No Simple Road's Weekly Rewind Vol. 76

00:00 - Aaron (Host)

Why can't every day be like this? No, simple road. Yeah, no, I've been on that road. Too dark of night and if you go, no one may follow that path is full. It's death's alone. Yeah anyway.

00:39 - Aaron (Host)

So hey, hey now. No simple road family. Welcome back to the no simple road weekly rewind, brought to you in collaboration with the Edible Beets out of Denver, colorado.

00:49 - Mel (Host)


00:49 - Aaron (Host)

Beets yeah, you don't know what they are. You should go check out the Edible Beets on Google. Like Google it Ediblebeetscom. Yep that. And then, if you're in the Denver area, there's five restaurants that you can go check out and they are beyond farm to table. This is like next level food with a lot of intention, owned by really dope people that are taking care of the people that work there from the heart and please they're doing it right yeah. Go, go support the edible beads man.

01:18 - Apple (Host)

I just got to throw in because I haven't said it a bit. I personally am looking so forward to finally one day eating at l5, hopefully when we go to dicks we need this year I'm gonna cut.

01:30 - Aaron (Host)

I'm gonna make a time apple I have great news for you, dude. What's that? I haven't told you this yet. Parsia, who is our our liaison over at edible beats, told me in an email this week that when we come to town to let them know, and they are going to hook us up with a meal.

01:50 - Apple (Host)

So there you go, buddy, we just kind of carve it out, because it's in the evening. They don't open till five so we gotta work. We gotta go an extra day, we gotta put an extra day just to make it to.

02:01 - Aaron (Host)

L5, you know we are. This is not. I'm pulling back the no Simple Road curtain for everybody right now. This is not set yet so this is a pre-announcement announcement, but we're trying to put together a podcast, a live podcast on the day before the Dicks run at a place soon to be named here on the show, and, um, that means we'll be in town the day before. Heck, yeah, yeah there you go um.


We have a special guest in the studio today that's right we do so, if you listen to the kyle tuttle episode and you listen to the intro. You heard our friend dan and many of you were probably like okay, like who's dan well who are you dan um who is dan dan, I am from la.

02:58 - Dano (Guest)

I'm a friend of the family um, specifically through Mel's and Aaron's daughter Sid. Yeah, I'm a good friend. I like to do video and started working with her a few years ago and got introduced to the no Simple Road family up here. I have to tell you how tickled I am right now to be here, because I feel like I come full circle. I met you guys a couple years ago.


I've been listening to you online and it's like kind of comfort food for my ears because it reminds me of being back here, Specifically when I listen to your show, it feels like I'm up there on the porch because that's my favorite place honestly I appreciate that the porch


is special and listening to you guys talk and um it just ever. You know I have kind of busy in the past few years, but I sit down and listen to an episode and it kind of brings me back to this place, but now to actually be here physically it's kind of blowing my mind it's so a little flustered.

04:02 - Apple (Host)

Oh, come on that I got to say it's awesome to have you on the podcast with us because Dan got his. Last year Dan flew in and met us up in Denver for the Dicks Run. Well, he was there for the Thursday show of the Dicks Run and came in a day early to meet us at ophelia's to to come and video and photograph the that whole event and continue to photograph and do things at the fish show and he got to see his first fish show with us dan has my favorite post fish comment ever from from dix.

04:45 - Aaron (Host)

last year the show ended and I turned around and looked at it. I was like how did you? How'd you like it, dan? He was like I feel like I just got deprogrammed.

04:55 - Dano (Guest)

Yeah truly, truly that that was a mind blowing experience. Honestly, I've been to big shows, but that one was huge. Yeah that was huge, but for everybody being on the same page too, like all the nice people that we met in the parking lot, up front and walking around.

05:12 - Aaron (Host)

Ice cold fatties.

05:14 - Apple (Host)

Yeah, you got a great introduction to fish up there.

05:17 - Dano (Guest)

You got like good weather and everything, and everybody's in a good mood and all the different music and everything. Yeah, man.

05:25 - Aaron (Host)

I still think about that. Every Phish show is a great Phish show, but the night that you went was a smoker of a show. That was the first night of the run.

05:37 - Mel (Host)

And our seats where we were sitting. Just everything seemed to be so tailor-made for your first experience. For us, we've been there before. Everything seemed to be so tailor-made for your first experience. Like you know, for us we've been there before, so we know the venue a little bit. But going there and like where our seats were and just the family that came to be around us and where we stayed, and it just was a very unforgettable, special, special time.

06:03 - Apple (Host)

And I would say you definitely liked the fish, because I remember Thursday night after the show for a little while you were trying to think of a way to stay for more shows. But you were juggling so many things. You're like I got to go back to LA, I got things to do, I got work, but he got hooked.

06:22 - Aaron (Host)

Well, dan, we do need a videographer this year for the live podcast. If we pull it off, that would be a dream come true.

06:29 - Dano (Guest)

honestly, I recognize and I appreciate how special that trip was, especially with the crew that we stayed with at the house. They were like this is your first time dude.

06:39 - Aaron (Host)

They gave me a hat and stickers. Oh, that was putt.

06:43 - Apple (Host)

Long strange putt. Yeah, oh yeah, that's right. You got to meet Sean and you got to meet Andrew, and that's really how the community is.

06:52 - Mel (Host)

You know you go into that and people they find out it's your first show or say like your 50th or your 100th or something crazy like that, and people are stoked for you and it's pure. They don't want anything, you know, it's just like I felt that do it.

07:08 - Dano (Guest)

It felt very special, like I I mentioned, like it was like a curated experience with like a guide, with guides, multiple guides, yeah, taking you through this and yeah it's good to have a guide at your first show that's all everybody.

07:22 - Apple (Host)

It's a fish fan. That's like one of our dreams, is like chirping somebody on their first show didn. That's all everybody.

07:25 - Mel (Host)

That's a Fish fan. That's like one of our dreams is like ushering somebody on their first show.

07:28 - Apple (Host)

Didn't you? You all got them a pin in the lot, didn't you?

07:32 - Mel (Host)

That was my first show from gosh. No finesse, I can't think of the name. I'm so sorry.

07:40 - Dano (Guest)

We stopped by their booth. I think we stopped by their booth. I think it's on my desk. It's on my editing desk.

07:46 - Mel (Host)

Veronica. Yeah, veronica, we got it from her.

07:51 - Aaron (Host)

If you have been a listener of no Simple Road for a long time. Actually, Dan shot our first promo video ever in 2018. In the winter of 2018, Dan shot a promo video for us when we were still out on the porch with the snowball mics and rider was still here and the whole thing.

08:10 - Mel (Host)

Man, it's uh I still look at that every once in a while and wax nostalgic about it um, it's a trip to think about how far we've come, like with what we do with the show and like the content, like it's very similar but very different.

08:27 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, some would say Not simple. What a long strange trip, it's been.

08:34 - Mel (Host)

Well, I just mean, like you know, nothing would have prepared us to go in the direction that we went in, do you think?

08:43 - Aaron (Host)

that, like you, couldn't plan this no because it's all, it's an improv.

08:51 - Mel (Host)

Our, our show is improvisational by nature. We come on the mic and we're not scripted. We all decide who we want on the show. It's's not given to us, there's no suggestion. And you know, like, if, if, like, like dance here, we're like Dan, do you want to come on? Like that's an improv, like there's. No, we didn't say, oh, dan's going to be in town, we're going to do shows with Dan when he's here, and no, these things just kind of sometimes people need to hear that. I believe that, like people be like, oh, you know, that was my first show that Dan saw too, and you know some, something will come out of it somehow, and I think that that's why it's one of the special things about no simple road is that it's kind of like rolling the die. You know the dice.


It like like snake eyes comes up, or like you know double set, you know like it's a really cool way to to have a show, and I know that, like sometimes, if you say like if we were on on um, like real tv, like nbc or something you can't do, that you, you have to?

09:55 - Aaron (Host)

no, just balls out, go for it, no see what happens. No, that's not allowed.

09:59 - Mel (Host)

Yeah but that the I think the one of the things I love about podcasting in general is that you can make an entire episode about shampoo and you know what I mean.

10:10 - Apple (Host)

Like it could be about anything, yeah, yeah you can the wash your hair podcast?

10:15 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, Sponsored by Mel. Sponsored by Perth no.

10:18 - Mel (Host)

I just mean that it can just go in any direction that you want, for as long as you want, for as thorough as you want, without needing to stop for any reason you know, and, like you know you, you hear our sponsors coming in and out, but it's not. You're not inundated and it's still. You know we're going for 15, 20, 30 minutes long without any interruptions. You know what I'm saying. So, like it's just a different, the format lends itself to feeling like you're part of whatever the podcast is doing.

10:44 - Apple (Host)

Yeah, yeah, and I'd love that all of that, like you just said, it lends to us just being able to be ourselves yes and not have to script things or think about it too much. And I know one thing that aaron really loves and we love. Now we've been doing this long enough that people reach out to come on the show makes my job so much?


yeah, it's not just having to figure out who we want next which we do that but to have return guests and people that reach out you know that just want to be on the show because they think it'll fit what they do.

11:16 - Mel (Host)

It's very gratifying yeah and also like kind of getting things like strung together on the show, like Dan was saying, like it feels like it's full circle Right, and like having Scotty back on after the winter wonder grass run and like having Sean and Meg and Darren and Jordan back on the show after the sphere, like we can weave all of our like serendipitous lines together for the people and the people that have been listening for a long time. They get it yeah, you know and maybe maybe somebody.


If you're new maybe may or may not get it, but there's all the people that we've had on that um support us. Maybe they've been um past sponsors or something, or they're just our personal friends and they're with us on this ride and it's kind of cool to like be on the inside and on the outside here, you know what?

12:09 - Aaron (Host)

I mean here's the real, like insider secret of nsr is it's the same thing for us, like the same thing is happening for us. We, like mel said it's not scripted, so the whole thing's unfolding for us the same way it's unfolding for you guys. We just happen to be a couple of weeks ahead of you and know what's coming out. True, other than that, we're on the ride with you, man.

12:35 - Apple (Host)

Yeah, we don't know what's going to happen next.

12:37 - Dano (Guest)

That's where the magic happens, I think, and it comes across on the show. That's why I listen. You know, uh, your personalities, um, get to open up on the show and I think that's why people listen. And it's not just one and done and like, like you were saying, like guests come back and you get to see it's ongoing just like life and I love that you get to follow up and and hear about um what's happening.


You know to them a year later, a couple years later. I also like the um, the range of stuff that you guys do like you had a sleep dream, doctor yes, dr.

13:12 - Mel (Host)

Stephen eisenstadt thank you.

13:14 - Dano (Guest)

One of my favorite episodes, just so fascinating to listen to he's so.

13:18 - Mel (Host)

It's very fascinating and he does um retreats and workshops all up and down california, all around the country, all around the world.

13:26 - Aaron (Host)

In fact, he's written several books and he's amazing yeah, you know, when we started doing this, like it was very grateful, dead heavy, and then it gave it like a direction at first right. Nothing wrong with that.

13:40 - Mel (Host)

No, I'm just saying like that just gave it a direction that like instead of like we have a podcast. Like about what?

13:45 - Aaron (Host)

Right, and then we moved into the wider jam band scene after that and started doing really heavily into that and now I feel like, well, back then you either had to be into the dead or into the jam band scene in order to like latch on to. No Simple Road to get it. Now, I don't feel like that.

14:06 - Dano (Guest)

I feel like like your boss fucking bought an nsr shirt the other day like anybody could listen to the show and I never thought that for us.

14:15 - Aaron (Host)

I always felt like it was gonna be um genre specific genre, genre specific, yeah, and, and it's kind of cool that that happened and now it's opened up and anybody is anybody's welcome.

14:31 - Mel (Host)

Well, I think it's really open because even back then, when we were concentrating more on jam band people, we still would have the occasional author or comedian but it was still like adjacent always. But I think that adjacent is fair for us because that's kind of where we're coming from. We love music. That's kind of what bonded us and made this. You know, ship start, you know going Start to sail, yeah.


So I think that that's always appropriate. But like it's in our lives, it's like who we are, it's what we're into, it's what's going on around us.

15:05 - Apple (Host)

Who we are, it's what we're into, it's what's going on around us and and I think that people can relate to- that, yeah, you know yeah it's all our interests for sure. Well, and then also I was gonna say, like the whole thing too we've said it before it's like we hold space for the jams yeah like like, where it's open for things to join guests to join house guests that are visiting to join.

15:23 - Aaron (Host)

Like like, it is open for improv the only, the only um thing that I'm sad about is we still haven't interviewed darwin well, and he's he's been on almost every we've talked about that. I mean we need to get that.

15:36 - Mel (Host)

Darwin is the person that you would want to ask, or I should say the being that you'd want to ask for any behind the scenes details yeah, if, if this is your first time listening Darwin's our dog. Darwin is our dog. He literally has well, not at every single one, but almost.

15:50 - Aaron (Host)

He's been in the house for everyone. We've got to interview him or he leaves this plane.

15:55 - Apple (Host)

It's just good luck. You've got to go through his personal assistant. It's a whole thing.

16:02 - Aaron (Host)

Dan, I want to ask after. It's a pain in the ass. Dan, I want to ask after your first FISH show besides being deprogrammed what did you come away with from that show?

16:19 - Dano (Guest)

It was such a wonderful experience for me to see that there are places like that. It was the biggest safe space I've ever been in my life. Wow about that show. Um, I live in la and there's, there's, it's a, it's a bubble, and I recognize this, and music can be very genre specific and if you're not in, a if you're not in the scene, you're not cool or whatever like that. I didn't.


I've never really cared so much about that, but uh, that's how it can be right now and this there there was people there from all walks of life, like in that parking lot there was like reggae playing, hip-hop playing.


They had, uh, spiritual people doing all their ceremonies in different booths and and that was kind of eye opening for me and it's nice to see that that still happens yeah um, because, again, like I, that was my first experience in something like that, um, but it there's people out there and those people like travel and do it all the time too. That's so that's that's kind of interesting, uh, for me too. So it's nice to have that in the back of my mind, like, oh, there's places like that and people getting down like that and having fun and letting loose, and yeah, it's a trip that.

17:37 - Aaron (Host)

that is what you came away with. Like when I went to my first Grateful Dead show in 1989 at the Forum in LA and before I ever even went into the show, like the lot was this like Alice in Wonderland, ren Faire, willy Wonka thing going on of people from all over the place and, like you said, traveling to do it, and everybody was getting along and like stoked to be there and really welcoming and that was the first thing that got me to was like wow hospitality.


You can. People can be nice, right and be different and they're not all in like. I was a punk rock kid at the time and I was like, wow, they're not even like into the same things, but they're still being cool to each other and you can do that.

18:35 - Dano (Guest)

You can do that exactly.

18:37 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, there's not like a vip section over here where, like I don't even look at us, or the jocks and the stoners and the punks and the no that just dissolves in the lot and yeah that that that lot was like for me at the fish show was um more than half the experience.

18:53 - Speaker 2 (Host)

Honestly like doing that was so fun of walking out there and you kind of prepped me.

18:59 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, I did my best.

19:00 - Dano (Guest)

This is what's going to happen. We're going to go and we're going to hang out before the show and everything and and um. But it's something else to actually be there and experience that. And we got it. We got to get back and it was cool. I want to, and it was cool that you guys know people there. You guys know people there like some. Some people had their booths there and everything. So again, I feel like I get to peek in a little bit behind the curtain too and all that how that world works and it's a weird world.

19:25 - Apple (Host)

It's so cool. Yeah, super sweet people I I love too at the, because me and dan were right next to each other the whole time and I just remember, after the show too, you said, or it was getting towards the end and you're in you'd. You said something like like you didn't want them to be done. Are they almost done? You're like my face hurts so bad from smiling, from smiling and laughing, and every year you're like, oh, oh, I hurt from all of this. It's so much fun and I love that you said that, that you took away that. That it's a. It feels like such a safe place, like it is. It's amazing.

20:01 - Mel (Host)

What's cool is that they continue to work to make it feel like a safe space, like it's not without its problems it's definitely had its issues in the past but it feels also like you know with places like GrooveSafe and you know different. Like you know with places like GrooveSafe and you know different things that are coming up to try to keep people aware, safe, conscious, responsible for themselves, and it's not just like by the wayside, it's part of the culture that they're trying to bring in, you know, or they're not even trying to bring in, but they bring in to keep, you know, regulated by ourselves and each other.

20:42 - Aaron (Host)

You know that they're not even trying to bring in, but they bring in to keep um you know, regulated by ourselves and each other. You know well. Well it's, it has to be that way.


Anytime you get people together, there's going to be nefarious well, you get carried away, you know people made sure something well, and to dan's point man, I, I know that, like I'm experienced at going to shows and doing the thing, but I know that I'm safe, like I I never even really thought about that till you just said it I know that if, like something were to happen to me at a show, I'm handled. There is everybody around me would take care of me. You know, and I I can't even say that at work, yeah, that's not typical. No, they'd be like call nine one one, let him foam out and whatever. You know you guys would make sure I was fine and that's invaluable.


yeah, these days, man feeling safe in large numbers absolutely is invaluable yeah, and everything it gives you such a comfort level to enjoy the show when you know that yeah, I guess if you were worried the whole time you couldn't really fully engage with the show.

21:58 - Apple (Host)

Yeah, like going in, like what if this happens? What if I do too much of something? It's like, oh no, all those things are fine, It'll all be handled, and we all look out for each other.

22:08 - Aaron (Host)

Just hide yourself.

22:10 - Apple (Host)

If somebody goes down we've seen it several times. Everybody is so attentive and taking care of each other.

22:16 - Mel (Host)

So, Apple, I want to transition slightly Slightly.

22:20 - Apple (Host)

Slightly transition.

22:22 - Aaron (Host)


22:23 - Mel (Host)

Happy birthday month brother. What Happy birthday month. That's right, it is. Dan's birthday month also. Well, actually Apple's a Gemini, because he's a little bit later on in the month. Oh, is that how?

22:33 - Dano (Guest)

that works. Yeah, I'm on the 26th.

22:35 - Mel (Host)

And this is a big one for you. Yeah, I'm on the 26th and this is a big one for you. This is a 55er.

22:39 - Apple (Host)

Yeah, 55. There's a whole lot of fives in this birthday. I was born at 5.55 am. I didn't believe. Why would I not believe my mom? But I never truly knew if that was true until I had to get a copy of my birth certificate many, many, many, many years ago for like proof of who I am, and saw it on there. So 555, I'm going to be turning 55 on the fifth month, yeah, and then my birthday is on the 26th. So that doesn't you know go into five.

23:11 - Mel (Host)

There's no fives there, but OK, like I just wanted to, you know, go out and do like, maybe like a little mini recap of your last year.

23:21 - Aaron (Host)

Not 2024. We want to hear about 55 years?

23:24 - Mel (Host)

No, but we want to hear about your 54 to 55, because there was so many changes that took place, dude, and I feel like we're living with a different man like truly in a lot of ways. In a lot of ways it's still similar, but there's a lot of change that has happened.

23:40 - Apple (Host)

Like to your core person oh, me majorly, because what kicked that off last year is about before I turned 54 is I had, you know, I had my hemorrhoid surgery, yeah, which had gotten rescheduled was supposed to be in march and then it got rescheduled because we had a wonderful ice storm again last year that's right which bumped it out a month.


So it was towards the end of April when I got the surgery done and I remember my birthday I was just just getting over healing. It'd been like five weeks or so, so that I mean that was a major life changer, because then I had to start being careful what I ate. The alcohol was gone. I was not drinking at all during any of that time. In fact I don't think I drank any. I think I had like a cocktail on my birthday or something, because it had been long enough of recovery.

24:31 - Mel (Host)

It was like one little celebration and that's what I think you didn't, because I remember you saying you didn't. This is the first time. You've never had a cocktail. You know what? You're right.

24:40 - Apple (Host)

I was like. I cannot remember the last time I didn't have a cocktail on my birthday. You're right. I didn't, I didn't, I probably had a root beer or something else Wait.

24:53 - Mel (Host)

Well, I mean that was a huge deal for you Cause maybe for 53, we would never have been able to say that no, come on, dude, don't drink.

25:02 - Aaron (Host)

You'd be like shut up. It's my birthday, you know what?

25:04 - Apple (Host)

I'm doing Drink a 12-pack. Where's the tequila?


I love you man, and that's where it started with me just looking at things as an older person, and I started getting healthier. I started started getting healthier. I started eating healthier, cutting crap out, because, I mean, one of the main things I never wanted to have to go through. The doctor even told me that after the hemorrhoid surgery was like now here they like give you information of what you should do and websites to go to, was like just follow this stuff and be careful and you're going to be fine, because do you want to go through this again? And the answer is absolutely no. So, but and ever since then, here it is, you know, over a year now, and it worked, I'm healthier.


And then, throughout, the year, you know, I turned 54.

25:56 - Mel (Host)

And you lost so much weight too.

25:58 - Apple (Host)

And then we did the whole summer and then I have gradually continued to lose weight. You know I was before the surgery I was like around 230, 225, just kind of staying there. I had plateaued at that and then it just slowly started coming off more all the way up to now, after going through the whole 30 and doing all these other things, I'm down to right around 200 and I lost it like good, you know, not fast, not dieting and stuff, and have kept it off. I went from a 38 waist to a 36 to a 34 now okay yeah, it's a big deal.

26:40 - Mel (Host)

Yeah, congratulations, you do look like half the man you see and I'm really proud of myself.

26:45 - Apple (Host)

You, you've all of a said it, and I'm really proud of myself because alcohol has been an issue in my family on both sides, with grandparents and uncles and this and that and my dad and it was with me, and now I'm finally to the point where I actually enjoy. I can have one drink and enjoy it and that's enough, and get to get a nice little buzz and get giggly which I can't remember being getting that from alcohol, since I was probably in my teens or or you know where my you know yeah and, like I did the other night, we went to the show with dan on dan's birthday to go see sago, our good friends and war paint.


And I had a beer with dinner one and it was just enough to feel right and don't don't get carried away.


And I actually enjoy the taste more because moderation it's a trip yeah yeah, and like sometimes I just when do you know me to turn down a beer Like that was so sweet of you when I came home from work last night and you're like, hey, I got a six-pack of this beer if you want one, and I was like you know, the old me would have been like hell yeah, I probably would have drank five of them while you drank one and gone back to the store to replace them, and then yeah, and so when I had, I stopped at the store.


Well, actually simon had got me one too. He got me a special root beer. I had a root beer instead. I was looking so forward to a cold root beer because it's been a little warmer and I came home, just sipped my root beer and enjoyed it, and you know, that's like my cheat now, instead of a bunch of bullshit.

28:22 - Aaron (Host)


28:23 - Apple (Host)

I've been leaning into the Pop-Tarts a little.

28:24 - Mel (Host)

lately I got to quit that After we watched the fucking movie Unfrosted.

28:29 - Apple (Host)

And that's what Amel, like you said, that's one of your guilty pleasures is Pop-Tarts and I was like, ooh, Pop-Tarts. I bought two boxes now and I'm done cherry pop-tarts.

28:39 - Dano (Guest)

Nobody shared no pop-tarts. Yeah, I didn't see a pop-tart.

28:43 - Apple (Host)

Oh, that was my secret. I shared with mel because she's such a pop-tart but the year, the year's been good, though it's.


It's been amazing. And then last year a huge thing too is I. You know I was out of work for four and a half five months after the surgery. I wasn't planning on being that long, I was trying to find work, but it was hard. And then I get this awesome new job in uh working for buddies, which is a vape cartridge company which is in California, washington and Oregon. You know big takes care of their employees and I'm a brand ambassador, which I was kind of burned out in the cannabis industry and along comes this job. That's perfect for me. It's like do you want to go around and talk to people every day at different dispensaries and promote this brand?

29:35 - Aaron (Host)

And educate people on cannabis, and it's like, hold on, if there was like a website that you could go to for someone and or for yourself, even. And it's like build my perfect jobcom and then you, when you put in the job, then it spits it out and you go do that for the rest of your life.

29:54 - Apple (Host)

This is that I couldn't have come up with as good a job as this is, I would have come up with something, but it would have been well.


And then that led to I had the job for a month and a half, or no, a couple months into, well, into November, about three months, and then my old Toyota Highlander was. It was on its last legs, it it? It crapped out and it's like, oh panic, what it crapped out. And it's like, oh panic, what am I gonna do? And everything. And then like, through my job, I drive a lot, I put a lot of miles on the car and it was like, wait, I can, I could lease a vehicle, because several people I work with have done this, like the sales people, because you get reimbursement for mileage and you get other reimbursements and stuff. So I figured I did the math and was like, well, this will pay for my car payment, my insurance and my gas, my monthly reimbursement, without having to touch my paychecks and was like fucking, why not do it?

30:50 - Aaron (Host)

so you got a spaceship.

30:51 - Apple (Host)

I never in my life, 54 years, have never, ever owned a brand new vehicle I've never yeah I've never, it's always made me nervous in the past, like I'm a person that doesn't like credit cards and credits like, if I can't afford it, I can't afford it and this was a big thing and I and I thought too, even at my age I thought I was gonna have to possibly get my dad to co-sign or something.


I've got my credit score up good enough and I got a good job where I went in and did it myself like a fucking grown-ass man hey, bro, what a trip for adults, fun, uh-huh yeah, I'm adulting a lot better.

31:26 - Mel (Host)

There's a lot of things that like kind of took away the old apple, like yeah, a lot of the the drinking like that, and when you change your drinking that, your personality shifts yeah there's a huge change in your personality, so then we're dealing with like from a physical and a spiritual and emotional level you're all.

31:46 - Aaron (Host)

These changes are like dramatic well, you're not relying on, like a, a dampener or something like a, something to soften the blow of the week over and over and over again.

31:59 - Apple (Host)

You're dealing with your shit.

32:00 - Aaron (Host)

You're dealing with your shit, man, and so shit's getting fixed.

32:04 - Apple (Host)

You both told me that at separate times and together, and I felt it After a few months I became much more present, and this is what I would tell people out there that have a problem with drinking it's amazing, once you haven't drank for several months or so, all of a sudden it kicks in. You're so much more present because especially and I felt shitty about that afterwards you guys and I don't blame you wouldn't even talk to me about the show or much of anything, and same with writer writer's done really good at cutting back on his drinking. We kind of did it together.

32:41 - Mel (Host)

We kind of had that support reasons, but like you guys, I used to get.

32:45 - Apple (Host)

I used to get mad at you like, oh bullshit, I'm not paying attention. You know, you guys, once you saw us drinking, it's like it's not even worth discussing anything with them because they're not going to remember and if they do, they're going to have the facts all wrong yeah which I have enough problems with that sometimes.


But it's it, yeah, it's been. It's been an amazing year and the summer was full of thing. You know, we got to do the country fair, like so much happened for the show, and I was able to be much more present for all of it, going through it and then into the holidays, except at fair well, I think one night at fair.

33:17 - Mel (Host)

But I think that fair night was also like another catalyst to another change that you like the, maybe the other things that the drinking was either masking or or you needed to get deeper, or whatever. Whatever was in in your psyche at that time like you kind of needed that big um psychedelic trip.

33:36 - Apple (Host)

It was one of those like ego death. It was like an ego death thing. It stripped me down to a child, curled up, almost sucking his thumb, hiding behind a porta potty yeah to strip that all away and then rebuild and be like holy shit, yeah I, yeah I.

33:51 - Mel (Host)

I got rid of a lot of shit see, this is why I wanted to go through it because, like in one year, like when you have and I'm not talking about january to to December, I'm talking about whatever month you're born to, whatever month your birthday is and again you know, like that, that cycle for you it's, it's different for everybody. Not that doesn't always happen. I mean, it didn't happen two years ago for you, you know what I'm saying. Like this, it was one full year where you, you got your surgery, you got a new car, you stopped drinking which is a huge habit to break and then you had this ego death. Then, like this stuff with the show has been kind of going. You got a new career that was tailor-made for you. Like those are all one thing. In a year of that that, oh, you lost all that weight yeah, any of those things would be like that was good.


But this was like 10 things that would add up yeah that's, that's why I wanted to bring it up?

34:43 - Apple (Host)

because when you look back you're like, oh yeah, I stopped doing this, that and the other, but this has been with one year yeah, that this has happened, and then and then coming up to like like I've been bouncing around, but also one of the major things, which was that this was totally thanks to you two, you know, is doing the whole 30 thing oh my god, yes, both going into it afterwards you both said okay, it was like we were, you know, a lot worried, but we were like we were sure you were not going to go through with it or even start it.


You know we were worried about that but, like the what had built up to that made me want to do it and I never in my life have I ever wanted I've never paid attention to food labels, calories, anything like that. It's like I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do and if I don't feel good then I won't eat that. I'll listen to my body, whatever you know type attitude. Yeah, and that has completely changed the way I look at food. Eat everything, yeah, everything.

35:37 - Mel (Host)


35:37 - Apple (Host)

It really has, you know, made a huge impact and has helped me get a handle on. It's another thing that's happened in the last year. All of a sudden I started getting like eczema, like little breakouts from, I'm figuring out, mostly from food allergies. And I'm getting those figured out and I know what's going to. You know, do me in.

35:59 - Aaron (Host)

What's going to light you?

35:59 - Apple (Host)

up. Yeah, yeah, I mean I really got it narrowed down. One of the main things is anything with like enriched white flour stuff pizza bread, you know the stuff like that the pop tarts.

36:11 - Mel (Host)


36:11 - Apple (Host)

Eat a couple of pop tarts, get a little breakout somewhere.

36:23 - Aaron (Host)

somewhere it's like okay, you know what you're doing now and I'm getting better at it.

36:25 - Apple (Host)

It's like me and the habanero. Yeah, you know, I know by the way did you have the habanero?


sauce with your burrito. Shut up, dude. No, well, I saw you were having your burrito, but yeah, I did so. Yeah and it's yeah and then, well, now just building up to the you know, and okay, I gotta say it again, we just heard it on the recap last week but one of my dreams came true my early birthday wish from scotty stoughton, who brought us up to winter wondergrass, this festival, that I didn't know if we were ever gonna.


You know, we would eventually worked it out somehow, but for it to happen so quickly, and serendipitously like you were going and so I got that, you know, in the beginning of april and now you know then 420 and all that and going to this fish at the sphere, and you know, and now we're, now we're heading now. All this has been going on and now here we are, on on the beginning, the precipice of our summer and spring festivals and everything get ready to kick off and I've I've never felt so healthy and able now going into this like I used to dread going, you know, not dread but it'd be like we're going.


We're going to summer fair in, you know, the middle of july. Oh, you know I look forward to fair, but it's the middle of july and the sun and I don't get near a sweaty anymore. Dancing it shows the heat doesn't bother me as much. In fact, at winter wondergrass I was, I was one of the first ones to get cold usually it's mel, you know saying I'm calling you, you're like oh you pussy I can't believe you she busted my balls and it was funny she's like are you?


I'm like almost shivering and she's like, what are you talking about? It's nice and it was funny. She's like are you kidding? I'm like almost shivering and she's like, what are you talking about? It's nice out. I was like what, I love it. No, thanks for bringing that up, because that just made me kind of think. It makes me very appreciative of everybody and everything in my life, and especially myself for what? I've fucking done.

38:21 - Mel (Host)

Yeah, you couldn't that.


Had had all of that took work to do you couldn't have like skidded through that or just like sailed through that, that all all of those things took effort turning down alcohol, changing your how you cook dinners, like all everything that you did was effort. And I just think it's almost like doing the conch for yourself. It's like remembering everything that you've done and like there's a congratulations and a good job and an attaboy. That needs to happen, I think, at least yearly, you know, minimum yearly. But like, yeah, like we changed our life and you did.

38:52 - Apple (Host)

You really changed your life and fucking and then you're different size, like it feels different to even hug you yeah, people haven't seen me in a while like, oh my gosh, and the other thing I say it at the end of our end of our shows and recaps everything a lot. It's like, you know, you gotta love yourself before you love anybody else and I'd forgotten how to love myself when I get honest about it for a while. There it was.


You know I was no good to you know you weren't treating yourself in a loving way yeah, and I've gotten back to that again, to where you know I'm a whole person rule number one.

39:25 - Aaron (Host)

You got to follow rule number one for yourself too. Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah well mel, you said it.

39:30 - Apple (Host)

You said it last week to me. I forgot when we're sitting on the portal was when we were recording you're, you're like, really proud of you when you mentioned you're like. You know, me and Aaron have each other, a lot of couples, you have each other and I've been single for a long time and you know I'd love to have somebody in my life and everything, and I feel like I'm done some repairs and gotten back to loving myself, so I am good for what comes along in the future and because I and I did it myself yeah, that's what I said you were like I couldn't imagine.


That's tough when you do it yourself, when you don't have a partner to help you with all these things you don't have somebody to being like.

40:07 - Mel (Host)

Hey, I thought you weren't gonna smoke today, or hey I thought you had to turn into that yeah, you got to turn into your own harvey that. Oh that your driver like nope, put that back, don't buy it. Go to sleep early, nope which it comes naturally now.

40:23 - Apple (Host)

Now it just comes naturally doing all those things like like okay shit yeah, well, proud of you man.

40:29 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, it's inspiring really.

40:31 - Dano (Guest)

Yeah, thank you, I, I only I'm only here like every once six months. I see you guys. I was in denver and then, uh, the time I came out before that and it's noticeable, like I mean not just physically, that's a big component of it, but that your energy too, like when you came up, you know, when I ran into you on this trip and you came out and I was like, wow, dude, apple, I, I don't did it. I'm uh, I I'm introverted, so I'm not gonna be like dude, you look amazing I'm like like so much, but I recognize it immediately.


Hell yeah, thanks, dan, it's very noticeable.

41:03 - Mel (Host)

Well you too, Dan. Yeah, likewise You've made some huge transformations.

41:06 - Aaron (Host)

We haven't seen each other since Denver last year and everything, and you have too.

41:12 - Apple (Host)

You're a professional walker now. Thanks.

41:16 - Dano (Guest)

I've been on my own journey, walker now, thanks, yeah, I've been on my own journey and um it does you do feel more connected with yourself? Everything you were saying I was I was recognizing in myself too. Um, just now, you feel more in touch with your body and, uh it it kind of heals any of like the wounds and self-consciousness that you may have from like not taking care of yourself, and you kind of get over and past those things and, uh, I'm proud of you.


Um, for, for making all those changes, those are thank you, um, and it's, it's cool to see it comes from the inside too, right, because it's important, yes, uh, to have that self-motivation to make those changes, because people can yell at you and and badger you as much as, and if you're not ready to hear it, if you're, that switch hasn't flipped in your mind, um, then it won't necessarily happen sometimes you want to do what somebody says, but you just like you're not ready, you know I was there for you're not ready to take that literal first step.

42:08 - Mel (Host)

You're just stuck in whatever feeling, or but yeah, sometimes, uh, that self-motivation will get you through anything.

42:16 - Apple (Host)

Yeah, yeah, and not being a jimmy mike about stuff yeah, I haven't been a jimmy mike in a while no except for when I pull about for humor and things well, happy birthday month, man yeah thank you.


You well deserved and you're going into 55 like stoked stunning yeah, well, I'm really looking forward to the, because the next two weekends are kind of a celebrate. Well, actually, this whole month has been dan comes up, we go see sago, they come stay with us. I get to see all them this weekend. Uh, we're gonna well, me, me and melon rider, we're gonna be out at rhythms ground, aaron's gonna be in vegas at dead and company at the sphere, which is a trip.


And then the weekend, then the next weekend, my birthday weekend, memorial day. We're going to be out at rhythms ground again.

43:05 - Mel (Host)

And we're going to be. So let me just stop right there. Okay, we're going to be holding an event. It is a collaboration between rhythms grounds. We're going to be having it there. The grateful death out out of seattle, um crystal. She's going to be here with us teaching a soul collage workshop and then me, mel, no simple road going to be there doing breath, um breath and gong uh wrap up after our uh, soul collage. What's the date? So the date is May 25th and it's on a Saturday.


At what time, and this is between 1 and 5, so we've got a good chunk of the midday and early evening. Come on down.

43:50 - Aaron (Host)

How do they sign up?

43:52 - Mel (Host)

So if you are interested in going, you can go to no Simple Road on Instagram and DM. You can go to Kund. You can go to no Simple Road on Instagram and DM. You can go to Kundalini Mom on no Simple Road.

44:02 - Aaron (Host)

No on Instagram oh.

44:03 - Mel (Host)

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, not on Instagram, and then also Rhythm's Ground on Instagram, as well as the Grateful Death. So you can DM any one of us. If you follow any of us and let us know that you want to be there. We'll shoot you the address. This is a donation, um it's a 30 suggested donation 30 suggested donation. This because there's supplies. So what we do here um just like run it up really quickly. It's an evening. This is a brand new event.

44:31 - Aaron (Host)

We've not done this before you should explain a little bit about what soul.

44:35 - Mel (Host)

Yeah, that's what I was about to do so crystal is a registered um soul collage facilitator, and so what that means is basically it's collaging. Right, it's collaging, but it's an intentional collaging um she, the way that it works is that you end up creating your own tarot deck, and how you do that is through these um prompts. So she'll um depending on, maybe, the subject. So she may have a subject in mind, or we may ask for a subject like oh, let's, let's work. You know how about love, or how about friendship, or how about grief, about birthdays, birthdays exactly, and so we'll get together um, usually the supplies are um, you know, offered for you and that's why there's a 30 donation. Everything's brought out um for you.


You pick between whatever photos that inspire you. There's a time limit so you don't get caught up on, like you know, analysis, paralysis type thing. You know this one, maybe this one, and then, and then there's a time to put it together. So you're, you're strumming through your photos, you pick them, then there's a time to put them actually down on whatever um canvas or cardboard, that card stock, and at the end there's some um reading prompts that she has um and asks you about your card and it starts to unfold your subconscious reasons for picking these cards. And so these cards, you know, at first sight may seem like maybe they're just kind of stitched together until you start to unfold what it is your subconscious was really saying about the specific subject, and it's really powerful. I mean, I've been collaging for years never with like a specific intention like that and then when I've done it with her and after that kind of reading the prompts and like looking at back at my photos, it's incredible what your brain runs to and what you like.


If somebody says, pick a photo that reminds you of childhood, that can mean a zillion different things. You may have lived near a lavender farm, so that might be. If you see lavender and you're like gonna grab that. Well, somebody might think basketballs, because they used to play with basketball with their dad, right, like. So there's like this gamut of of reasons why someone would pick a photo that depicts a certain emotion or feeling in your life. And so we're. You know we're getting deep here, where this is like a healing workshop in addition to some fun. And yeah, we just thought that we'd collaborate in a beautiful space which is Rhythms Ground with a really I mean Crystal's an incredible teacher. I'll just say that she is a great facilitator of good times and fun times you know and and and.


I, I just thought that you know, ending it with a gong ceremony and a little bit of breath to kind of just ground us into that would be like the perfect bow on a beautiful evening. So's what we're doing. So, if and if this sounds fun to you or it sounds interesting, um, come on out. There's still some space. Um, spaces are limited, so if you're interested, reach out. Um, and it is memorial weekend, so I know a lot of people will be out of town, but if you're not and you wanted to do something special, come do it with us. Dm us on instagram, it's gonna be fun.

47:57 - Apple (Host)

I'm looking really forward to hearing your gong ring out at Rhythm's Hour.

48:00 - Aaron (Host)

Oh yeah. And then on June 6th, we're shining since 64. We're celebrating Karen the Dancing Lady's birthday over at the Get Down. It's a live show with Family, mystic Rambler and your hosts no simple road celebrating a pillar of our community.

48:24 - Mel (Host)

Yeah, you know if y'all have been listening for a while. Um, you know that we met karen the dancing lady at northwest string summit. Erin went up to her. She had a really emotional reaction to her dancing so freely and so beautifully behind the backdrop of horning's hideout. And, um, she has become a staple in the portland um live music scene. She is amazing for the band because she's always there to bring up the energy she's the ultimate hype dancer.

48:55 - Aaron (Host)

She is man.

48:56 - Mel (Host)

You start playing song one and she's already spinning, trying to get that energy up. And all those people that are nervous or too scared to tap their feet or nod their head she gets everyone going. So she's somebody that has really proven to be a blessing to the portland scene and to all those young bands to have, like some wisdom, to have a somebody like a mama or a grandma who cares about what you're doing. Yeah, so we're celebrating her birthday, so come do that with us. Tickets are $15. Um, they're probably gonna be 20 at the door or something like that.

49:29 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, you can go to the get down pdxcom and get your tickets and then come hang out with us. It's going to be a dope evening. Yeah, I mean, there's so much more. Mojo Family Fest is coming at the end of June. We got fair on deck.

49:46 - Mel (Host)

Well, okay, really quick with Mojo Family Fest. We have an episode coming out with them, right?

49:51 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, that'll be out. It'll probably have been out when we put this out actually.

49:56 - Mel (Host)

Oh, okay, I was just thinking about it. Yeah, I was like oh shit, we already had a Kyle Tuttle, yeah, yeah, no, we'll talk about it later, okay yeah but yeah, welcome to us doing business for the show everybody sometimes it's hard for us. We have to be like wait. What are we gonna talk about this?

50:11 - Apple (Host)

that's proof of how organic it is. Like we said, it hasn't even been decided yet.

50:15 - Aaron (Host)

No, we were doing this and mel was talking about um going to rhythms ground and I was like, oh yeah, we need to talk about, uh, mojo. Oh shit, we have a episode with with bodie mojo here in the studio and I was like, oh wait, this is everything that happened in my head a few minutes ago. Well, wait a minute. We released that.

50:34 - Dano (Guest)

And then I was like wait a minute, no we didn't just release dr jeff m wait a minute, no we didn't.

50:37 - Aaron (Host)

We just released Dr Jeff McNary, but then, oh wait, but that was Winter Wonder, fuck, okay. Well, what are we doing? Why are we even doing this right now?

50:45 - Apple (Host)

Wait, hold on. It's time to get on the plane and fly to Vegas, to go to the sphere.

50:52 - Mel (Host)

Yeah, you see there's a. We forget to tell y'all and then we're like already time, it's time's up, it's time to go I feel like it's.

51:03 - Aaron (Host)

It never has slowed down, no, but I feel like the, the, not the pace of things, but like the amount of things that are packed into it is more, it's more dense, yeah I'd have to agree with that for sure, because we get time to rest.

51:22 - Mel (Host)

I do believe that there's times to rest, like you know, this week, you know, came home yesterday. Well, I mean I would this week maybe isn't the best.

51:29 - Speaker 2 (Host)

Yeah, this week isn't the best how about last week, mel.

51:33 - Aaron (Host)

Oh wait, no, no not Okay.

51:35 - Mel (Host)

there are pockets of time every day. What you're trying to?

51:38 - Aaron (Host)

say is we went to sleep last night. Yeah we have now. That's what it means, Dude, I yeah.

51:45 - Mel (Host)

But you know what I'm? I feel so fortunate, totally, that this is what we're up against, and not necessarily the opposite. But, like anything else, I'm grateful that this is what our time is filled with.

52:00 - Aaron (Host)

The alternative to that is not cool.

52:03 - Mel (Host)

Well, I mean, there's a lot of alternatives to what we do, but my point is is that right now, we're doing no Simple Road and we're spending time with Dan. Do you know what I mean? Like no Simple Road is our life still.

52:15 - Apple (Host)

So even if we're busy, it's still busy in our life.

52:16 - Mel (Host)

It's not taking us away from our life still, yeah. So even if we're busy, it's still busy in our life. It's not taking us away from our life to do things.

52:22 - Apple (Host)

It's just, it's yeah.

52:24 - Mel (Host)

It's just having to remember to record our life.

52:28 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, wow, okay. So I'm going to, I'm going to take us in a whole different direction. Okay. But it's right back where we started in the beginning. So, dan, you said we were talking. This is before the mics came on. Okay, dan, you said you know what a dyson sphere is a dyson sphere?

52:48 - Dano (Guest)

um, yes, because, uh, I used to watch star trek.

52:51 - Aaron (Host)

The next generation in the 90s and there was an episode where the enterprise ran into a Dyson sphere.

52:59 - Dano (Guest)

It was out in the galaxy.

53:00 - Aaron (Host)

Oh really.

53:01 - Dano (Guest)

And you know, of course, like Mr Data has to explain like what it is. But do you want to go?

53:06 - Aaron (Host)

into it.

53:06 - Dano (Guest)

Yes, From my understanding it is the way a class two civilization on the galactic scale, kardashev scale, I believe it's called um, which is created by astrophysicists, um to classify civilizations. But anyways, like you were saying, it is to capture the energy of a star, um in an in entirety, and use it for to for their civilization, so they can move planets or or do whatever they need to do to evolve their life. And then in the Star Trek episode there was actually like forests and everything on the inside of the shell, so imagine a giant egg around a star. And then there was like living space on the inside of the sphere. Oh, wow, yes.


And it's an amazing idea. They're looking for them right now.

53:56 - Aaron (Host)

So that's why I brought it up, okay, okay, were you going to? I brought it up, okay, okay. Were you going to read what it is, mel? Yeah, you have a definition.

54:03 - Mel (Host)

There's a definition.

54:05 - Aaron (Host)

Where's it come from this?

54:05 - Mel (Host)

is from Wikipedia. Okay, there's popular mechanics. There's a few, you know live science, okay, but I'll read the one from Wikipedia. It says a Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its solar power output.

54:25 - Aaron (Host)

Okay, so I guess for the past several years, maybe 25 years or more astrophysicists have been searching for evidence of dyson spheres in space, and the way they do it is with, like the huge telescopes that we have, that are, the radio telescopes out there, looking for whatever they can measure, like the strength of light that comes off of a star and also the radiation emissions that come off of it, and there is a certain kind of radiation that's only emitted from captured energy of a star.

55:10 - Mel (Host)


55:11 - Aaron (Host)

And so that's what they're doing yeah. Well, this past week they found two what that are emitting this one particular type of radiation that's only created when the energy of a star is encapsulated in a superstructure.


So the way that they figured it out is by taking, like atoms and or small amounts of energy and putting stuff around it and seeing how the radiation comes out of it and uh, they have identified two and they've identified ones in the past, and so what they do when they identify them is they take the finding and they give it to a third party to like look over, just be like are you guys full of shit? Or did you read the data wrong or whatever.


Peer review, peer review and every time in the past there's been something off, they're like oh, your thing wasn't calibrated correctly, or this was wrong, or this is because it's bouncing off of here, whatever. Well, both of these selections have been peer-reviewed and they can't find anything wrong cannot be explained with it it's so

56:29 - Apple (Host)

it's lining up it's lined up.

56:30 - Aaron (Host)

That is wild isn't that fucking wild so it's not hypothetical no, at this point nope they discovered that one of them is tray and and and the other one's bobby, no they if you think about like, not even the fact that, what it means, if that's a thing, first of all, just the fact that they found that is like looking, not even looking for a needle in a haystack. That's like looking for the tip of a needle in the haystack.

57:06 - Dano (Guest)

That's crazy, wow yeah, space is so big. The fact that you can even find something like that within the lifetime of the entire human race by scanning the sky like from every single day, if we could, it's just a blink of an eye on the galactic scale so, then, that leads me to believe that there's got to be a lot of them out there, because they found.

57:27 - Aaron (Host)

They found there should be that's that.

57:29 - Dano (Guest)

That's, but the math says that their life should be teeming in our, in our universe, but we haven't found it yet, for various reasons yeah, there's there's a, there's a paradox of why we, why, why, why we can't? Because, uh, time scales, um, there could be entire giant civilizations that have come and gone and we, just, we just didn't line up okay, they're uh, most, most life.


It probably is too far for us to see in our um, our light sphere that the by the time the light gets to us, it's way too late or way too early.

58:00 - Aaron (Host)

That was something that they were saying from this thing was that the light that they were there was light that they were studying was from 620 million years ago. Right, that light, and it just got here now.

58:15 - Dano (Guest)

So they could be already transcended to energy beings at that point, like they may not even be there by the time, if we could actually get like we're looking at a shadow we're looking back in time totally, or you're seeing whatever that civilization wants to show you exactly.


That's another thing. At that level of civilization technology they could hide themselves completely. So the fact that they're bleeding radiation like we're seeing the glow of the egg of the sphere, it means that maybe it's malfunctioning. They left it a long time ago the one in Star Trek that I mentioned that one had been abandoned. It was empty. So when the Enterprise went in and looked around, there was nobody in there. It was just a mystery. That civilization was long gone, like a billion years ago. What did Gandalf do?

58:58 - Aaron (Host)

No, I'm just kidding. I'm kidding All the nerds their heads just exploded. So do you think that? Curious what you think, dan? Okay, do you? Obviously you believe that there's other life out there?

59:14 - Dano (Guest)

There has to be. There just has to be.

59:18 - Aaron (Host)

I mean we're on the same page, but why?

59:23 - Dano (Guest)

uh, just by sheer numbers of. I mean there's more galaxies in the universe than there are grains of sand on earth. You know what I mean? Like just by sheer numbers. There has to be the right combination for life to happen and there's rare theory, which means that life is rare because you have to have like a moon that stabilizes your orbit, your rotations, you have seasons and it kind of germinates life easier. But even with all those factors there has to be a certain subset of planets that can sustain life.

59:58 - Aaron (Host)

They found that um kepler, have you heard about this? The super earth that they found too recently? It's like um 23 times the size of our planet. It's like the size of jupiter or something like that. Um, and it's. They say that it's more, could be more habitable than earth itself. That is wild, based on what they've.

01:00:22 - Dano (Guest)

I wonder kind of gravity it has 23 times the mass of earth 23 times the size.

01:00:26 - Aaron (Host)

The size, okay, it's gigantic.

01:00:27 - Dano (Guest)

Yeah, it doesn't mean the mass, because a mass depends on the core and how much iron and all those other things too, but that I mean that's a lot of real estate, right. But that I mean that's a lot of real estate, right. There has to be something, something going on there, even if it's Bacterial, because I mean there. When we say life, a lot of people think that like aliens and flying around and their UFOs.


But there could be just bacterial life or a little animal life or something like that. I also think, because the way our, our universe is made with with, uh, universes stacked on each other, that there's interdimensional, interdimensional beings. I totally believe that because, because just in our own ecosystem there's a life form for every niche. You know, there's like little fish that live in the cave in the bottom of the ocean. You know, just because they can be there, it's the same thing for, oh, wow, on a meta level, for, for yeah, I never thought about that before there has to be wherever there can be life.

01:01:22 - Mel (Host)

There's going to be life, I think we've also found new life here on earth that under this sea and under the water that we've never found so like that is proof that there's different and other life out there that we just cannot see for any reason like it's underwater or it's in the sky, or it's in another fold of time or whatever, if you go with the whole as above, so below thing.

01:01:48 - Aaron (Host)

That's exactly what dan's talking about.

01:01:50 - Mel (Host)

That's's the material, and then it's showing you plain as day.

01:02:01 - Aaron (Host)

This is how it is. By the way that it's mapped out here well and think, just think about it.

01:02:08 - Mel (Host)

a really easy way we're here in beaverton, we don't see what's going on in east oregon, but something is happening there and there's people living there. And it's because of our limited view we cannot see over there. We can't see, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. And so, on our scale of like spirituality, things that we can't see, there are things that are happening there. We just can't see it.

01:02:33 - Dano (Guest)

Yeah. The rules of physics apply as far as that we can see. So if we can have gravity and seasons and light and warmth here, that can happen other places and it doesn't even have to be our kind of carbon-based life. It can be like silicon life or whatever. The rules don't have to be.

01:02:49 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, it could be ultraviolet life.

01:02:50 - Dano (Guest)

Yeah, we don't know they think that there might be life forms in Jupiter in the clouds of Jupiterupiter, like jellyfish, like floating there it'd be hard to find them because, uh, you know the pressure is, so they might be cute, why not?

01:03:09 - Mel (Host)

it makes me just think of a jellyfish like shows we go to. The first thing I thought was like the sphere jellyfish maybe they're enlightened maybe they're very, very smart and they're having their own podcast too.

01:03:17 - Apple (Host)

I don't know I want a jellyfish tank oh my god I do I've wanted those since europa

01:03:23 - Dano (Guest)

is one of the moons. They it's an ice moon and they think there's oceans under it. They, they can see it because it expands with the gravity and there's cracks. Um, they're going to send a probe there to drill through the ice or go into the fish. Have you ever? Read armada.

01:03:36 - Aaron (Host)

No, oh, I got really.

01:03:38 - Dano (Guest)

You know, we got to talk about sci-fi books we were mentioning earlier. We're gonna exchange notes.

01:03:43 - Aaron (Host)

We need armada is about? Uh, it's by the guy that wrote um ready player one. Okay, and the the story is actually.


It takes place here in beaverton no way yeah, and this kid, like is, plays this video game where there's like a land assault and air assault, like two, two sides of the game, and he plays like the land assault one and then one day he's at school and this ship from the game like lands on his field and they're like come with us and they're, they found life on europa and they're these huge like squid, jellyfish, things that live under the ice there's a good chance and this is in our neighborhood.

01:04:27 - Dano (Guest)

This is not even like way out there, because there's heat from the internal core of europa, so there's there's uh chemical processes happening there. There's all all the ingredients necessary for life can happen down there, so I wouldn't be surprised if they go down there and there's like fish come up to the camera or like giant lobsters.

01:04:44 - Mel (Host)

Well, like a big bang right, like you get some kind of friction or heat, like the big bang, like it was nothing. And then all of a sudden something happened.

01:04:53 - Apple (Host)

I like the idea of like lobsters.

01:04:58 - Aaron (Host)

I mean because that's a life form that's been on this planet forever, crustaceans and things like that for them to be on other planets, and they're delicious.

01:05:03 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, it's just true.

01:05:05 - Mel (Host)

Can you imagine, oh man.

01:05:07 - Apple (Host)

But they're bigger than humans. It's like, ooh, now we're the seafood.

01:05:11 - Dano (Guest)

You're going to eat us oh no, that's why you should respect life. That's right life.

01:05:14 - Mel (Host)

So why did you bring up the Dyson sphere? What was just to like have something to talk about, or was there something that?

01:05:19 - Aaron (Host)

you wanted to no that. They found it yeah.

01:05:22 - Dano (Guest)

Tell us that before we started recording I cannot tell you how like important that is, because how little evidence of sophisticated life we've and check this out.

01:05:33 - Aaron (Host)

on top of all of that, yeah, there's more.


They they've been working on a like a combustionless warp drive, like for real been trying to figure out how to make force without combustion, and people have tried to do it with like electricity.


People have tried to do with magnets and heat and electricity and all these different ways.


There's a scientist that has created a warp drive that is combustionless and they're in the final phase of, like third party testing this thing, because I guess they had been working on it in London for a really long time and I think in 2016 or 2018, they said they had done it and they had been working on it in London for a really long time. And I think in 2016 or 2018, they said they had done it and they had it tested and they were like, no, this, it's negligible for us that this thing is creating. Well, this new one. They've figured out how to do it and they've tested it and they're like, holy shit, it's actually working. So they're in the final phases of this thing and they're saying that, um, if they can scale it because, like, when they do the tests and everything it's small if they could scale it big enough to like, get us out of our atmosphere. They could get close to light speed with this thing with no, with no combustion and no fuel that is wild.

01:07:03 - Dano (Guest)

It's wild, I mean there's, there's sources of energy that we've we've only even begun to speculate about we're a source of energy, right?

01:07:11 - Mel (Host)

yeah, we are a battery.

01:07:12 - Dano (Guest)

I hope the bottom line about all these discoveries um, if they're in fact happening, is for people to appreciate our, our earth and our planet, because, you know, like no place like home. Yeah man yeah there's no place like home. Whenever astronauts go up, that's the first thing they say. They look down. It's like I don't see countries, I don't see the divisions like. This is our mothership earth, you know, and it's very precious.

01:07:36 - Apple (Host)

So that's a good, and we're all in this together.

01:07:38 - Dano (Guest)

We need to learn like yeah man, help each other well yeah, and if anybody who goes into more into science and space you realize, like dang, we're really lucky to be here and to evolve to the point where we can think about these things yeah, to think that boy. Are we lucky to be here yeah, that thought itself is a lucky there could have been life on a million planets and an asteroid comes down and boom, you know, and it starts all over again the cycle.

01:08:01 - Aaron (Host)

Well, that has happened.

01:08:02 - Dano (Guest)

Yes, it has happened. We've just been fortunate enough to reach this critical mass where we can think about these things and perhaps even be able to leave our planet. Have you heard about?

01:08:11 - Aaron (Host)

the Apophis asteroid.

01:08:15 - Dano (Guest)

I've heard that word mentioned. There's a couple near past.

01:08:22 - Aaron (Host)

There's one coming that's called the. Its name is apophis. Which jesus christ that's coming that they're they can't figure out. They haven't figured out yet if it's gonna gonna do us in or not.

01:08:33 - Dano (Guest)

I'm a couple hundred years away I have a faith that we're gonna to be okay. They tend to pass through. A lot of them pass through. We only see them on their way out. We're like dang that would have been bad. Fortunately we have like a big brother, like Jupiter, that sucks up a lot of asteroids. That's one of the reasons you have to have not only a moon for your seasons. You have to have other planets in your system to block out. You know, like in football, to be a blocker.


Yeah, so we're so lucky, and that's that's what can be sad about people like not not being concerned, or or or loving earth. It's because, like dude, this is so precious what we have here.

01:09:09 - Aaron (Host)

Yeah, let's leave it there. We have. We have a precious home.

01:09:20 - Mel (Host)

It, it's gonna segue, and you know what else is precious?

01:09:23 - Aaron (Host)

dinner, dan, oh yeah, dan, and dinner, dinner with dan and dinner with dinner with that's a great podcast name dinner with dan I think the grateful dead said they said, uh, of all possible worlds, we only got one. We got a ride.

01:09:34 - Mel (Host)

Okay, we can finish this, um, I'll just say this, dan um, I'm so grateful for you, I'm so grateful for your role in my daughter's life and and in my grandson's life and in my son-in-law's life and ours well and in ours I was getting my working my way around that.


I'm just saying that what you and sydney have done creatively is no short of miracles itself. Like hearing your ideas and your talks before a project comes out and then seeing the come to fruition on instagram or sydney, or you send me a link or something and like that you're helping our daughter live her dream while simultaneously living yours, and that's a beautiful thing. I applaud that and I want to acknowledge that because, um, you know, that's a special partnership. What you and sydney have, the ability to pull creatively out of each other, what you mean and even find new heights um, the what you guys did for sydney's that mother and mother day, mother's day shoot was beautiful, but they all the projects are beautiful, and so I just want to thank you for your participation in our life and also just for being a on your own, without sydney, without anybody, just a really great person to have in our life and so thoughtful and sharing and caring and, like.

01:10:58 - Dano (Guest)

You're amazing and this is home for you and you know that, but I'm just underscoring it and just letting you know that we love you and I'm excited to see what your 44th year brings, you know I am super grateful for your words and and I feel the same way times a million yeah, meeting your daughter opened up a whole world for me, creatively, but also personally. Yeah, and I cherish everything that we do and she challenges me, I challenge her and it's just like this feedback loop that we're on right now.


That has opened up so many doors and ideas that I would have never come across, and I'm so, I'm so thankful that our, our stars aligned or whatever, and our paths crossed totally and uh yeah, meeting you guys and and this the whole community and going to fish shows with you and meeting all the people like this is like, honestly, you guys, you're in this world and you're there. For me it was just like just swung the doors wide open for like possibilities and um yeah, uh I feel like I'm just getting started we

01:12:07 - Apple (Host)

are yeah, oh yeah this is my first time on here I like a few years ago. I never thought thank you you talked about space, so I was going to say you got in a comfort level there. I do love space. I like that.

01:12:24 - Dano (Guest)

I love this journey that we're on and that we get to explore the space together, absolutely.

01:12:28 - Aaron (Host)

It's like half my morning is spent looking at articles about Dyson, spheres and warp drives.

01:12:34 - Dano (Guest)

I dig it man.

01:12:35 - Mel (Host)

I appreciate the men that I'm surrounded by and I celebrate them and I just want to say that we love you, mel, all you out there we'll be back on Friday with another episode and until that time, please take care of each other.

01:12:51 - Aaron (Host)

Smile at a stranger safety.

01:12:52 - Apple (Host)

Third hydrate love yourself be good to yourself, love yourself so you can love one another and love other people and be good start.

01:13:03 - Aaron (Host)

Start a new exercise program. Man like one day a week what are you gonna start? I'm gonna start editing friday's episode and get it out.

01:13:11 - Aaron (Host)

All right, everybody we love y'all, peace, peace.