creativity and to be able to double that on top of what I could provide like and then and then you just we're feeding off each other and like if you read it cool very see any I we we get better because of each other yeah because we're trying to out do not out do but like you know you want to step up just laying it up yeah and you know what's what's really trippy about the whole thing is the music that you guys make it's the music is amazing the lyrics are amazing but to watch the two of you is is the whole thing like if if you're just listening on apple music you're blowing it you need to like for real seat you guys yet it's a visual thing it's a it's a performance N. I don't know how to say this the but the way that you guys flow together I've never seen that before I I've heard it produced and but I've never seen somebody do that like flowing line to line back and forth seamlessly where you don't know like if I was listening to you guys I wouldn't know which one of you guys was actually doing it or if that was a sample or what is that all intentional to to pull it together like that because it makes it super fucking psychedelic hello yeah that's that's so we were just talking about yesterday like that we're starting to get this feedback like that that people are starting to see and like our Facebook group now we have like a fan page it's amazing and %HESITATION at people being like you have to see him live and that for me is like my dream I want that as a band to be the live experience and we love the studio to but I think that's all product of like the first one when we started the band we felt like we were kind of behind because we were now like twenty six and I when I was nineteen in my first band I was like alright if I don't make it by twenty five you know what time was so his grip on time is that stupid and that we start at twenty six we've got a booking agent who %HESITATION our our buddy Caleb Coker he had just gotten out of CA and he was doing like grunt work there and he just wanted to work his ass off we wanted to work our ass also we're like put us on tour as many dates as we can possibly do for the next like three years well we had it all markets we have no name right and so we just took every gig we could possibly get and played for our for our gigs were we were like we didn't have enough material so we're making up music and like just just trying to get it rolling yeah and I think in doing that for like three years straight I'm just playing music like five nights a week what kind are those like what it was like early on or like a lot of bars yeah like in the corner of the bar %HESITATION you know a lot of what it would be column %HESITATION shopping mall bring you bring in your own sound system okay your PA with that yeah all the first doors were done in a sedan so yeah so it was pretty minimal but yeah we we show up with about forty five minutes worth of material do for hours yeah and just like that I can't respond to ours but it but it may have mash so probably so hard and I think we have to but we were way more comfortable onstage and offstage yeah yeah like I got we just cut our teeth doing that and then when we're not touring together Kevin I live together and that it's like I I would just like sort of become symbiotic in a way we all live together yeah yeah yeah yeah Aaron and I are married so we've lived together for me and I have been friends since we were teenagers forty years we've been yeah so is a I'll tell you what man it's maybe he was asking apple annoying no no that's true it can be because we're so much alike and get out you know it's like become a brother shipped to where we can read each other or we know the energy we also know how to push a button when we're being shady I don't you know that you get there yeah we know each other very well and I think Mel Mel is said to they've been married twenty four years %HESITATION sometimes we we we were my open like both of us are so similar yeah oh my god you what was that we're playing we're playing the game works you should open it like it was a you're going through a magazine it's like a it's like a page of like you know ten coffee tables and she's like if you're a coffee table what would you be without like let me know why and we would pick the same for everything I can what would you be if you were calling him a blue one yeah me too yeah told told twins he's in a lot of regards but then also very opposites in some ways to but I'll tell you this it it's having a friend for the I remember my dad telling me when I was like fifteen he's like if if a man has one true friend in his life he's a rich man and what kinds of fucking friends we talked a whole crew thank you no he was so right and like having a hold me like that there's nothing like it I mean you guys know yeah we yeah we do there's no fucking way you could do what you do and not be tight and you know the well and you think you said you got married so there that's great living with your homie of course but then you add you know an element of Blake now we're married and you've got a homie %HESITATION it never definitely can complicate things but because we're all so close it's almost like you like him and I are brothers you know we're straight up like he's that been the uncle to my kids for you know for you later realize their whole life and so and then there's also the jealousy thing but %HESITATION yeah we both Ellis I've got jealous time with him and she gets jealous of my time what do you think you guys are always hang on patio talk when I come out to get quiet okay we're talking about stuff you you wanna wise with them they're married couple I walk in the middle of this it's also like it's quiet I'm like he's like well I don't know what's going on with no simple road because you guys are talking we were in bed we were sleeping all now you're scheming for yeah I need all the time you know it can be successful is the point and it's very helpful and especially nowadays do plea the financial burden of having a really comfortable place to live is overwhelming and if you're an artist as such as you guys you know that it's not you know raking it up unless you have like some wealthy parents or something like it is hard out there so if you can find like and people that you trust that you have to and want to create with your style in near silence you're gonna have little spats with anybody in a life so why not work it out with the people that you love yeah do you I'm not so I got there no you guys but you guys seem to me to kind of be the way we are like you have similar sense of humor for sure yeah right right and right and to be able to flow together like that you have to be similar energy wise so it am I on am I on track yeah yeah we're very much like all right I mean I yeah everything we're interested in is pretty much the same yeah that's humor I mean that's like just so essential to a lasting bromance and the fact they were both just some sensitive boys yeah yeah that's a factor really we're very we're very open with our emotions with each other and %HESITATION you know very I think I think it we do we know we do better in a day when you just like explain if you're feeling really shitty right off the bat really %HESITATION yeah I'm taking notes at night I think it got doesn't even necessarily know like I'm sure you know if I am but it but it is nice we really we do like we're able to talk openly about or if you know if I said something I thought was a little abrasive or something we we pretty quickly chat about it hug it out yeah that's very healthy yeah I mean it has to be word we're doing this for like four fucking Danny Martin partnership so it I mean play if you guys are plainly what a hundred shows a year before the pandemic is what what I read right that's yeah about the same now that we're back okay so thank you cut your teeth and plan for our sets and corners of bars and shit it's not like that like you guys are starting to do your thing and the how does it feel I'm I'm I think it feels good I I definitely I have the I have the days where I mean it's just like being able to stretch out like that might be able to do fall off almost like our our last run was so awesome we were out with that %HESITATION the movement value we we were the first of three thirty minute sets every night and we're like we're like just getting into a rhythm towards the end of that but also we're not you know we're doing a hundred some shows here we can't do four hours every night yeah you know and then also drive ourselves to the next city and get ready and do all that like we're still still pretty tight knit smaller team but the festivals and some of these things we've been seeing in front of us are just in like I mean it's been phenomenal the the the growth is being like felt physically and like online it's just that yeah every every like every new city is is kind of blows blows me away right now we've been we we pretty much have we reached a point where like we haven't had a city in awhile where there's nobody there that knows about it yeah yeah like before ATM would show up to like fuckin Augusta Georgia or something there's like two people who happen to be at her and but yeah I've actually my really my good friend was over yesterday and he asked me about because we got some really great festival plays coming up this summer if you want peace automatic %HESITATION but I handful more and %HESITATION he was asking me about like how that felt and if you if I he asked me did you think like you know once your name got on those bills that that would be like a landmark thing and I I hadn't really thought about it at all it's such like a ongoing process no just like head down grinding forward that I didn't need to have it hasn't really crossed my mind a whole lot about like where we're at now but we're fucking studs so stuck to the the battles have definitely been a goal like to be on some to see on the bill and peach like that's forty thousand people brother that's yeah that's a lot of human being %HESITATION user and eighty thousand eyeballs and happiness that you're bringing out like that's dope lake that's just you guys that like to your act is the magic wand you know and however you play it you plan for forty thousand people you're sending it out there do you guys ever think about stuff like that like what we want the crowd to feel like today we do we like we have this whole we send it so hard like every week like we just go all in and I don't think there's been one ever that we just like slept on like got tonight doesn't really matter we just like yes dig in and do put on the best show we possibly can we had a cool what we were down at holidays %HESITATION in December which was like it was in Mexico was %HESITATION freeze and about did not not not as a matter fact out %HESITATION lotus build in %HESITATION is from Charleston yeah is a very jam oriented festival and then we were on there are are Barton newest manager we have to work to help manage now but dance I would ski also manages unfreeze so he's been a huge help in getting introduced into the jam scene a little because we've been in the reggae world for a while okay we kind of we kind of like and we have this hip hop thing we're like floating in somewhere in between and it was interesting holidays to see people who watched a weekend of jam music to come and watch our sat and I keep I can almost feel like there was three songs of like what the fuck you re watching right now and then they like got it and it was a great we play the after party relate nice everyone was nice and loose couldn't and %HESITATION yes yeah and it went it was awesome they they dug it and it's kind of our first step into a jam a proper champ that will it it's it seemed odd to me when I saw like you guys are on the bill summer camp on the bill teachers like and then I start thinking I was like it's fucking perfect it's fucking perfect band and you guys fit you guys do fit and I think just what you just said you know when those people are lit up we're ready for anything and you guys get up there and start doing what you do bring that intercourse in fucking people's heads man that I mean I don't know if it's because I'm older what but like trying to follow your flow I can't even think that that I can't even fucking thing like I'm I'm two two lines behind you in your you know sailing into the distance and that's part of the the joy of it and I think that's why the mix of the jam scene and you guys works and Mike Mel said I think a lot of the people in this community feel the way that Mel does %HESITATION yeah where we're looking for something we're all it doesn't sound like fish like you guys are the same match you you're the same age so you grew up with the same music and so there's a lot of that my our age group you know had the same type of music and for me I didn't know anything about the Grateful Dead toll I merry this one like I heard about him and that's it I learned to go exploring and Jerry Garcia died the dear my daughter was born that's all I knew no big deal whatever then I meet him and then of course I know all this music because they do a lot of covers too so I just happened to fall right into enjoying the dead also but I grew up on all hip hop and R&B and freakin I'm soft rock seventies and disco and like all that so the people that are my age they're loving disco that's why I don't know if you guys know who goose's but goose is a band it's so amazing for their out that way that they've broken the bass and the guitar that disco kind of vibe lake want that we want something different but like all of it what we want all of it you know why can't we have all of it is is nine one one call yeah like I love jam bands but once we're done and we're wanting to party I want to hear like the nice little groove to put me back on the vibe you know like yeah me back down to earth hip hop is very grounding you know and it kinda has like a more earthy kind of like feel to it when you're like floating in the space of you know like these some of these jam band it's nice to come be brought back down to you guys you like the lake the coffee and cake after the dope dinner news by you know like everybody wants a little do you know desert time with the cigar and you know some some little brandy or whatever like that's where you guys are serving it up in the it's that's not refreshing it's comforting do you know it's a different thing backbeat of hip hop her head and sit in this group so it's so important with what is yeah with what you're the lyrics it's so important with what you're putting out let's talk about those how do you guys who doesn't love do you guys feed off each other like what's the style yeah it's kind of a cabinet both we do some songs will be me creating like a hawk and then I I very quickly now that I've gotten better at producing start making the session and coming up with the drums and bass and then %HESITATION sometimes all right I got my personhood consented to cabin and two days later he comes back with a burst we lay down his verse and then maybe we come up with like an outright thing together sometimes will make a beat or a cabin a walk by the room and I have a beat going on he's like what is this yeah comes in and then it's the two of us just having some beers and like feeding off each other and coming up with lines but we always strive for like being we at we like being clever in our lyrics and not %HESITATION well there's a couple songs on the last album that we do get pretty like Sirius and emotional but typically it's more like I like see it could be taken as like not much depth to it but like I don't think that our word playing like yeah cleverness is actually in there if you're if you're reading attention yeah okay so what what songs we talk ask me why the last song on the album is probably like probably a mess she said yeah all articles it's just that well a little more on the nose okay yeah we are we always talk about like we we take what we do seriously we don't take ourselves yeah that's perfect like it's supposed to be fun crap the craft of it is the part that psychology diving and I think that I think that's why I like we can make we can make something that could be a pretty shallow simple idea into a much more fun fun to listen to because I needed the work play or just like like the way of it the wait the ideas presented it is a lot more fun kind of wrapped inside like it I don't know clever line right right and it it does it that shines through the the cleverness of the lyrics %HESITATION that's one of the things that attracted me to you guys and it's it's fun and it's funny N. and like I said before it's it's it's audio visual and %HESITATION your your videos that that's what I was going to kick it we've we've been listening to you a lot and then just recently started a guy out so it's like if you guys watch the video and then I had a pillar video shit the what is it won't amount to nothing yeah we're just fucking cracking up thank you yeah let's start that way because I was several years ago you guys go read caterpillar suits and we are back on is really cool my dad actually wrote that song back in the eighties yeah we've done too we have another song called queens of the Nile that my dad wrote as well and so weak I took is it's an old like rocker song we flipped it and made it more hip hop and kept up the verses yeah and we had this I forget how we came up is that not that the caterpillar he is from the British prank show %HESITATION %HESITATION I got a call and there's this incredible comedy sentries to play all the time as one of my favorite guest watch it's theirs is that guy with the giant cell phone or just like screens and large crowds like hidden camera ishe yeah but but when I run this gets was they had a snail just going across like going across the busiest roads ever and just watch I was like I was like I we we we can we can twist the sense of like even more like goofy all around town and then just add New York City to anything it's madness well yeah New York is the perfect hello I am caterpillar being like the one amount to nothing you know like you having to be a water yes %HESITATION work so well so we head out %HESITATION a friend of ours in Boston may Brett Phillips he's done the majority of our music videos he's awesome along with our friend Alex easy down here but brand new a costume designer this girl %HESITATION name Rebecca and we had her up and she custom made these %HESITATION fucking dirty road just really %HESITATION yeah we're like it has to be New York because no one gives that no one cares in New York that's like every day just gonna ask you and like maybe maybe hock maybe not ran into %HESITATION Questlove out there too %HESITATION we yeah we are on is I think we are on Instagram story he did not want to talk to yeah we if I came running out your account a pillar costume well you guys are probably be like that other well that's what I love in the video to you see it in the people it's like fifty fifty fifty percent of the people are no Wade you know the ones that don't care the ones are pissed off what kind of annoyed in the ones that are like getting into it yeah like this is fine and it D. rode the subway are great at some level yeah yeah it was a lot it was a wild day and it was just like it was just like I I think this corner could begin I mean we started off the day with John running down the street name yeah the first shot of the day was the anchor at sat yeah the the last shot three six skinny little but it's like it was like thirty five degrees out %HESITATION we woke up at the crack of dawn to get god I think we did we'd rather not waiting to get the night before Jevon down so we're all like two hours of sleep we like well got crack some beers got to get into character is being these ship right caterpillars and %HESITATION yeah the first shot of the day was me running naked and we had to do to take like five times there it is yeah yeah a car full of women just like once they saw this they just stop like bark their car but the hazards on just watched yeah your mind already five degrees it will happen yeah yeah okay okay well it is to say the men were there from that that that that that the red rover the new the new one the red rover I watch this morning what is it is it a girl three yeah yeah yeah it's the two girls that play you with like the tighty Whitey's on getting out of bed no one has the mustache of the year it was like candy creepy uppers but that I was racked up H. I love your guys videos manta the %HESITATION red rover that's his nephew lives with us and it was it was like a you have an anime fan and everything and I'm Power Rangers grew up with that that video is fuckin so entertaining and so well done and you guys are having so much fun with costumes and everything that how was that yes I mean that was just like yeah that that was a classic like I what would you know like ten year old mate what I've wanted to do in a music video and I think we we we found the helmets first and they were like I guess you're gonna make a music video because the yeah so sick you we had found the helmets on at sea from a guy and %HESITATION like Thailand I think you he makes cost play Power Rangers helmets and we just want the helmet so back hello there and then the rat who directed the video he had this whole other idea for and we're like well we bought the land yeah that was the most in depth we ever got like that we we spent the fact that the most money we ever spent on a video and funded it all ourselves which is which we're trying to look for some well I might want to help out and kind of got his we don't want to see a Megazord smoking weed and vomiting on brilliant it's brilliant and it it fits the lake I know it's not a cop maybe it is a conscious thing like it's it's you guys it's our brand I hate to say that you guys and like it I don't know it's like we've been saying this whole time it's not like anything else N. it is really like after talking to you guys it really is you guys see I have to go on like it's you guys do a TV show yeah I like that would be fun to watch well here here's some good news for you during the %HESITATION VH one just signed yeah hi can I make if you look on YouTube we have three episodes we did it's called L. S. TV is a little strange television during the pandemic we were here at home my mom and her boyfriend were here as well it was the two of us our friend Alex easy and my wife Aggie and we we found three abscess are like forty five minutes long and it's a mix of like live performance some music videos from friends that we are people we did a lot and then some like sketch okay our message that's getting way okay yeah yeah I'm writing it down now so I don't forget to a condo on from the for it like I just watch them again the other day like the first one to the terminals like holy shit we learned a lot we got better learned a lot about this but yeah they took forever like we'd be up till eight in the morning the night before we were putting them out and using four different computers to export L. as in like yeah but what the fuck else were we doing well yeah yeah yeah we had a ton of mushrooms during those with mom hanging out Marc almond mas yeah yeah I gave my mom a chocolate bar that I had %HESITATION while she was here she was like me and what you're going to get out of the beach %HESITATION and I had I had been holding on to this one first a long time that I had another one that was really good and I gave it to her and my mom told me that my mushrooms are bunk mom but I hope you made it out of her I I well we're stocked up for her next okay %HESITATION that would be harsh to take your mom could you let your shit young claim it was good I guess I was wrong what can you give mom so do you guys have any plans on coming out west he come and Pacific Northwest way anytime I just Pacific Northwest probably not for a bit while you have kids actually we're waiting to hear back about some tours that we are headed for an answer as support there's a chance we we could be coming on a west coast tour in the summer time we're done we're done like at San Diego like so cal and Arizona for around four twenty but yeah I saw that VI was of viva I I read the I I resign yeah this is it my favorite name Fassel ever it is pretty good pretty good yeah I okay we we really do want to get out west I think that %HESITATION for us now it's just a matter of %HESITATION just logistically figured out and I think this year we're trying we're finally getting some looks on support tours that we weren't getting in the last few years but we love to get out there and do I have nine one one yeah what were you guys based Portland or Portland or after work and where we for that we were out Seattle at that %HESITATION this is what a recording yeah yeah yeah it was %HESITATION it was it right now yeah yeah then I will go ahead %HESITATION I just as I saw you guys really like looks like your next date coming up you guys are playing in Vegas yeah strip in Vegas with okay that's where we're in Vegas it's three eleven day all that's right we okay that's right yeah yeah elevens doing the whole thing and I a list we are were planted after party or planned like a %HESITATION party and then another after okay that's why it's hard it's after that from originally we moved up here six years ago yeah yeah we live what do you like what do you want to go you guys were all dancers yep you know it baby I've never met anyone who grew up in Vegas %HESITATION yeah or chilled and I would have expected we are %HESITATION that's how you become become chill there's a reason I'm late for now it was living in the town is a trip in it's it's super transient it's hard to make close friends because everybody's that that's not true we made very close friends very easily but it wasn't easy for everyone not as easy as moving up here %HESITATION for it it's a the mindset is very set only making money then and because it's really it's really fucking easy to make a lot of money working there like I knew bartenders that we're making like two three grand a night tending jar so why why would you bother doing anything you know what I mean you could stand by I think things are much different now this was pre pandemic all this that we're talking about is I used to work in the hotels casinos Mel part I. Mars I have this valet I worked in the spa all that and everybody just goes money %HESITATION goes money goes to Vegas to spend money spend money and hopefully they want to make money so it's it's like encapsulated about money everything's about money so the content connections there you know they try to make money and leave there try to make money to send it back to the country they're trying to make money and like buy a house somewhere else you know what I'm saying so it's always focused on that so that the people you're around it's just kinda like bursts you know Hey nice to meet you but they got their minds set on something else and and if you got any kind of like a addictive personality if you got any problems they're going to be fucking exacerbated own you may yeah revised twenty four hours a day yeah it's so accessible and it's like if everyone's doing it is it wrong and I I I know that him and I are looking for sure well I got from growing up there no no it's it's it's it's nuts man but I mean I would think growing up in a city like Philly is normally too in its own way right well I thought we were suburban boys okay we're like about thirty minutes north of the city yeah I have lived in the city before coming down to Charleston yeah for like six years %HESITATION which is great yeah why don't why Charleston I came down to college here because I didn't really know where I want to go in a couple of my band mates from my former band got in here and so I just applied for like keep the band together and %HESITATION the place is amazing it's an awesome town and currently where it's at like the the music scene here for for such a small city is so concentrated with good musician while everything comes through the poor house right one of the best man ever been every band I like I see that like %HESITATION playing the poor house yeah yeah when asked fishes coming through next month the other B. back in north Charleston okay back to the first second how I want to know it how did listening to fish affect your lake make you have a turn for the worse in that other band yeah well I think like %HESITATION when I started making music I was really into %HESITATION like Jack Johnson and G. love and slightly stupid no doubt that I was definitely naturally inclined at two %HESITATION I was writing get just really simple kind of catchy hooks like that and then I got into fish and I was like we need to be a jam band my songs my songs went from being like hook oriented things to like composed his music that's just what then what the band needed no version of of game and I'm like I can definitely do this guy read about lizards one but %HESITATION yeah that I get it it makes sense man I I think that a for sure we needed like come down to that part of the country that we have so many friends that lived down there and and you know it's a %HESITATION so much good stuff about it down there I gotta gotta make our way %HESITATION yeah but let us now it is it's a lovely place to hang out so when when is it'll happen when when you guys come up this way %HESITATION I'll send you my number and then you guys have a place to stay we have a nice big house like not far from all the venues family is a family in Portland Maine yeah that's awesome %HESITATION but I since putting out the album in twenty twenty one during all the shit that was going on did it do you think IT help or hurt you the timing of yeah yeah that the timing was for us we were so %HESITATION we're set kind of desperate to put this out we had gone through this %HESITATION we signed with a record label at the beginning of twenty twenty that turned out to be a horrendous experience and they were really trying to make us a pop act they didn't like how we are creating and they were setting us up with writers in LA that we just weren't there isn't we were totally out of sync with these people what we are trying to make as little stranger and so by the time we got out of that which then even getting out was like a five month ordeal yes it was expensive but we went to that and so we got out and then when it came time to put this out we have been sitting on a lot of this music for awhile but we weren't allowed to do anything with it so we're pretty desperate to get out the timing wise I think it will like yeah it would be worked out yeah I'm sure I'm sure also sure it's very different Portland compared to like a lot of places down south like the world the world was like free open back again kind of around but we were putting that out down extra but we also like you know every time I go up north we're very much reminded us what's actually happening down down here they like to minimize a lot of that yeah but I but I I I yeah I feel like it was it was a good time for us but it was also it was strange that it was like November it's it's very much like right music that you almost want for the summertime and things yeah I'm excited to see it come back around yes laughing in every do you do yeah and we didn't the way rolled out we had already kind our fall was booked up issue and we didn't get to do like a proper album release tour that like you ideally want to write you a national run around the release but everything sort of shut down the industry come like December first really at I thank for putting it out in November in that time I'm very pleased without all rolled out yeah well thank goodness we made it through that I can imagine screw the people who would but like a here you guys would be like a like them but we need to change some shit like that that's the music but yeah I know yeah they want something more polished and bigger mass of P. at that at screw those guys yeah Hey there the line that it is that I lost sleep over for six months was %HESITATION we sent them like eighteen songs that we need eleven for the record where like we got eleven bangers and here I sent them the songs they his back he's like %HESITATION like to these are good the rest of these will put on like definite nose on a botched and then the couple maybe seems like it's just a lot of it sounds a little too much to sounds a little stranger it like a little too much money we can Hey what's eight did you change your name with them yes we have yeah the book man you can't call the cops after that phone call we're both cry and yet it's like we walked on well because at that point you've already signed like your life isn't she we are in deep at the high well the fuck lesson learned then I mean that's that's how you learn that's tough that's hard nuts but you know what I bet that mistake won't happen %HESITATION now yeah and it it lit I think it let like the perfect fire we kinda needed to like get out of it and and do a lot of things that like probably we're getting put on the backburner because like all right you know let's let's let's blow this happened about how we're supposed to you know like like the way we we both kind of knew but we're we're we're very much like if we're gonna try to do something for any given our our pastor going to dive in and even if it even if it means that we're not the happiest sometimes like we were like ready give it our best rate given our best that we just kept being like this fuckin so I like it it was my mom my mom's kind of crowd has signed a record deal yeah exactly yeah so suffice to say that like everything now is self produced yes yes you're only %HESITATION we we released this last record through a group called ineffable records they're based out of California yeah I think that yeah the caliber yeah and %HESITATION they're amazing they're they're like what we want their boutique label okay we have complete creative control they just have that and use them like that they know how to do the ad spends and they they have a lot of connections and other bands in the scene that we can link up with they've been amazing so do you do when your masters that's how it is yeah it's not that K. is for everybody get paid without having to just do that there but it is it's like it becomes a goal becomes a gold like you felt it signing a deal like like I did it I got like a job right you know I'm I'm gonna be fuckin satisfied and there's like one word one picture around the house is a Polaroid night that we signed that kind of thing yeah we did it and we ran all the pictures one yes against president boys every year having like which the label yeah it's strange because their headquarters burned down like a week ago yeah tragic accident I'm sorry that happened but you know what you want to know what is his dad would always say experience is knowing what not to do oh shit that's and the only way you learn that is by either getting screwed or failures yeah I like you you have to know that we're knocking it out of the park two yeah but you don't know what it feels like to fall on the ground okay you know what I'm saying you have to get you have to have those dumb yeah it'll injuries and thank god it only took you five months people talk about years and shit that they're in slave to these you know record companies like yes %HESITATION yeah yeah you guys don't need any shackles of any kind you need as much freedom to create like a new shit the weird shit all of it let him go yeah yeah I think that we like cancer before doubt now whenever we're like you know if we think something's funny but where we question like is this a little too much to do we now because we went through that were like fuck it yeah here's the point let's just like lean into it and that's the shit that'll clean into it that's the shit that %HESITATION blow up yeah we think about how much shit people all of us are exposed to every day with this with this thing yes one stint man and to get people's attention hello you gotta push it a little bit and then you guys have a good sense of humor so take the chances of bucket yeah you guys you guys mentioned goose earlier I at all awesome video the other day that stuck out to me I guess is one of the guys in the group like in the desert shirt less yes that's their video %HESITATION like use that so that's that's cool like I was I was glad to see it even then they they stick out in their own way yep did you read the lyrics I haven't I haven't really do now but I I just saw that was like it was like this is not very jam band asked to be eaten you guys should spend four minutes together yeah four minutes together read the lyrics to watch it to board it's amazing it's it's it really is he beat her and I we did a video on we're down our basement yesterday and we get ray do an interview or put on the %HESITATION I hadn't seen it yet and we're watching it I pulled the lyrics up on my phone and more like listening to the song together and reading the lyrics and I look up and she's crying and I'm crying and she goes are you crying there's like no you're fucking laughing he's like oh my god you're crying too I I felt like in the same way like you know I was talking earlier like you know we only different stuff you know that's why we got a you know switch of our hairstyles and like you know one day we want you know sneakers X. they we want docs whatever like we're allowed to change your moods and we need it and music is so good for like helping you feel different feels and that song helped me understand how other lake how we're all feeling during this time they put it in such a good way and when I saw it we saw the video twice and when I saw the be the first time I didn't read the lyrics so I kind of wasn't paying attention so please share it and yeah %HESITATION super heavy and yeah and then when you read the lyrics like oh shit that's why he's acting like that like %HESITATION okay get out so okay cool yeah I only listen through it once or watch the video yeah please check it with the later guys S. thank you well probably for when you're ready go to I just because I got all excited when I first read about you guys being from Delhi and all that I live in a household people could give a shit about sports my entire life I have been a Philadelphia Eagles fan the seventy Sixers ran an applier span yeah I never really stand I way Anaheim angels was my team the league specially the eagles fan error you guys being from Philly are you thank you kind of have to be %HESITATION get stabbed in Philly if you're not right okay yeah I'll beat you we we are %HESITATION we're we're big on the Sixers this season we just got harden which is sales so it you know two games of them so far as himself on a watch yeah the birds got some work to do yeah it's tough being the eagles fan he added there is that we watch the Super Bowl together and %HESITATION was it eighteen yeah %HESITATION yeah yeah yeah yeah al's pulled it out and did his thing and that was like or U. S. glorious day %HESITATION well wholly unexpected I mean the end so amazing the seventy Sixers are in third place do they've won thirty seven games this season let's take a look what is growing up like I was I remember I mean I'm not a huge and be a family member you know like Allen Iverson those times and stop the Sixers just you know such amazing teams and then fucking hockey the flyers the history there yeah okay yes on broad okay on city to be a sports fan and and and after tragic losses I call my dad and he's just like well John you're a Philadelphia sports fan I'm sorry at welcome to my entire life that sums it up full disclosure the only reason the only reason I know anything about basketball this year is because fish it was supposed to play Madison Square Garden for new years and we have tickets and I got your host pone until April twentieth unless the Knicks make the playoffs but the next in some like fish meme accounts being like %HESITATION you know the next %HESITATION like turn it on now on everyone's free the Sixers beat the next today so that six is a pro fish yeah they're doing their job yeah there is that it's not gonna happen it's fine we're all right we're going to New York now it's going to be on your at the god yeah never been either never never been to New York City and so %HESITATION No Way Out my goodness me I I was born in New York so I've been I'm excited for this it's the best I can't wait I can't fucking wait and also came with you guys to come out west man yeah I got a link up and really bad I hope we can catch a show and hang on one second I'm gonna I'm gonna stop recording all right it's safe it's safer back I was a big penis that was you brought so that everybody can follow you on social media and listen to your music and find out where you're gonna be Plano stuff can you give them the details yeah yeah I %HESITATION the website little stranger music dot com Instagram and just about everything is just little stranger music altogether it's %HESITATION I think I I think we're now the top in terms of searching just little stranger there's a book in a movie black statute was boring and and you're not yeah we're we're about to crush well you guys thanks man and like I said earlier you got you got family important yeah please please stay in touch and let us know when you guys got here will will break bread and have your hi Sonya may we're excited to see where you guys man I'm I'm I'm pulling for you no matter what you all do and seriously you guys if you if you need help promoting anything hit me up I'll put it on our page and put in our stories and talk about on the show and all that so anything we can do to help and it just keep having fun man you guys got a heck of a two were ahead of you at these festivals and everything all that needs most C. N. C. on down the road I actually take all right later he all that was super fucking fun yeah well this guy's really really sweet yep it I I still they're magicians as far as I'm concerned when you can do what you guys listening go watch one of their videos at the sugar shack session we never even possible to sure I had it was a thing on the these guys do so much and they have so many performance I'll say it once again go on YouTube go to their channel on YouTube and they have that elixir so many different things that they have out there to watch and listen to it you're gonna be amazed you'll see what I was talking about right it's hard to tell where one starts and the other one begins lyrically and and it's so intertwined and seamless it's a trip I'm excited to go listen again now you know how we have only two people we always get pumped up go outside listen to their music especially on a Sunday yeah and it really helps kind of like really underline the conversation that we had and make me a real fan of that and that goes for you guys to men because when you're done listening to the conversation I would suggest putting on their music because you just got to know these guys a little while you're good at that too one the music on so that they can hear it %HESITATION yeah you guys are here so yeah all right here you go they have since I have made common jazz camp but the G. is one of the new self mustache to get get it crashed just play in a separate agenda but enjoyable blend of Japanese Sunday he did not expect the company to one it but they never texted I'm not particular about fake wants us to be by fifty everything in the expanded X. needs to be fixed DC to def jam yes ma'am the feeding either from our best laid just stand to believe doing so much ink on the coast when you do it for you but the straight but the this is the number I got it no comments nice to be set up to does that sound like you want to send it back to my second one is three straight they got me Bob I don't excel got downstairs Gimme to crafting it itself receive sending when did you get to back to back please give me give me some approach this is like to try to shop on my way to see it is like a freak on a leash she showed the priest to get meeting participants and if the second opinion I like them apples apple I love is a good song apples yeah I was good the songs are good science in town to folks we are going to continue on with the show now Melanie we are yeah we're gonna keep going are we Arent but first here's us talk a word from us when our sponsors yes our yes here in the Portland area we have an awesome awesome dispensary defined premium cannabis two locations one in Hillsboro the other in forest Grove and when you go there you gonna tell him that you listen to no simple road where they can do for you apple well would you tell us that we are going to give you ten percent off your purchase we're gonna hook you up with some stickers and things and you get a free T. shirt yep and where and with that T. shirt you can wear it back that's an extra five percent on top that ten percent every time you come in and say your listener for total of fifteen percent and you know why you can use that I'm very proud to say that we are now one of the carriers of Garcia's hand picked premium cannabis yes his premium yeah we sold out our first batch already we have a few pre rolls left and they are coming out with companies in the next week or two U. shaped like the carpets all the stuff is just amazing and we're very fortunate be carrying it so come on out to one of our locations I'm always at the Goldsboro one Monday through Friday %HESITATION come floating out the doors doing something then come tender but we'll take our time with you in this difficult world cannabis and get you suited up with the right medicine that's right define premium cannabis go out there it's one of the only places you can get the gear Garcia's hand picked flower and other stuff here in the Portland area Hillsborough forest Grove C. apple okay for real this time we're back hi for real yeah this is reality and is now what all right well that is subjective to that is true it's sometimes it's hard to tell now he added he is fleeting and if you're right on that all right get new mills new album this drop right come in outlook I'm not even gonna say what it is because I do have the name of my album and it's gonna be one my production company have the name of that too no one's gonna notice already know what it is I know it's it's cute cute actions in the past %HESITATION cute enough for you next sometimes two times to the Cuban leader cute all over again thank you little stranger for being cute and they are Q. M. and you guys are amazing and gracious and and final fucking fun to hang out with and talented and thank you again for spending time with no simple wrote we really do appreciate it and %HESITATION all of you out there make sure to do the things that we do nowadays in twenty twenty two following things on social media and all that leaving reviews and passing the word on like Hey man I just got hip to little stranger so should you that's right so all right here's the scoop it's Tuesday the three of us Sir get ready to pack our bags and truck on down to Ventura actually we're hosting an entire band %HESITATION that's right we're not leaving yet the right I sure am the entire band Apollo sons is here at the house with us right now yeah yep that's happening that is adding opening okay full disclosure it's Saturday right now we are trying to pretend like it's Tuesday attending so we can't give you any like %HESITATION remember when ed did this because they aren't here yet but they will be here on Monday so yeah welcome guys we just thoroughly confused you and that's what we do best what we do yeah if you hang on it is a fantastic Saturday afternoon in Portland Oregon we are looking outside at the trees and the little birds recording you for you guys for everybody that's listening out there you know I was thinking about this last night it is podcasting has become ubiquitous in in twenty twenties right nine I've heard podcasting is the new business card and everybody has a fucking podcast and blah blah blah here's the thing not everybody has a podcast that they do twice a week not everybody has a podcast of the do about live music not everybody has a podcast that they do where they interact with their community right and a podcast can seem silly because so many people are doing it but when I remember sitting on the porch doing this for maybe we had been doing it for six eight months and realizing holy shit this is what I want to do for the rest of my life like this all the things that I'm good at all the stuff that I'm into all of that has like come together in this one thing that was specifically made for me N. it's a it's a trip to %HESITATION to be doing this nowadays with the pool of podcast so deep N. try to do I say this in keeping it relevant I personally I don't think that we are irrelevant and we've never been irrelevant only because we have such different guests on the show and because we're doing it twice a week sometimes once a week but at least four shows a month let's say that the weekly were checking and sometimes eight times a month sometimes six times a month whatever but we're talking about current situations were talking about apple's new albums it doesn't matter how many podcasts come out there are catalog is deep relevant and exciting yes and our approach is completely different to if you're our listen learn new leads your new listener or listener well listening to this this is something that you will listen or we and even artists we've had on these are these are not we don't go out this is like an interview these are conversations with people that we admire and love and at and that's what's different about it but the the thing that it's difficult it think about the internet right N. the internet is so vast there's so many websites that you don't know about products that you don't know about things that you just will never see big not because you don't care or because %HESITATION you wouldn't buy it or watch it or listen whatever you just don't know because there still is a loss okay and that's how podcasting is like you can have the dope as fucking show out there but if people don't know it's it's tough well it does things do get lost your right things get lost on the internet %HESITATION and another thing is when you compare yourself to other things what weather to another podcaster what other people are doing it's you're it it's never good but I really feel like our podcast reaches who it's supposed to and it could be way bigger it could be way smaller and the way that I know that %HESITATION I I should say I measure my success %HESITATION with the podcast is when we go out and we interact with the people yeah that's literally my measure of success that's my a report card that's my hi fi will handle that when you interact with people like you so like for example when we were at pigeons and the guy leans over and was like kind of interrupts my conversation with my friends and was like Hey I just wanted to say thank you for your podcast I really appreciate it I listen to the sponge episode Dr lake and you know kind of continued and to me and if he's the only one that heard it and said it that's successful he liked it he reached out he knew who I was so all of those factors to me that's that's working the fact that we can fly across the country and people are welcoming us with open arms the fact that we keep people reach out and offer us their homes into vacation the fact that people reach out and pick us up from the airport when we get to a new town that we don't know I mean I can go on and on there so many examples of the personal success of what no simple road has given us I think that which is not just the numbers aspect we just had a a a conversation with Pappy pappi from cabinet if you guys don't know who cabinet is you should go gesture by now awesome and that's for an upcoming episode but reason I bring that up we talked to him a little bit about what success means to him yeah and %HESITATION you wanna know what do you member descent well yes of course I do go ahead he said he measures success by being able to take care of his brothers and that's what he did the best family well he elaborated but that's his measure of success is to take care of the people that are around him and that he loves yeah and I I thought a lot about that I think that my %HESITATION my idea of what that means for myself and this has changed a lot since recently earned just over the course of overtime years that we've done this like that the idea of what that meant has changed a lot I think at first it was I was very %HESITATION focused on the numbers cited things like how many downloads we had many people are listening people are listening and I've kind of gotten away from that I mean I pay attention to it because we're it's a business and you have to kind of pay to you got to pay attention to your sales but %HESITATION I I gotta agree kind with what you said it's it's a trip to go somewhere and have people no US just because of this it's beyond ever knowing just in our house it goes beyond knowing in the sense that they're willing to do things with us and interact with us in ways that you normally wouldn't act with the little stranger hahaha I sign into no but seriously you go do it think about this you you gotta say you're going to like you know Argentina you've never been there you're not from there you don't have family there no one's waiting for you you walk out and somebody's like Hey the hairy right over here come in my car annually how do you know my name's not hairy whatever it's literally that's what Nate did for us and we didn't know Nate and you know from behind the scenes but we didn't know Nate you know what I mean for the shows on B. and N. eighty dogs okay yeah that's what I'm saying is that like it isn't just knowing us they're going beyond the just knowing us and they're bringing us into their lives there I'm gifting us things there lake supporting us you know through patriarch through people sending us stuff in I guess the way that I would measure success is how proud I am of what I do and the interactions that I have with people that's what makes me proud when they can say I love that episode %HESITATION that was a really cool band thanks for introducing me or if the bands are like that episode was awesome thank you so much thanks bye back to Pappy yet cabinet he was like appreciative of us reaching out and being interested in his band that success to me what about you up what is it what is six how do you measure that what's the number one thing is the same thing we all just said is one going going out to places and being recognized and meeting new people all the time like that pigeons dis met several new connection every time we go somewhere we leave with a bigger family community whatever whatever you wanna call it family community you know you know what I mean that yes more it's growing and growing that and that that's most flattering thing to me and we have not just in the United States we have listeners like when you when you pull up like the demographics inside we we have like listeners on all continents you know on this globe that's amazing you know then it sprinkled all over the place eight and I did I just that that's the major thing to me and then the other one we just talked about it and start we talk about a lot of our interviews when we hit the point of not having to be the ones always reaching out to get gas then and now we are sought after to help promote that to help promote people's new albums to have newer bands on whatever it may be we have people reaching out to us to me that success to you it's like we're we're looked at as like Hey this is somebody that can help us and then it but it always becomes mutually help each other yeah it's a worthwhile it yeah that that that started happening like here and a half ago were a memory tell your like they're reaching out to us now and that they %HESITATION they not only does that make a little easier on you getting things scheduled and stuff but that's really flattering yeah Ted to have people like Hey this is who we want to help promote what we're doing and this is who we want to be friends with if we were making literally like making a product like you know no simple road peanuts or whatever people are ordering peanuts they want to taste or peanuts you know and then they're like he's done nuts okay that's it but you know what I mean like they're they're giving bags to their friends yeah you know then what when we show up there like we're reading your peanuts so that's if you're making a product people are enjoying it and that's a measure of success and the other thing is like you mentioned may and all those guys we've mentioned several times on here one when we're creating new friend sure that friends around the country still through our through our podcast they're coming together that was one of our intentions at the beginning this is to put the kinda help build to build community and that's happening throughout so that says to me he's like Nate sent me that picture of him in nola and %HESITATION and buzz N. he was like you did this body Anna that was a moment for me where I was like wow we are successful like that the family is growing and we're not even there and they're enjoying shows together in group texting and involved in each other's lives and know each other's families and kids and we get birthday here's looking at %HESITATION Daniel Shapiro son like that right they're like yeah he's sending out pictures of his baby to the no simple road cast that is fucking rad and then that's what they did that's another thing too is all look like with the hash tag stuff is is we get no simple road on so many things now for listeners and performers I think that when we I don't think when we first started I was very focused on the money and the numbers of the show like which is so weird because when you first start late literally first started you this was not a business venture for you know but a but once I realized that I wanted to do this for a living I wanted to get there as fast as possible do you know what I mean I know it I live with the baby okay I figured it out let's do it I did there there doesn't need to be in in between and that that's why I was focused on %HESITATION and over the past four years like I've that's changed so much in just grateful just seeing people's the people's faces that listen to the show and like that's seeing a sticker of ours somewhere that I didn't put it for some seeing her so somebody has to address like I said another one it's just amazing %HESITATION for me the other thing to have brought it up it is working in the cannabis industry in Oregon in a it's a pretty big industry up here and I look at weekly find out that we have more listeners in the cannabis industry because a lot of them have a lot of time to have us in their role neither set their treatment but packaging but time in the garden and out doing sales driving and they just thank you Oregon cannabis community all of you out there yeah there's a lot of you for being supporters of us every time I hear a I I take I I'm very fair skinned I know I blush a lot I do I get bill I get kind of lost in late August so now with the masks on it again yeah if it just fills its bills so good to be supported by your peeps yeah I mean it really does and the no simple road family is a real thing yeah that's a real deal that's not just some bullshit like catch phrase I say at the beginning of every episode well it's a real thing even if it was a bullshit cap catchphrase initially it's definitely not that anymore like they look at all the people that I text and all of them that are current I would say more than half were from the show well I I just want all of you out there to know that it is not lost to the three of us that the only reason that there is any of this quote unquote success is because of you guys it's a hundred percent because you listen to the show and %HESITATION we're really grateful for all you and %HESITATION really grateful that spring is here and the festival season is right around the corner and that three of us are heading down to Ventura to go to school and roses right now and %HESITATION wish us luck you know it it it's a trip because back in March of twenty twenty %HESITATION skull and roses was the first major cancellation for us %HESITATION it was gone roses and then %HESITATION northwest string summit those are the two big festivals and %HESITATION two two years have gone by since we last did skull and roses and the first golden roses experience that we had was so monumental for the three of us it was so much fun I remember it I don't know why I am to have kind of a shaky memory with a lot of things that I remember that festival so vividly lake I remember when we first got there I remember the lady out I remember our Airbnb lake it was it was monumental was it was the first it was an epic first for the show and Dennis and all of his support which he was supportive really before he met us and then upon meeting us we just were able to like harness and grow that relationship even more and it was I don't it's just it was hard to erase from my memory you know it was just like such a pivotal time it's still a trip to me like a couple of days ago I was working this is like two o'clock in the afternoon N. my phone rings and I looked down and it says Dennis McNally and I just you know like nothing Hey Dennis what's up more talking weird figure things out for the coming week and I hung up the phone and I was like wow like Dennis McNally just called my phone and I'm just like standing on my porch talking to the guy that wrote the book on Jerry Garcia and Matt and manages the ed and and that's just the thing that happens now in the day and it is such a trip to be in that space and be who I am and have that be a normal thing I think it's kind of normal it's not it's not well I say that because I am behind the scenes I see all of the interactions I mean and not a hundred percent because you're doing a lot of them but I am your wife so I when you talk about it and all that stuff like I'm I'm seeing all of the work that's going into it it's not like happenstance no N. N. but there's something to be said for like it's like reading a fantasy book and then you're meeting the characters that were in that fantasy book and now they're calling you on the phone yeah but I mean we're in real life though it be but this wasn't it wasn't that so do you get what I'm saying yeah but the listen to what I'm saying grateful that's always been real see if it you have to do another you have to have another house we were able to maybe like a you know watching a movie and then will Smith comes up and slapping picked up getting what you want to throw that in there I don't know find I. Joe yeah it does and we're you know pop culture but no it like you know what I'm saying yeah it's just it's it it's still fascinating to me it's still surreal it still says that's a better word surreal and it's not like I'm not taking that for granted where it's like yeah of course the new and I'm not like that like I'm still no sign that the other day I caught you know as watching your out there like yeah whatever yeah that was me actually that it's always such a hard and fine line to come up with when you want to be assertive confident feel proud of what you've done but also be humble and be respectful and you know make sure that you're not an asshole is Mr business side of me like the odd casting Erin guy that guys like yeah right we just talk Dennis no big deal like this let's get on with our daily we test things out but the eighteen year old dead head that lives inside of my brain is like holy fucking shit man yes I did that I know we have this eighteen year old person in my head at all anymore she's been gone thank god that girl's dead super deep band still geek out on all this do you yeah in my head yeah yeah he played so cool dude that won't cause you gotta do I know but apple you are supremely cool when it comes to the shit it was a way I been lucky what do you mean well we all have at times I was lucky enough to like that %HESITATION back when I was still that so with that slightly twenty years old then started to get to go with my my friend Mike to go see all these bands in the band so at that young age I got used to being backstage and conducting yourself as just part of the crew or whatever yeah and not but in my head at the same time like holy shit that was rob zombie yeah yeah but on the outside it's a it's like a what's up dude find great great show tonight well and it's funny that you're laughing bay because like you're like that too so we know how to conduct are like you know I grew up no where near the entertainment industry or anybody famous or anything like that but then we get married in Muhammad Ali's holding My Baby N. M. A. L. L. E. Hopkins is giving with my daughter acting advice and lake seeing frigging George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the grand ballroom of the bill Lazio and just normal big no big deal that's when I was doing all that shit like what you fucking believe so it is it's just I guess it's good at it groomed to me in that sense to be like we belong here it never occurred to me that we didn't belong here because I was just with my family right doing normal stuff I was at a bar mitzvah I wasn't doing anything okay ordinary a bottom it's on your right I was the I was in a bar mitzvah I wasn't well you know if a bar is for a boy and a pot grower yeah okay I didn't know that yeah so that I guess the our our marriage is really well groomed me for this type of background that makes sense I mean I I remember being five six years old and being backstage like on the wings of a Vegas stage like playing with hot wheels and shit remember we don't do John him okay how he was talking about the bouncy ball and all yes so another element is our daughter and her husband Blake they're both in the entertainment industry she's on billboards and in movies and and magazine magazines and all that stuff and so it's it's never like I'm I'm appreciative but I guess like I said just a minute ago I just been groomed and I've been able to I'm really not just appreciate it but learn how to handle it a little bit more %HESITATION ace fully thank you I I think the point I'm trying to get across is like five years and I'm still as grateful and blown away that were part of this thing as I was on fucking day one like the fact that we're even going to skull and roses festival is it it's not like Donald loss it's like oh shit we're we're a part of this I just remember that like I'm getting teared up thinking about it driving down our street talking about going into a live podcast from terrapin crossroads and how what a big fucking deal that is that was and still feels the same way right now as it did then and like just knowing that like we get to do this what one of the things that still gets me it is when we did skull and roses and Dennis came to us afterwards I was like I like work with you guys you listen to everything I said like him calling us professionals is an ad in our air might add right actually me an error and more so that even you ability to consider the jackasses we were yeah and and that like we would do it with nobody tells us what to do to be called like professional by a person like that and to be admired and invited on site on on to that loss and everything still blows me away kinda lately because there's still that like one of the reasons that blew my mind was when we were considered media I don't know why that was such a big deal for me personally but I was like media we're I remember that you're right we're not media and I was like well that's exactly what I had like I don't sometimes my head god knows god love it god knows where because I just hope my thoughts and sometimes what comes out my mouth don't make sense and that's not what I need but yeah we are fucking media of course we are but in my head it just wasn't like that we're just million in apple so what we're horribly deal yeah yeah exactly what do we do ask we're not taking pictures like what it wants a interviewing musicians out on media you might have about like like news reporter for the like we're here with the breaking news on skull and roses two nine will you do a segment like that while we're down there I totally could you get to live tonight first to Alan Cummins St with Mars %HESITATION till later after that we'll have a big city I didn't know you could do that yeah I can do yeah I can look into doing what you doing member I told you about segments of my idea where we're going to do that for our first I like acne where we have a couple little fun things that are we haven't talked about is that the three of us but we're gonna be doing get you a fedora with that with the little card that goes across and kneels a radio here yeah well one of the one like exaggerate kind of goes out the Alice in Wonderland press yeah the mad hatter within hours yeah okay we're going to find you the hat when were it shut down that I've always like look you know that I have always liked actin statement speech and drama background all through high school and stuff I love that stuff all right we're gonna we're gonna have a look at eighteen listen it's Tuesday right now and we are down to the wire there are still tickets available if yes it's and we just put you over the line you want to come hang out with the three of us and see some amazing Grateful Dead music this weekend Ventura county fairgrounds at the Ventura Raceway and not just see music there is also some vendors that are gonna be there pick up your new favorite skirt or scarf or fedora also get a Grateful Dead Terrel reading with the creators of the Grateful Dead Tero Aaron Landy they're doing read home literally feel the vibes of the ocean Grateful Dead family and the music think about that right there I'm so feel the vibe of that don't buy anything just come get your ticket and come in and feel it they do have single day tickets available so if you can't come camp and do the whole thing yeah come Friday night or Saturday night or Sunday afternoon and hang out the schedule is up on %HESITATION skull and roses dot com to see what night your favorites in Satcher therefore if it'll make one night I don't think starts at eleven I also posted the schedule on but on our Instagram no separate yes ma'am yeah man this is this is going to be something in N. I just wanna lay out to the universe that I am so fucking grateful to be a part of all of this and %HESITATION I just want to do the best job we can for it and really like do it justice it's not lost on us everybody we're still three people doubt that %HESITATION super stoked to be being listened to by you really truly read that yeah yeah you're listening to us we're appreciative of it the people that we get to meet we're so grateful for the shows in the content that we put out we are happy to do it and when we meet you it it H. is in our mind it it doesn't go away now listen I have to give you an update on one last thing before we go Darwin a couple weeks ago hurt his leg on the night of pigeon the night of pigeons playing ping pong and was having a really hard time and %HESITATION I was extremely worried about him the vet came and he got seen and he is doing much better I'd like to happily report to all of you that your prayers and thoughts in love and attention through the cosmic telephone lines have found him and he's feeling a lot better his eyes are nice and bright his tail is wagging again you still limping a little right and right now he's the Cutie he is just flopped laid out across his bed with his little Grammy blanket just he say is name the perks that he's out he's out you know it it's become more apparent lately since we moved the studio downstairs what a huge part of the show Darwinist %HESITATION yeah guys don't see it but he provides the in the behind the scenes and again for us as far as %HESITATION yeah and that's a that's energy yeah waking us up that way a little tired he is literally laying in front of the table or next to us for every interview and now I can lay behind he likes the way this is now because now I can come behind you before you could even get close to you to Erin is that men Miller on the both ends so he can come up to us by Aaron errands is homeboy yeah yeah I just want to say thanks to all of you and let you know he's feeling better thank you for all the yeah and thoughts and all the wonderful kind shit you guys did it it really did I mean believe it or not it did help I absolutely believe it I know I said it may be liar last show or the couple shows ago but putting that out on my Instagram and all the love that I got in the %HESITATION the messages that I got a little well wishes I believe in that shit I believe in energy and you're praying for my doggy and thinking about good thoughts for him thank you so freaking much because he really responded so I also want to know we all do and I'm sure by out there that the power of intention but yeah there is it's amazing he would she stop happen all the time we love you guys we will be back Thursday Thursday again this week we're doing two episodes I will be back Thursday with Jennifer Hardwick %HESITATION %HESITATION one of my favorite interviews that we've ever done the content of our conversation her energy the just her I didn't expect to love her so much not for any reason I just didn't know it yet yeah so stay tuned be prepared for an amazing episode this Thursday thanks for listening to this one thanks for being part of our no simple road family in helping us get to where we are today yeah you are the measure of our success thanks for letting us have a little stranger into your allies this and this week and coming out with this man I'd like to see all your spoken smiling faces and give all your hood doubts going roses so we'll see you next week we'll be back with more start now we'll see Thursday yeah more stuff and things that Jennifer Hart's week take care yourself smile at a stranger safety third wash your dirty broken hands make sure to tell people to listen thank you