Pappy Biondo Of Cabinet on No Simple Road - June 3, 2022

...and to date with the group zero some of the remember the this is so in the service the phone still this is still and we're still only got to keep on movin who is a date we did it man I can't believe it it's an amazing thing to have aviators on paddle the saw I don't you know I did earlier but I switched over to %HESITATION they're kind of of the ledger shade of purple %HESITATION glasses first for a simple road in well I'm Erin here it's going on man NML you know email yeah and then you got apple over here apple Leri are nice to meet you guys I really appreciate you guys reaching out yeah well I mean you guys are Killin it brother I can't win it is we've quickly become huge fans yeah and I'm digging through the catalog right on right on yeah I mean we're a you know the question is what is it and why are we killing yeah well I that is a question can you answer well we're trying to figure that out you know we've been on a really interesting journey been a band for C. two thousand six I think is the official establishment here okay you know been through the ups and downs of regular process bands starting Austin having original music just to share in getting agencies and managers involved in doing that then you know getting wives and children down the line and taking breaks and coming back and right now we're kind of just you know all in house it's really just the original band members trying to you know stay relevant this seems to be ever changing industry yes it is a trip man it's it it's a trip to be a fan right now too because you know it especially after quarantine and everything like it seems like there's an explosion happening of music in new bands and just everybody's like coming out of the wood shed your opportunity even to which there's no opportunities yeah I was talking about this the other day but just like before the pandemic I couldn't get somebody to go shopping for me and deliver groceries to my front door right at the bottom it says like I don't know Sir starting to figure out ways around which is pretty cool about our species we figured out you know resilient that yeah tags or not hold us down no you're not gonna well I like I said man the last two years have been testimony to that I mean right we figured out how to do all kinds of weird shit during the day you guys are planned drive in shows in July making it happen like that's that's super admirable man because a lot of people just took powder for a little while said you know what I'm just gonna rest and see what happens right you guys were still out there fuck plugging away man what was that like playing this driving shows is that weird energetically it it but each other sh there were three of them and I would say one of them was weird energetic the other ones were pretty cool because the crowd was actually a little bit closer to the state other cars were able to you know the one that was strange it was like we were up on the hilltop you know kind of where the where they would put the screen and then the cars and the people kind of in their own little sections were pretty far away and they had to tune in via car stereo you know so we weren't even really plan through and we're just transmitting basically the sound board to the set up to their vehicles so tending on their vehicle who knows good quality what they're hearing so post show what did it feel like you get on there you do your thing do you think it goes good does it go good like how do you feel after that yeah I mean if they the one in particular that talked about I think everybody's just really excited to be out you know having an inexperienced outside but we didn't have the normal communication you know pretty you know we're pretty tactile band like to go out of their fans high fives and handshakes and catch up with everybody so that was a little strange you weren't able to do that but that you know I guess the social platforms for kind of keep in touch on their yeah yes you'll feel that energy through the you know the technology I guess at all it's a book for her let's say they they they showed me up I. was on YouTube all morning it where Aaron came out we were watchin the encore the one where Keller Williams comes on stage and joins you in the end yes and that was amazing I mean you guys I'm not sure which one that was but you get the other ones too you were from a fan's perspective you get you guys are up there Killin it it came with me to a lot of this two of the three we did with Keller sure %HESITATION member that is a that's a unique human being right there that's very very gypsy but he loves I I we're going to a festival here in a couple of weeks %HESITATION actually next next next weekend and he's playing and I sent him a text and I was like Hey man you know I would really like to catch up with you while we're there N. I. at the end of the tax as like you know sorry for reaching out directly I didn't have a name for a publicist or anything and he sent me like I don't know four paragraphs back in a text of like my name is Gerd P. toward Meister I M. as yet like this whole thing of how you know he I I need to sign NDA before I talked to him and that Mr Williams is being a pain in the ass okay I'm doing fine Sir yep he is a very yeah definitely that respect reject he's built up his own thing around by some music J. just minutes before cabinet was it saying we are back but it shows a lot of repeat Cleveland Ohio so anytime you come through Cleveland when I was in high school what the killer shit this is kind of like you know some of my my first hand so the shows were killer room ship that's a good first ones yes it's been it's been an interesting trip to be able to collaborate with in connect with different level went from fan to kind of break getting getting twenty text from all the set you know if you guys are doing the same thing I gotta tell you you guys are carving out your own niche whatever that means like yeah the one of the reasons that like I was so hot to get you guys on the show is that you know when I first pulled up the first song I heard from you guys a silver sun and %HESITATION I was like wow this is this band's really cool I'm gonna go back and listen to their old stuff and I go back and I'm like wait a minute the same band this is Adam he's a cab the same inotes to have this mixed up like an then quickly I was like holy shit like I'm getting to hear the evolution of this band musicians like doing their thing and figuring it out and that's what's been so interesting to me is to hear your your June your journey sonically you know what I'm saying yeah that that's you know an unintentional after I guess but it's it's a very natural thing that's happening right now where you know you have a vested right in the contract and you can try to steer it in often times we don't we don't take it to the right place or whatever and we could put it on cruise control and let let the vessel take you somewhere in the cabinet you know we've we've experimented you know the whole bluegrass thing it's kind of happened B. A. instrumentation let us really even listening to bluegrass music before we discovered ourselves with all these instruments yeah okay we have we have you know the necessary instruments laying around should be I guess bluegrass band let's dig in so we started listening to bluegrass as a group and trying to emulate some sounds realizing that that's a whole that's the whole universe you know the bluegrass was so beautiful the community side of it you know the acoustic element of it we can just get someone's living room please show acoustically if you wanted to know PA follow up on those sites you know really intriguing to us but we were all coming from very different backgrounds of each video influences interests in listening or listening to but also what we were trying to put out through that instrumentation what came out was trying to stand a chance to you know to be a bluegrass band but if you look we're always fighting our in our internal influences we kind of that something just let that go as opposed to like really focusing on our bluegrass around at some point we just let it go on Jake and I'll write songs maybe some of them will be written in a rest action when we bring to the band the journey duration real quick you know yeah well that's what makes it interesting for us man I mean I can I can listen to bluegrass album I can go back and listen to all the old bluegrass stuff but when I hear something like cabinet that's it I guess it's a hybrid it is yeah yeah and it yeah and I think we would also like the name itself is kind of another %HESITATION the name is growing on us the band mate okay I don't I really don't know where it came from but I'm also started just like %HESITATION it's starting to make sense because in my mind a cabinet right get your cabinet kitchen going there getting what you're feeling what you're what you're going to make sure brexit Sir about cemex maybe open the cabinet and you recycle Capri got insult captor whatever's in there you can also find some rice and beans in that gap yeah you know also find you know easy quick easy mashed potatoes are made go find it %HESITATION we nothing could be in their labor so it's kind of like turning into this thing where it's very interesting to me too and it even to go forward like what else could be inside this networking stocks instead of this cabinet for when people approach it or open it up let's just say you know in this up on Spotify or apple music or something is opening the cabinet you can be hit with all sorts of different flavors %HESITATION quick meals in a cache of that and and and you know with with the bluegrass is seeing huge wave right now in the semis like Billy strings and other the sessions are bringing it to the forefront of people's consciousness like I know when I was coming up like in the Grateful Dead scene a lot of us listen to bluegrass but it was kinda like secondary to being a dead head you know what I mean you're in because of the dog in and direct right right but now it's it's more up front and I wonder how that's affecting bands like you guys are you seeing increase or more fans coming to you through that vein like riding the wave of that we necessarily I mean our fan base is very pretty steady from the get go you know there is and we and we put them in a big props to fans because we put them through this roller coaster ride of emotions and I Addis's member changes yeah all these things and all I'm still here still coming out and as part of the drive to get together lucked out Silverstein was recorded on March the twenty twenty I remember being at that that session in Vermont and when we last everybody got home and that the check started to come in like she is what did the Vander closed down all the stores go bust join the paper whatever and well at least we have this the session under certain body else just kind of been the story reg you know like there two years and just plain playing the game doom saying out there he was hustling you know you're in this unique position that we were just you know technically still on this hiatus we're trying to figure out our yeah you know we release those tunes in that let that lead us to kind of just try to restart the business side and see if we can get a record together maybe circles in some shows you know it took us two years but we had a lot of fun doing it and it's at the end of it we had this Mr Krauss emissions record and good what kind of you know just running off of that at the moment and we're doing all in house and doing all the booking and communicating you know we hired some friends to help with managing and everybody in the band I mean my my guess my idea is that if I can get you know the band to work together internally and solidify the way that we work together we can do this internally then there should be no fear about continuing continuing on you know yeah I do know you're like trying to trying to reboot the the guts of cabinets inside just to be sure that we can go out and do this thing and and you know be able to provide for our families and our ever growing and semi fortunate in September all thank you yeah it's it's a beautiful thing I thought I had a couple of three S. that I could do it and it's like yeah really started questioning it and do this Evans yeah but you know those those are real things but you know at the end of the day we built a brand we owe it to ourselves really really good effort the brand does the damage we have a loving you know really solid fan base there's about us so kind of like let's make it work you know I do I I have to go back to something I'm kind of a little blown away like %HESITATION like I said silver sun was the first song that I really heard from you guys and %HESITATION knowing that that came out right as the pandemic was happening and the lyrics to that song and what it's saying holy shit up yeah that's crazy man yeah it is crazy that's that's I wrote that song in my garage the year prior I was kind of experimenting with thank my own little production thing that I had I was getting into engineering and to set up a recording thing in my garage and that was really just an experiment and my own you know I'll text you that I'll text you the demos you can see where it came from I would love I would love that that that song is on our like we have like a sonos in the kitchen and we all get up for work in the morning that's one of the songs it's in rotation in the morning the market yeah it really %HESITATION it really came and it had a interesting time as it has that kind of message you're paying homage just keep on moving but it also you know there is it wasn't written for that purpose it was it was written as an attempt to me just to write a song in order to demonstrate one five you know it's just drums bass banjo guitar something number and everything trying to get that capture some sort of shock and it like I never wrote those lyrics just saying that you know kind of came came up with the melody and then just start Ahmanson your ex in there in the store or something it kind of ended up being somewhat of an anthem for us depending on who's in ourselves you know us to us to man one yeah cool as well one thing I love the way you just mention that there is %HESITATION with like in with bluegrass bands it's not very common to see your percussion section and the the fact you have to Professionisti it just adds so much more we got very used to listening to a lot of bluegrass that day first years ago we started getting into it we didn't really quite realize at first that there is no drama yeah you know and then we got caught on to that and then you have a few bands that have drummers but you guy I mean you really have a great percussion section backing it up and it just adds so much more depth to it right right also gives us the opportunity to Mosey and John %HESITATION and %HESITATION you know really experiment with some of those other things that we love about Saturday known there should be no limitations or restrictions in my opinion to you know your creative side not only personally there's no leader in the band that's we're all trying to guide each other through this thing we all know that the common thread is that we loved playing writing and recording music yeah yeah and you know there should be anything kind of internal restricting us from taking it in any way shape or direction unless that was like no preconceived notion that Hey we're gonna go out and be try to be a really great deal breast right try to be really great reggae band really great funk band metal band or whatever you know we kind of just stumbleupon the acoustic instruments and then throughout the years were incorporate some other stuff Charles I got some custom electric banjos made up for some different sounds you know her fiddle player Todd has always been in the circuit bending in different angles and unique sounds he's he's he's got a turntable stations don't scratch and that and that you can hear some of the scratching on the record you know and it's just like there was a time when and I had this vision to build a bluegrass route you know and it really kind of at the end of the day you know I had to reverse that became kind of stressful to try to live up to this standard you know and when we let it go when we just said let it go you know some really interesting sounds and strong start I'm not yes I wonder how much of your performance like you know if it was like a percentage playing versus performance how much energy and thought do you put into the performance aspect of your you know playing that you and your playing I think we hold records released a monthly Herschel's like you know I'm I'm pretty sure I'm pretty certain you know it it's two thousand six with twenty twenty two now so what's that got to help me with the maps team thank you apple sixteen yes apple thanks we're going ons one of like sixteen years here and %HESITATION you know I think it's safe to say maybe ten rehearsals here what I'm trying to get that like well we're not good at we're going to realize that it's you know it's quite challenging for us to get a room together we've always got our teacher you know you always cut our songs you know this is the first record that there are some new songs on it that are fans haven't heard and we actually played three we played three of them last night is the first time in history I think bar band you know because we are first record you know we're playing gigs for three years before put out that record so they're all songs that people have heard us play live and and and then we're just always behind the bar on the recording we were great songs go out and really how should not live in our fans will get to know the sounds and it'd be to actually record you know right but it's all the songs that they they heard live it's just they were here in the studio versions of those and this time and partially because the pandemic and everything we actually snuck in some sense some unheard material and we're able to go out there's an interesting feeling last night to go out and play a song for our peeps that they hadn't heard before yeah how was the response to that from them I mean because you can gauge a response to a song that they've heard because you you feel the energy of a you know what's going on but when you're doing that that's something new for you and for them how did that feel for me it felt it felt really cool it was almost like a I was I was kind of proud to be able to introduce you know because that's that's something now that I would like to see as a fan that go out near here new song that I haven't heard too short life you know and especially if it was released on a record you know and and I think our fans are so used to our material because we were just sitting there working in a specially in in the first six years or something really grinding and she's trying to get our by about their in all those you know we were just playing all of this out all the songs that we had in the in the bucket you know the majority Georgia more recorded in the studio you know that's it was gone and it was cold to be able to introduce new material and it's kind of new I have to I mean our influences are ever changing and ever growing and you know we're not questioning it too much risk trying to let that happen well I do you guys Mandy you owe it to to the music to keep doing what you're doing because it's it's look it's the music business is tough and being a musician is fucking hard shit N. to find any measure of success doing it is like winning the lottery right what you guys are doing there's there's energy inside of it Pat there it sure that shits alive man and like I agree and I think it comes down to you know everybody has different ideas of what success is right and ours I think maybe a little bit different from other people's especially in the industry I mean my idea of success is taking care of my brothers in this band you know financially mentally all the things making sure the stress levels down you know some of the guys don't have to show up they don't want to yell at sage I kind of taken on you know this thing that you know cabinet is it saying you know as long as we can go out and perform our teens JP knight you know right the majority ninety percent of the of the songs and if we can go out and and you know we have a whole list of local musicians that nobody's ever heard of just love to play and can quickly upon staging by with some of the students you know and %HESITATION makes it all that much more special you know we went out last year without our guitar player after player was in on a couple games but we still out we still went out and played his cabinet you know I and yes change I think we do owe it to the to the music and music lovers yeah that staff you don't want to yourselves to manage it yourself right because you can't all that effort into it also your family's like they're right back waiting on you to come home and and supporting you through your non rehearsals and you are out but no seriously like you're out there doing something and so right yeah do that something for everybody because sure feels amazing to listen to what you guys are doing it especially because there's not a specific genre and it's almost more fun to listen to music like that because you're like do I hear little bluegrass do I hear little rock and roll do what you know with that dark and I was talking to somebody last night our friend land movies great keyboard player lives in areas that and and we had a conversation after the show kind of about this like the idea of success or whatever and he books his own band is on tree on it so I kind of you know I had a moment last night where I was on stage just trying to get into the music side of it but it was really fighting this I got I couldn't stop thinking about like the logistics of the next to work well yeah she was like all the sudden %HESITATION the guy who is trying to handle all these things you know is really kind of like interesting moment where I was like trying to shake the business side of it while performing and it's challenging to do it in our in house but %HESITATION we got a we got a great team of guys man and we're all we're all driven in our own sh in our own ways and and are are good at certain things you know all of that with the intention of pushing the band forward you know but I had this kind of it was like you know we used to climb a ladder just somewhere we're trying to climb this ladder right yeah district magistrate to success right and right now I think instead of this vertical kind of journey you know I kind of describe it as more of a ripple thing like let's just drop something what if it was a horse outlets you can have a horizontal sex and just by doing what were doing and being true to ourselves you know in this really experimental time with with the band and the organization the organization is trying to figure out if we can actually do this you know again what if the music does a lot of the work for us you know what it's like you know the recordings and the shows and and the vibe that we put out does a lot of the work not the agency's not that managers not the publicist out all this the regular staff that climbs you up that ladder but what if the music and the vibe in the organization internally has you know starts doing work for you where you know you're not calling out to people people are calling to you and you know it's great I mean I'm I'm getting you know random emails and stuff like that so I can create you guys coming through and just having general interest and what we're doing where you know it wasn't me going out and saying Hey can I get on that can I get on the podcast with any record coming out thank you Hey man it's about time you know the music starts working for us yeah okay that's a that's a great feeling right there because we kind of went without the part we've been doing this going on five years and about about a year and a half ago is when when Erin so excitedly came to me and Melanie or like we have people reaching out to us now he wasn't happy do all the work reaching out to help assistance stop it's like they're asking about us now and help and promote them and I was like oh my god well in in it's it's what you said to that end like not to be too happy about it but like that's trusting your passion and your creation to sustain you and care for you and people that you love and care about N. absolutely when that thing starts turning around and I start given back yeah it starts giving back and that's and then through that thing giving back you have more space in your head and energy to give back to the thing I N. instant self heating sure and also you know sh a bit of internal control where we can set our schedules based around everybody's family lives and you know we're not trying to like I said if this keeps going back to this latter thing but you know a lot of bands out there are are are the able and capable of doing you know steady torrent stuff like that sh agencies are trying to get there you know you're trying to get their books up and you can almost at that point like feel this pressure of you know the same playing the game it's a game to play the game you know and and if there's a fine line between sh going game and you know the game playing you yes that's a mouthful right they say yes to everything whether you want to do it or not whether you can do it or not and sometimes there's like it sometimes that's very admirable because it's like yeah you're sure we're willing to do whatever but like the reality is you have four children and unless you want to be an absent dad you got to be around so you have to figure out a happy medium somewhere where you can actually make a living to sustain them and right so so that they know who you are and saying yes to everything is not in everybody's you know yeah you can't do that there's there's just not everybody can be a yes man awesome my my wife is actually face timing right right now as you I have four children do you need to pick that up we do it I can I can we can edit this we can just call back let let me grab this letter is real quick yeah yeah just do your thing so while Papiss talking to his wife that gives us the opportunity to tell you about one of our awesome sponsors you have to tell you about the fine premium cannabis if you are up here in the Portland area we have two locations one in Hillsboro and one in forest Grove to serve you take care of all your cannabis needs when you come visit us you want to make sure that you tell us that you are one of our listeners will give you ten percent off your whole purchase and a free T. shirt T. shirt to be worn back in because you're gonna come back again where that you get a fifteen percent discount every time you come in we are there to take our time with you and get you seated to the medicine you need and send you on your way with a big old smile so come on visit us at the bar premium cannabis yeah that was good manners let's see if he's back yet Pappy some happy some money I want you know I was going to actually ask you about them and like you again you don't know yet how do we get more money no we you know everybody been home for two years shelling now you've been with your family and relaxing and doing your thing at home and then now the machine turned back on and your back out on the road thank you is that is that a point of contention %HESITATION is that is is she cool with that is you know she's cool she's still there you know so their name yeah you know we we have a mutual understand it sure and respect for each other she's a graphic designer and %HESITATION you know she's the she's the one who gets to make sure we all get our our teeth cleaned and you know all those things to the insurance side of it comes through and you know we have a good we got a good balance you know we definitely financially help each other out do our best to provide for for a little season what's that her name's channeling Tomlin's right on that's about ten AM and shit they had respect for for all the you know cabinet better habits you know absolutely shattered all the females that are keeping their own on the road what's also that's a big family when you got seven musicians and then all their other counterparts that's a big family you've got there is there is that three three out of the seven don't have any children but you know I I actually only had two years in advance at two thousand well three years two thousand nine my first remarks so I only have three years as a touring musician or a it was a touring musician with a child and you know I was in my early twenties sh it's been a let's just say I've I've you know somewhat figured out ways to do it from from the early stages you know well it's you know you got to keep the home fires burning man you got to keep the home life tight or the road life just doesn't work a lot of compromise a lot of sacrificing it was challenging when we're here I go again when we were climbing that ladder you know it was challenging because you got this real real drive in and %HESITATION you know this passion saying but it you know it it sh they bumped heads a lot and we had a lot of hard times with scheduling even still you know even even now that I'm kind of controlling and I'm she's in my she's in my head a lot like we you know we're doing this %HESITATION probably this is the most modern torn down and over five years and this year it's all all based around this new record it's kind of an attempt to get back out there but you know it's it's all an experiment you know it's all there's no real not trying to like follow any sort of template or anything we just kinda roll with the punches here where we're at right now you know that's the way it should be I mean you did it once go ahead well guys this is a live look in at like I mean yeah you guys are you guys are hitting it hard now you're the upcoming two were like you know Dolph several festivals Belfast R. I'm excited to hear when you guys hook up with John Morgan Kimock Brooklyn well yeah that you know just some of the stuff you guys got going and not many breaks in between you guys got their kit and I found it near it like you said man if if she wasn't tight and straight at home you can't focus when you're out on the road man a good that that's true being in the back your mind thanks every day I mean do you already the guy that's thinking about the next tour while you're up there so right now they're running the mills in there it's it's you know it's too much but yeah I think that I don't know who the hell am I I'm just I'm just a guy a self park as it is today but I think you guys are police man I I feel like this year's gonna be something special for you man I really do yeah we got like this kind of circulating saying it is it's working in our favor at the moment because you know we weren't we didn't get hit you know you're really grateful that you know we didn't get hit and I I really felt for our brothers and sisters out there got hit hard by all the canceled shows and their towers just get all screwed up you know and that's their lifeline that's the way they make their money and get out there you know it's you know that's that's how we make our money on the road we sell merchant tried to sell tickets in March you know that and unfortunately these days you know the recording side of it doesn't bring a whole lot of money so you got to get out there and there we were kind of in this unique position of like trying to rediscover ourselves and our sound during the hiatus and then finally just booked a session I had a couple new tunes and you know that kind of put us in a position to you know start the percolating process yeah and here we are you know the copies almost ready this is good from here I don't pretty good over here and they were all in a row yeah we'll see what happens you know but even if nothing happens it's okay you know there's no that's really really limiting expectations at this point internally externally %HESITATION you know at the end of the day there's this there's this living breathing thing that his cabinet out there in the universe and you know whether it's a it's a steady relevant thing or not it's it's cool always going to access all the home delivery and why it's going to be that's why it is and will continue to be successful is because of that attitude yeah I was gonna comment on your attitude because it's you know when when you are the person that's in charge of the booking in the back and then and then performing and selling your mark all those things are you wearing all those hats it can be really hard to maintain a positive attitude but you're the person who needs to the most so are there is some like things that you do on a personal level that help you get to maintain or at least keep that fire lit I think it it's just the natural balance of you know my passion for the arts and my passion for my family you know I think it's you know I I I'd used up when I go home and with my kids my wife and it's you know some some time off that I get I get all that juice an inspiration to take out here and it gives me all the more drive to make it work out for everybody you know and even you know the the mental side of of this industry is really serious you know we've struggled a lot with them you know the expectation outside of that like you're expected to get out there for your arts are you expected to show up on time expected to be there all that thing like you know all this and I'm I'm right now right generators and under everything it says everything is tentative you know it last year last year we do around it we we don't get the everything is tentative tore behest you know it's like then you're not like angry when they do doesn't show up at one o'clock Russia's epic choose an hour later it's like that's cool we kind of factored that into the program at this point you know yeah and %HESITATION just ride with that man a lot of those tensions that happened you know when we're rolling with an agency in a manager and you know nothing against the props you know bill Lerner all right R. O. managers managing Billy strings right now they're just crushing it and that that may over crossover touring I mean we had a really solid regimen going and that's kind of you know they helped us really be able to be in a position where we're in now and especially with me I I learned through that process and watching them and bills bills an old friend you know that the we vibe you know and we we talked a conversation we kind of started this thing together this idea of %HESITATION you know growing something around the music and an interesting at some point maybe after the cool river record it just became too much you know with the families and the changes in the band in the mental side of you know who we were trying to to be in the in the light of like the industry the game you know thanks all this and more this jam grass band anomalies festivals but inside we really just wanted to play reggae music or rock or something you know so kind of like had this you know we we are involved in this circuit which we still are I'm grateful for for all of that but I I I don't want to limit US at all you know I there's no reason why you know we can't just all the sudden when you're turning to a reggae band when I wanna go play some reggae fest you know not gonna hurt anything shit I don't more always on it yeah indeed I wanted to ask you about that because it means you're the ones doing the booking yourselves in that but I see you like build with a lot of jam band stuff is that your is that because of your associations with bill and and all that or is that you do in that sh well we just always had a natural element of jamming right I think a lot of that had to do with our lack of rehearsed you know kind of like this I didn't like it the very least we can go out and jam we have a buy we have they really %HESITATION you know contagious kind of dynamic with each other's very natural you know our ability to get on stage and just play as long as there's some sort of structure to a tune or whatever somebody's got an ideal some of the songs you know were hashed out loud like out thank you to work tomorrow the bluegrass are that we do and I remember just we never rehearsed that too after I just started playing it one night on our network and we built it we involve this tune and through live through live shows just taking a risk taking a chance and it's turned into its own thing and act like it I honestly cannot think one day hour minute that we sat down %HESITATION like let's do this to him let's run through these parts it just happened I don't know what a lot of that a lot of that happens with us but you know I think it's actually are you know our lack of being able to be there and they go out and really structured things and and that's man I would love to be able to do that but you know we've been through we've been through that there during %HESITATION without one it's like it only says to reimburse it back when we try to re or something and get it nice and tight ninety percent of the time it doesn't come out the way we rehearsed it out so why not just do a live chat you know it's it's it it sounds like your artistic in the way you put together music thank not necessarily of course your musical but like okay let's do this plus this finding that the back handed waited to to configure something and then put it out musically that's awesome I mean it sounds one of my things that I love to do is collage you know kind things putting them together and it sounds a lot like that you know okay let's play this song let's do this live let's add this right now it now we figured out how to play it for the next three four five times you know and also on the flip side of that man you're you're also able to in fuse the energy of the crowd into the life of the song itself so and they both they've always been a big artist of the you know that Dr you know it's it's almost like you're fighting for your life up there you got a good entertainer you know and %HESITATION some sometimes you just go out on a on a whim but there at one point somebody sh I think asked me in an interview like you know what would you you know John %HESITATION ties your your band or whatever and you know I think I said something along the lines of creatives collective confusion thank you is that creative confusion or something like that you know it's like you know we're confused or confused bunch of guys and and but we're creative and we're you know we collect we collect our our elements man and put him together I mean the cash card they put me in the cabinet man why are they some of them stay in there you know some of them stay in there in the back and they get you know maybe maybe summer have expired dates on this like so they're staples in the cabinet right and then you know I'm I'm looking you know I'm looking forward to it the junk drawer to that's an excel blames may be I love it I love it well I would say like do in reggae music you just to get in the back in that Jamaican jerk spice out below that on yeah I think you know it's really kind of %HESITATION it's really interesting the position that we're in now but you know like I said now we're not really trying to question it too much or just trying to the stain ourselves keep ourselves happy keep our better half step to keep our own lives happy in and keep each other you know mentally stable to be able to continue to do this thing and there's there's really no other way of jump starting it again unless we know for certain that you know we trust each other and you know we were gonna take care of each other so really the the goal with a straight house just staying our relationship our brotherhood that we started sixteen years ago yeah at the very least to be opened soon bread on the table you know at which are well known once they tell your approach that you've got to this everything is such something we've taken on in the last few years we talk about it quite a bit with other people it is the thing of going into something and trust in it and not have an expectation so many people in this world politics you know that you go to a show or you go in to be a performer you have these unrealistic expectations and then you just set yourself up for like disappointment or agony so I mean it sounds like that's what what you guys do you like Hey man we're just we're going into this so we're giving it our all and it and it's worked and anything that I get out of that is is the owner yeah that's the fruit yeah absolutely not yeah that is the fruit and that you know we'll see where it takes us you know are you can but we're also in the position to back out if we do it yeah and you know we haven't brought up here playing with your brother right it is not presently %HESITATION your cousin okay all right so has that been rather he's my brother right has that been a thing since you guys were younger that you played together or was that something you guys discovered when you were a little older well you know my decision to move to Pennsylvania from Cleveland was based around us starting a band %HESITATION in the NBA and that I had graduated high school an apartment she brands in Cleveland these Cleveland shot out to Cleveland Chatham cleaning legally and %HESITATION you know I was playing guitar and I started playing guitar probably around age fifteen or so so there was a nineteen year old kid you know knew I wasn't going to college add this creative side of me that I wanted to explore and all the sudden had freedom so I called him up one night and said Hey man look back up my minivan thank you let's get together let's start a band or something you know in the end when I got to his house he was playing mandolin is Montana mandolin for Christmas and she also water but in the banjo three bottom a banjo mandolins Christians and I show up at his house my guitars keyboards and jam bay loop a dog you know and I'm thinking that you're like you know we're gonna we're gonna play guitars together here he was playing mandolin and he's I guess you got me this other thing to do is call the band jokes and %HESITATION my bad I don't really like it you should try it out no wonder is bad about the banjo and he was playing with Mickey our tarp where he went to high school with and Mickey was playing the guitar so all this and we had a cruise to get jars of the story line and he was later he actually was he had his mandolin team to open G. okay because the banjos tuned open G. so we're just you know we were just more interested in the towns that were coming out of these new insurance starting now I don't think I ever saw banjos being played live bluegrass wasn't listening for me leading up to it but like I was saying previously you know these instruments kind of all this and more in our lives and from there we started doing some open mikes and will expire at the river street jazz cafe and we're under age you know nineteen years old going out there we think we're the only guy on the people in the world planet acoustic guitar mandolin banjo is great nobody S. right we're we're so unique look at us and then you know the guy who was running sound at the open mikes that was our bass player Dylan and he he was %HESITATION you know he had an upright bass and all that looks cool that's a statically pleasing with you know the banjo and mandolin basis cool he's like Hey I got a buddy of mine please buy landed only we should go and that's our violin player cannot yeah so then all the sudden we had a bass a banjo mandolin guitar and fiddle and then really cool nobody's you know this that if somebody's like Hey you know you go you guys to go listen to like old men the way you know and check out this a world world record that chance growing up and then also as I opened the way whose shit this is cool one this is kind of the same instrumentation our D. line and then I can open up that universe that that really wonderful world that is bluegrass music you know and for the first you know a few years we really approach that he dug into it and and then all the sudden there's the sh the valley famous the local famous drummer Jamie Novak who is our drummer now at some point they came it was incorporate this guy then all the sudden cabinets you know a five piece bluegrass band with droughts and that's when the sound really started to develop %HESITATION we realized we could do reggae starts to realize we can search you know we could Mosey right we can ensure away from kind of the traditional sound that we're you know so sh newly getting into and there is bank cabinet was born I have one cabin at the movie is made I want to see that moment of you pulling the banjo out from under the bed and like a beam of light coming down and then cut to you onstage tearing it up yeah I mean it's cool I really found that with that instrument and you know the the world of bluegrass in general like I was saying is just such a wonderful community of of people and artists alone and %HESITATION man I I really dug into it but if you can guys I'm sure you can relate you know you get that you get on a tangent of some sort of genre of music and then you know you switch over yeah yeah and it but it comes back are you always revisit that record %HESITATION that genre you know certain histologic reasons or whatever for five I like listening to bluegrass music when I'm working I listened as a house painter for a lot of the beginning years of cabinet and my boss would play bluegrass records back one second out lot of the tunes yeah a lot of the teams that cabinet plays are ones that I was hearing while I was working painting houses with that with this guy okay I listen to it a lot when I run is that you need to move on man for sure sh absolutely so with all of the you know shows your plan and stuff do you guys have any plans to come out west of the Pacific northwest or west coast at all you know I have I have seen some time in August blocked off for a potential Colorado springs so right now in the process of on this trip school bus somebody flipped the school bus and a tour bus in there so that he actually might come to the show tonight so we're really trying to like we're van and trailer for so long and flying the band just terrifies all of us sure but you know injuries several reasons you know we're in three different for different states now she got for Genya Maryland Pennsylvania and I live in Vermont and that so it's a little it's just a nightmare it's not possible but %HESITATION you know I'm new at this and I don't but I don't do logistics dot com I'm trying to figure out that can I can I book flights for everybody in next year's rates on time and where they need to be so it's like we kind of like sh open to get the school bus because we're all good at driving yeah so the the very least let's take a trip out west you know that thank so we'll see man I don't know it trying to keep the stress levels down it's yes you know we're taking it or taking it nice and easy at the moment yeah but yeah there is a real desire to get to get back at work especially Colorado we up in Oregon or something Montana's got a good market source potentially that's right it's not you know it's not on the it's not on the a man was trying to get through today I don't give a more shit to think about we had a Linn Oregon that's why us so yeah well obviously I you know man if you guys come through let me know make sure that %HESITATION at least you guys can have a place to stay totally stay with us yeah would love to keep in mind I mean %HESITATION I think your number was that your number apple on the on the email thread that's me Aaron's Myanmar Aaron yeah that's my number apple apple Aaron and Mel yeah US M. S. yeah hello hello I'll I'll look I'll totally the pharmacy if I can dig up that that demo Silverstein and send it out that be awesome man may have had this talk to you J. P. you know that the sugar out sessions record is really a fifty fifty split of JP's reading my writing and and I'm pretty sure undoubtedly we have demos for all of those tunes and some thinking to just two and a quick digital release which is the demo is just for the fans to kind of get that same that's right some of this stuff yeah and just you know no big production or anything just put out a digital release of like where these things came from solo five song right phone recordings since courts you know shit Keller did own recording so yeah I actually did I did one of those with him %HESITATION throughout the pandemic yeah John John came back and I started a record label I John yeah Dr okay strategies records and %HESITATION it's kind of like you know it all the sudden we had all this time to think about things and be inspired him and I always talked about wanting to jump into something like that create a community server our friends and local artists and kind of the underdogs if you will mmhm yeah try to generate some opportunity in the same kind of mentality you know no expectations I think actually in the letter that was sent out to artists that are interested in getting a label that says you know just so you know you can you can come and you can leave at any time to get out you you know because that is so yeah I hope you're not expecting us to be like a traditional record label because it's you know it's just like it's more of like a collective or community but it's based around you know musicians and you know stressing the the under just so many wonderful song writers and and under dogs out there that don't get sometimes don't get delighted Dame and they try and labels turned down or they don't have the capability of making records %HESITATION Manx records are touring all that but they're still there's a lot a lot on her talent there Sir kind of kind of focusing on that side of it sh that's that's dope and John when we talk to John we had immediate connection with him like him and I've stayed in touch ever since we met through the podcast and %HESITATION when I saw you guys are on astrology days I think okay I didn't know that you were the one that started it with them now so that that even makes even more sense though yeah it was cool and stuff started steps are coming in and I reached out to Keller throughout the endeavors that changed me some send me a some little jam you plan on the back porch because I was getting into you know engineering as a studio space Burlington at that time and before my fourth child was born so I had like these moments thank you okay go to the studio and mess around a little bit and we actually I'll send you %HESITATION you can probably find K. W. K. K. W. K. Z. so I have this this other side of the witch is king Zeke which is all just experimental music and me mess around my studio essentially but Keller sent me one of his phone recordings and I just added a bunch of stuff to is really interesting piece of music came out as like you know look it as just using technology to create with each other you know yeah it that's one of the coolest things about living in twenty twenty two is that like in order to make music you guys don't have to be in a traditional studio space you are even in the same room he in different countries in different parts of the planet even and still make it happen and that I think that's opened things up to you know it's a limitless now what do you guys get really is it really is and it's kind of driving we're where we're at the way that I'm thinking at that works you know it could very well you know it's you know it's like you know maybe we're writing our own book without knowing it and R. Roach you know and it's like instanced of trying to do it the way that it's been done let's try some unconventional avenues and see if they work you know we're we're in this position to be experimental with what we're putting out there sh you know I hired I booked a magician for the show last night for the first time I live yeah it was April fools day so I'm like well we'll be collecting entertainment for like a nice big lobby at at the Sherman theater here and %HESITATION sick man see if I can find a magician all the sudden I'm in this world talking magicians and I'm getting all these offers from magicians were traveling we got this guy and Marco of magic but his name became not just its strolling magic and before we played for the people in the lobby drink barely Marseille bush is like that's that's like the kind of stuff I want to get into like you know I don't know if you guys have never been to a show or there is just some slight and magic happening %HESITATION forty go to show a lot of money six out of not a not sure either right like to try to you know explore some of those more entertainment on yet more famous overlapping for our people that's what I was talking about how much like earlier when I was asking about like say percentages of performance right like performance S. music that counts your I. D. so itching it up you're changing it up so that maybe it's not on stage with you but it's part of the experience as part of the entire perform that you're gonna go see and who doesn't want some fun as shit like I'm going to see a concert what this guy freakin was doing magical night like that I got another one two for tonight yet my merch guys not too happy about this but this is this is the new this is the newest so was there ever a time that I'll ask you that you want to buy some merch money your favorite bands and there was a free box at the end of the merch table no never never ever right it will be tonight at the cabin structure with the %HESITATION phone out earnings yeah free box right so it's all kind of like you know I I screen print similar similar shirts and like there's some dads in strong cruise season there's two bands like Hey everybody can only pick one saying that there's a big box three three March now freed up and running yes it did doing stuff like that is genius to enhance it makes going to show more of an experimenter acted it's India it's something that you remember like remember the time we when that guy was pulling cards out of data do you know your beer or whatever like yeah yeah how far can that go I'm interested in that as opposed to how far can we push the music side of it or you know all that like how far can you make sure you know how far can we take the experience of what we're doing and then just the music the live show experience on top is just icing on the cake I know that I know were all in men and men when whenever you guys come out to you please let me know and stay in touch with us anytime you got some to promote you got home wonderful I appreciate that it's a it's an absolute pleasure to meet you absolutely and I I like through that's why I I just had to throw one ladder what one of my favorite tracks man I've been to that because I've seen many performances a heavy rain then that that track really hits me and you guys can only seem to extended jam on that one and and thank you for being part of our %HESITATION at the soundtrack to our life and Hey it's it really is it really is our pleasure ma'am we do it for less you know we do it for love that's it yeah you can tell him it comes through in volume right %HESITATION Pappy go go handle your business with your girl man yeah did you guys man good luck thank you and have fun tonight active all the guys are love man get out there and kill it will do thank you so much talk to you soon John right wow that is one soulful sweet hearted brother right there yeah tapi from cabinet everybody gay everybody out there remember to follow cabinet on on all the places that you follow them and you know listen there music and tell your friends about him go to their shows by their merchant buy concert tickets and support him because they're putting great stuff out into the universe and you know what we want to support each other when we're taking our passion creativity time and talent and we're pouring it into something that we love putting something beautiful out into the world it feels really good to be supported by the people that you love it's true you don't have to support everything but if you're digging it supported yeah you could Whittle it down to just cabinet and no simple road will be fine all those things here instead to do can go over to cabinet music dot com right now where they're comin to play see other merch all those things yep it's right there in my data center tips when you see them post that there are no simple road one of you guys show up in the comments there in and let them get that engagement yeah no simple road family has spoken and whatnot boom so Hey what's happening everybody we're back Hey other week of us in in the studio talking you guys in in a hell of a couple weeks you know it's it's weird like we did the three part episode of skull and roses yes and it took us out of our rhythm he yeah last week was the first episode back but it wasn't really the first episode back because we waited a week after we recorded the intro for that to put it out yeah so in the time line yeah if using and everything is moving so fast quickly right now and it is nuts man when you say everything Babe what do you mean by like one of the things that you're thinking about by saying just a simple day right is like the blink of an eye and I'll think like oh look at account our calendar and I'll be like oh that's two weeks away and then the next day it's here you know what I am against it we're just sitting here talking about going to school and roses it seems like a couple weeks ago and that's already come and gone this three parter the Bahadurabad cast a mean and we always joke about it but here we are entering June and the holidays are right around the corner oh my god for we know it was great we always joke about that now to get you to be you know like summertime it's like %HESITATION the holidays are right around October is four months away then they were just gonna money in five months he's going to be for him that's the cutest age I've ever seen it's it's the first time the end of it that is two years or so you know he's going to be the cutest that is absolutely but it everything is really like it seems like the space time continuum has been accelerated like we're in some alternate timeline where an hour is not in our reality in and I know that like let me get weird heavy with Ali but I know that time is like a construct of the human mind these letters and I just do a little tag right here %HESITATION if you all interested in that listen to Zach bush on Aug Aubrey Marcus podcast it was an excellent excellent interviews about time yes %HESITATION it was about time and I I mean I implore you leaders of the Seattle I implore you to listen to that one day you'll you'll really like it but yeah the whole time thing is is a it's our our invention to keep track of shit N. okay I get it but I just remember being a kid and like summer vacation would start and it would be an eternity like you would have a friend that would go out of out of town for summer and the V. gone for Everton and they were gone for like three weeks you know what I mean or like the school year think about that was nine months nine months is like just now yeah and I don't know if it's a phenomenon of aging because I've heard that I've heard other people say that time goes faster as you get older because there's less in front of you than behind you but that but that I still understand why that why it's doable I guess that's the one that would make it down hill Truckin down hill you know what I mean yeah you're going faster by words the whatever I think they get a smaller it does seem like time goes faster and older people say because even faster as you get older when you're young you don't understand time is much your time's not all booked up like your time's honorees spent yeah yeah like we talked about that the other day you're over our times right it's like %HESITATION what do you do what what about September eighth we're very satisfied that our time is already booked through those listen to George Carlin the other night that documentary on %HESITATION he's does a bit on that about we put a time stamp on it there's bad time nap time right now it is time lunch time summertime spring time everything's got a time we put time on everything while it's time to go it's time to hurry it is time to go to bed it's high time later might have made a play for me it's it's it's a trip and while I wonder if everybody feels it well we just said kids don't really feel it have you ever asked how would they know has a five year old so do you think time is what you're looking for will be that's why it seems to go faster as you get older because there's more experience we know what it means you know what time means if you don't know what that means you're if you're not under the law of it as you get older your G. added no you don't even know what pages now you're not planning does a kid you're not plant you know your time's not all taken up as Jasper if you think the time is faster now than when he was like look what you go because at snack time he's already put patients well if he does know when he was a baby though yeah he does yeah back when he was in the lead I know I know you listen to that when he's a baby that is a key to seem like a saloon now right yeah I like the attitude to you is like I listen to that when I was a baby Gaza we're %HESITATION I I agree with you by the way I just want to I just wanna let it out yeah no it's finalizing it it's fine right but it's nice to be back to some semblance of our normal T. N. we talked about it in the last outro but doing the live streams is so much fucking fun yeah I'm really looking forward to this weekend with Toby in Davie lake I think that that was the most fun I've had podcasting I would agree the most fun I would agree thank I didn't want to get off it was late I was tired I was high I was sleepy and I still didn't want to get off with them yep and we did we kept going yeah I'm going to go in I also kind of thing that we were punished and had to stay in the room because like we couldn't leave you know we're like live stream you can just get off the camera but lake it was such a great time there so funny and they are very insightful and because they listen to the show if it's just like a good exchange that we had such a great exchange between the five and we created the most badass group of superheroes I don't know about it sells we yeah the word Smith of the invisible god yeah dealer somebody who could turn into whatever you needed but burn out again that's all that is huddle call though what happened to burn a game and they never showed up %HESITATION they said they were going so yeah the live stream thing has been a blast N. yes %HESITATION day it'll be the fifth I think this Saturday the fourth a fourth Sunday's affair Saturday's fourth okay I'm looking right now look it up now June R. A. L. yeah the fourth Saturday the fourth Sunday the fifth okay Saturday the fourth at two PM Pacific time no simple road and Toby and Davy are going to do a live stream it will be on the Osiris media you tube the no simple road you too and %HESITATION the service media Facebook live so we didn't move it to one now %HESITATION your introduction to o'clock where did you get it to go on there what do you guys talk I'm not just a light I stop it okay Jesus was one of all of everybody every little decision it oh man just tags little glimpse well okay well some of my thing you know that's seven days a week three hundred sixty five days a year yeah but you know what it would be really lame if I was sitting here by myself so I appreciate it mark it was the marine if you did have a that's the only reason has it you know it would be lame he did it by himself we never see a boring oh my god I would never say he P. like he'd be a hurricane we actually talked about that today I didn't bring that up today I could just see it now to be like thank and I was like if I wasn't involved in the podcast I don't know if we'd still be together %HESITATION I don't think we're doing this heart of a grind No Way hi Babe I'm going northwestern cited by beta no but just keep on gone baby yeah not happening but people keep it all right you know what the message got lost in the sauce there live stream Saturday two o'clock Pacific time with Toby in Davie okay %HESITATION now you wanna tell them a little bit about what's going on with Toby and Dave you wanna should we fill them in should we yeah I think we should well okay so that the no simple road families informed when we do the intervention okay so Toby Davey I listen to their it was other recent one or was it a couple you got a chrome on your lip I can't take your it's not good that is why you have to keep talking to people listening okay check it out %HESITATION Toby Davies recent episode it was about them being a super frigging stressed because they are on their grind working hard AF to make something of themselves to make a name not only that but they love what they do they Toby's constantly making music Dave east teaching lessons there were releasing shit like five to six days a week like the only like legit day off they have a Sunday and Toby started getting some like muscles like a fucking panic he had a panic attack but it was also manifesting physically in the sense that it was like literally afflicting him when he was trying to do like work like he's trying to work on his piano and he would he went to bring his arm up his muscle like stopped him from lifting his arm so he was like this is freaking me out so he went outside and he like chilled out and was like okay I'm looking at the birds and like hanging out outside and easier to feel better so Sir to realize like oh shit if I'm feeling better and I'm like trying to make myself like he was like focusing on like breeding and kind of paying attention to what was going on around him it's like if that's happening then clearly I'm creating this feeling in myself so he said yes you know he's still a couple hours outside hung out went back inside when to go back to his office his studio to try to do some work and it started to happen again and he's like what the fuck can use that I route realize it I was getting anxiety in late getting fuckin lake physical problems because even just going near the room or thinking that I had to work and so the his whole thought and his whole point was he's so busy on his grind that he is not doing literally any self care and it's not like he's treating himself bad but he's not caring for himself is working yes all the time and for him is that he used to be a day laborer and so of course that's physical and that was hard after awhile but so he's like I want to do something creative ideas and with my mind out the bubble bar well then he starts doing that and it's fucking him up because he's not taking any breaks and these like well if I'm just sitting out here outside I could be writing lyrics my god and so he had only every ounce of his time is it I can just be smoking a cigarette I gotta be fuckin bigoted beat I got you like every little thing is he can't have any spare time basically and so I saw I saw this the first of all let me back up a second the Toby in Davie YouTube channel is one of my favorite pastime if you guys aren't hip to Toby in Davie please go check the moderate two it's fucking hilarious and awesome they remind me of me an apple if me an apple had had you tube in the nineties %HESITATION eighties thank you just I'll just say that anyway so I saw this episode that they did %HESITATION the the stream that they did and we had already scheduled to do a live stream with them yeah I was already in the works and Mel and I were like oh hell we're gonna be there get a therapy well Aaron was like Mel I want you to listen to this before you know before we do the live stream this weekend I was like okay so I went on a walk today was like an hour long walk and I just had that podcast on and I'm listening to and I'm like oh hell no they know this is also everything that I do exactly was parallel it was parallel and again this is why this subject that we're talking about %HESITATION and Toby Davey this is why I left my job and decided to work from home and make it possible no matter what to be around and to help Aaron because fuck that like you through your back out and you know all of that shit was going on and then all the behind the scenes stuff that we are doing with no simple disruption and with this show and all that like technical stuff I just saw what was going down and I didn't see any way nothing good going down nothing good was going to happen and there was no one gonna come to save us except for us and so I that's that was my day so I I told my outside to listen to that night I said we're in network widest therapy session with them on the live stream on Saturday and I I texted Davey Anna's A. K. just be ready you guys are getting a therapy session this weekend he's he texted me back is like you're not supposed to tell somebody when you're gonna give an intervention that you know it's like it's one reason you dad wants Buchan stressful okay and what do you mean I at least I relate that whole thing I don't I mean that that's a common thread with a lot of people being stretched and burned out and I mean I know I'm there with share me because I feel bad like we were just talking about all the things that are happening in I'm barely apart %HESITATION because I'm working a job that stresses me the fuck out they are you know it's tough when you're pulled in many directions when you're pulled in opposite directions by different things yeah it gets to be a lot and you do you got to step away fuck step into nature what are we gonna have time for self care and it can go by very quickly without it and the end up with chest pains panic attacks and marketing elements and changers it your body will fuckin revolt it really will revolt like no matter what like okay fucking keep drinking a soda pop every day every single day every day every day that's fine and until it's not fine and that's with anything in excess or anything that's not good for awhile and soda pop I don't know I just thought I would do to you it it gave me good beers this is politically it's Ellen it is I didn't do anything I'm just picked up this house long time ago it touch it affected me and it made me like really truly want to help because there doing something very noble by doing what they want for a living even if they are having a hard time paying their bills or not they're doing what they want to do they're not and and and they're fucking working harder and they're good at it they're great at it they're working hard they're doing what they want to do their BFF's and they're like working there they get their gig and then they have a relationship to maintain to gather both married it will not talk about their relationship yes they are both married so that also that too but I was well no because I'm just talking about their relationship because if they're not getting along then their work life balance their work is also coming yeah he's not gonna come out yeah they're being up or beef in this show sucks yeah I know I'm here likewise you too are you all the other words off now it's worse I think or it's just as bad the Darwin always willing to talk about that no it is just you know you know it's not just Tobin Davey it's anybody who's having problems it sucks to hear that in what's what it sounds like this will be very important for people everywhere will get a lot out of this I'm looking forward to this here's the other thing is that like we just so happened to be in the same industry yeah thank you we are missing the word content creators we %HESITATION Constantine's but yeah we are all content creators and we're living our lives basically in front of other people all the time Dan said that today and not to mention you can't okay how do I say this you can go on and talk about your shit right but you and I don't get on the podcast and have a fight now do you know what I mean we don't that's not what what what it's about now and so you can't just do this N. B. funky do you know what I mean no yeah you have to get it doing this particular thing forces us to get our shit together every time we sit down to do it yeah whether no matter what's going on or it's not gonna happen clean simple and it's like maybe that's why time is going faster because it makes you have to fast forward everything do you get what I'm saying yeah like if you're if you're beefing with each other your whatever when you come in here to sit down you have to have worked that out now or at least some big knowledge did and put it on pause for later read that okay you know what we're gonna talk about that shit later like one of the three of us are always very good we're good at arguing that so we we there's no yelling her name calling or anything you two would be the most boring husband wife fights ever you guys get like terse with each other we got other room that's how we all we have B. it's a it's like a like a little bit of steam can they let there's no gallon name call you know it's not fighting I like to work right now fighting for point No it's like updated one minute please well more because we still get annoyed with each other but like there's no need to call you stupid names are like do anything except for give you mild shade for a short amount of time she what we are we all pretty much stick to the no Dick roles yeah easy to do it's like don't be little annoyances or this or that or we notice something but it had I mean you all know out there like the origin story of no simple road and like you've heard me say a million times like none of this was planned and so this thing that we're doing that we just happened to find ourselves doing that we like oh shit we're doing this thing now we like it yeah you know they really like it and and then now we're making new stuff up to do yeah lake I've thought about that dot today like what okay so we started this thing and now %HESITATION we're doing something else because this made us do it this being the podcast okay all right like I'm there it's making us do more things for it and it's making us grow it forcing us to look like a little kid is like I don't the shoes don't fit if we're walking outside you're going to buy me new shoes and and that is the the discomfort I think that I'm feeling right now in in like the the way that the schedule is packed in my days are so full of calls in emails and all the stuff that it takes to administrate what we're doing in the back and shit that's the like the part when you're a kid in your shoes don't fit anymore does your foot is growing and you've got to tell your mom that you need to go get new shoes you know what I mean it's growing pains yeah and the stuff that I was doing six months ago I would say was never doing two years ago yeah you get what I mean like and that stuff is easy now yes in this stuff because we B. E. Z. yeah in the future it's growing pains that sound the expansion of the creation well yeah because once you get the one or two new pair of shoes you get to chill for a while yeah they don't grow immediately so same thing with the show I found like Russia the whole there's a lot to like learn right now immediately but it's not once we learn the skills they'll probably be new skills for us to learn but at least we'll have this under our belt and that was the that was the thing I was telling you I think it was either today or yesterday about the live streaming it's like I feel like with the live streams it's the same it feels the same as when we very first started no simple road and like the first three episodes were just us three like hanging out and doing whatever you know what I mean like telling our story and stuff and it wasn't what it was going to be yet yeah it it was just the beginning of a hadn't like between brash gelatinous out you know what it reminds me of that movie with Tony danza back in the day with his daughter like she lake hits puberty and she's like this gorgeous blonde with legs hold new but I think she's out of control that's the name of the movie okay she's not talking he comes down the stairs on her sixteenth birthday wearing like you know tall socks in like a short skirt and her hair's all like half up half down in Q. but like she's a grown ass woman and she got boobs now and she's wearing make up and running again just looking like %HESITATION shit okay how can bring it bring it home bay because I'm lost I forgot sure should is going into growing Anes and I guess this shows a beautiful teenager I didn't even do nothing you could just tell the whole story then nothing till the day I'm sorry everybody not my brain Hey if anybody out there followed that line of logic you know simple road at G. mail dot com fill me in on what the fuck just happened actually is pretty shit that whole bunch look it it isn't it isn't what it is it is what it is right now it isn't what it's gonna be you know I guess that's where it was like it's not going to never mind you got it I'll leave that to him I'm really alone I I hope you'll enjoy that me too as I did sorry it's just weird to be in a position of having something brand new again and like this this thing that we're doing now we know it we know how to do this do you know what I'm saying like I don't even as far as like this podcast podcast part of no simple road like we know how to sit down and do an interview yes we've done almost three hundred up like dang that's that's a lot of interviewing so we know how to do that like I know how to edit the show put it together again I know how to do that like I could do that my sleep almost at this point and I have done that mostly but this whole thing of like moving into video and going into the live stream world in an bringing all of you guys that are listening with us yeah that's the trick yeah that's that's the trick like we've got a make you guys feel like you want to come along with this because look here's the thing we can live stream all day every Saturday for the rest of our lives if none of you watch who gives a fuck if none of you watch I'm not doing it for the rest of my life yeah well I'm just saying that gives a shit if nobody's water maybe it's the same thing as the podcast like it's all about you guys and interacting with you I think that's the coolest part yeah doing the live stuff is that you guys can interact with us while we're doing it it's like us being doing this but you can sit in on the conversation yeah and I was super fun this week bringing back we'd reviews well at that that whole thing Saturday and it filled me and Mel crushed the weed review thing to hell yes so fine that was fine apple I like I guess I just like spending time with the guys and it's fun to have everybody be able to do that too they're wonderful even if we didn't get that we just still be doing what we do but we sit at the dining room table and I'd be bringing home stuff and talking all about we we'd be doing the same thing shows Elson but it's better when you get to share it with a whole bunch of people yeah and there's so much happening like it feels good I sing about this today like during during covert and all that stuff like how is it still here it was but we're not locked down yeah N. I'm not stuck in the house by myself now N. it's so that's what I'm talking about during that like there was no end in sight there was no horizon hi I didn't know when we're gonna be doing anything or if we were going to be doing anything again N. now that like everything is kinda turned back on and we're we're moving away the expansion of ideas that are in my head are moving in like I can feel it all like pushing outward N. I don't know if it's a a result of sitting for two years with my own thoughts and you know dreaming yeah but it's fucking feels good man to see to look open up our calendar and see the peach on there yeah and I went to a string summit and SO excited about both of those I mean all of them every single one of them do that and I listen back and we didn't really mention %HESITATION belting too much we don't really talk about it I I listen to the intro and the outro we mentioned it but that was a big deal for for us yeah because from the the year that we got here we can I kept hearing about belting thank you guys would love Beltane kind same thing with the Oregon country fair those two %HESITATION festivals where like the must do %HESITATION living in Oregon and to be able to get to do the Beltane not just as attendees but you know they invited us there and personally because of the craziness of the weather and we'll let all that we didn't get to what I'm I'm fine with talking about what happened yeah yeah I mean that that's what I'm I'm a brand bring it up okay yeah but I was gonna say unfortunately because of the weather and all the Risi personal shit that was going on with you an apple we didn't really get to do as much as we wanted to with the fast we wanted to have some interviews you wanted to like walk around and talk to you know people that were there and it just it was was it possible yeah I wasn't available to us to do that and that's what rolling with the punches as you know I actually just got a text from Chris today %HESITATION yeah first time we've communicated since then and he was just saying how glad he was that we got to go out there and that he misses us and I texted him back in as a good dude that was the hardest thing I've ever done like delta India literally that was the hardest thing I've ever done like going out there it I was broken my back was fuckin busted yeah it was hard for me to stand up it was hard for me to think it was hard for me to walk yeah N. N. we had promised them that we were gonna do interviews and lay out cover the accidental basketball yeah and I physically couldn't do it and I felt like shit like like guilty yeah %HESITATION firm feeling broken yeah and being out there and then on top of it the weather like it originally down poured on us and like the weather really felt as another personality in the entire like this story of Beltane it felt like we were D. we were dealing it was like %HESITATION whatever mood we were in it however we were feeling it felt like the weather was narrating that a minute although it was a salty already that the right I still don't know how to process I still haven't filed that I don't know how to file that experience that that lately there's not closure to that right now because we really haven't talked about it was very easy and it sucked having to leave early ala a Ridgewood I wrote back to Chris I said man I know that was the hardest time of ever had at a festival my back was out I could barely think the pain was so bad it was hard to even stand up I felt like shit because we weren't able to do everything we wanted to do for you guys but what all you have out there is pure magic it's incredible brother and the people were amazing we need to hang out sometime soon and that's what's amazing that's what we did get to see is what they created what that land is what the people are the go to that smaller festival that makes it so so family oriented it was amazing those grounds are amazing the the it just everything about it is amazing N. you know my dad always said like as an adult as a man you know when you grow up the only thing you have that's worth it worth anything is your word yeah and you always keep your word and and that was what kept going through my head that that time while we were there like all I wanted to do I want to go to the hospital you know what I mean like literally and I just kept thinking but I fucking gave these people my word I have to do this I have to like figure this out and I I guess I learned the lesson is that like sometimes it's out of your fucking control do you know what I'm saying yes times it doesn't have to do with your word it's it's circumstance well that's exactly it like say you would have got into a car accident we never showed up that housing to do with your word that was something that was beyond your control and getting sick have you back thrown out the a car accident you know whatever those things are kind of beyond your control but it doesn't take away the feeling of like less sadness or guilt there it brought you know bummed out or whatever the feeling is because I was disappointed to I was so disappointed and so sad that we didn't get to participate as fully as we one promise but to wanted and it was a bummer it was a real bummer for me I'll I walked I I mean I went as excited and so %HESITATION jazz as I possibly could especially during that with the circumstances and then to just not be able to fulfill everything even if it's just personally like yeah I was a bummer and it was so beautiful it was so like it was magical and like the window that prayer that have man that that was I stood with the woman who I forgot her name already but like she was incredible and I wish to god that we she got my number but I didn't get hers and I I wish to god I would've got hers because I would have definitely called it by now she was an angel and we stood there I barely knew work hand in hand the entire time during that prayer so I've had some like really magical moments and so it was amazing that the festival was amazing but just like I said because of everything that went down I was a little bummed by self %HESITATION that it was tiger gotta Jeremy hats off to all of them because the thing I think we all realize I really realized being up here six years it was like I'm an Oregonian and realized what that really means by being around those people that have lived up here their whole lives and they they understood and were very gracious about us happened I you know not do what we're we're meant to do because they are having a hard time making everything work but they made it work yeah they're all out there I mean they were talking to Rachel downpour that with what seven camps washed away pastor campgrounds were flooded out there out there having to figure out other places for people to camp and they pulled it off with style yeah absolutely there is dire it they mean they they are they can make it work yeah I wonder what they showed it there and it was sad to me not to be there to see it all happened but same thing I was sick I had to go or I was gonna be sicker any can't break yourself isn't you're no good yep yep it was a weird weekend man it is it's a trip to have something like that happen and you know in the in the lifespan of knows simple row we've never had anything like that go down we shall we're we're fucking on and we do our job we show up I'm and the you know what we're we're human sure happens things change like all of that stuff in the thing is is that I when I look back at it I just remember all the rad shit lake I remember seeing Chris's face light up when he saw us and then seeing it when he was like had to deal with a bunch of shit and being able to give me a hug through it and like you know %HESITATION Audrey she likes having some issues with her hand and still like killed and like did this the the class class class in lake everybody chistes Blake chipped in and did what they could chase him put the wood planks so that we could walk and honestly like if he didn't put that it would have been a %HESITATION that doesn't boot for example that take your boots off yes so like everybody came through and that's if that vessel taught me anything it was it taught me that lake Oregon are Oregonians are can do people and and that this family this Oregon musical community family is badass yeah that's in family well those those well we're part of it yeah you know those people are hardcore amazing human being and they'll gather something special man and honey don't ten I just forgot how beautiful it was seeing it again at nine A. all lit up when sponges performing in like it was so gorgeous lake hats off to them Yemen you know it's off to the entire building crew and yeah thanks for having us out you guys and thanks for understanding and %HESITATION it means a lot and hopefully next year we can we can do you justice you know the right way and make something special happen out there because that's a magical magical grounds and magical people and you deserve it yeah yeah and we'll see them again yeah well we live here with I just feel it didn't really you know mention it to like the extensively we mention we when we went it was fun whatever but like well I was you know kind of processing that whole I bet I get yeah yeah it was yeah that like I said that store there's no place the filing cabinet for that that was what when and I was afraid Saturday morning I thought you guys which just goes to show what your mind can do I I thought you two were gonna be mad at me when I when I got up that morning because of my my tent and my fault was not prepared to never cover for my tent everything that happened to me I'm realizing it was my fault I was not prepared I had no dry clothes after one night my tent had water all in it my blankets were went like everything was wet and I came to you guys like in tears Saturday morning and I was like I'm done ma'am I gotta go home I K. I was waiting for you I was late for you guys be like well fine whatever will just be a deck like that's what was going through my mind I was like so broken that morning read on to you know see you later man yeah all looked was looking at both of us like you guys you guys are are are not well I mean we got to do what's right for us to stay whole %HESITATION it was sad I was one of the hardest things I've ever done and I'm fifty three done a lot of shit a lot of dumb you know that was fuckin so tough yeah it was really it was hard to see it was magical Friday night was awesome and every time I run around and everything and and there's gonna be many more delta aim is only a part of our life now yeah that ain't going nowhere man that's for sure and it it just makes me like that experience like when I got home and I was finally warm and and like not hurting because I took some ibuprofen again and was like laid out and I just think in it's time to double down on like taking care of myself no matter what like especially if we're gonna be doing all these festivals and going and doing all this shit I do we don't have fucking time for that thank I felt that in my for myself too I was like looking at you guys and I'm like it made me even more Blake convinced that it's so important for me to care for myself and like keep doing what I've been doing and and get better and do more you know not like in a stressful kind of away but like you're doing the right thing and you need to keep doing it don't let it stop fucking vitamin game is so important the physical activity thing yeah Morton just all of it mental mental health yeah king is so important because all that shit works with each other and if you leave one thing out then you're gonna blow a tire yeah you cannot drive a car with three times I mean you can no it's sucks not for long you won't drive for long rinse marks I've done it it's it's not good bullshit yeah but if you leave one of those things out you're just gonna you can you can play the game for a little while and for yourself but after a while it's just like %HESITATION you know like I can keep going because I I don't have the strength or whatever and nobody needs especially when you're like doing fun shit what I mean like this is all amazing fun incredible opportunities that we have in front of us so why wouldn't we yeah do the best we can give back the best we can for getting the best we got no it's only fair I don't know what row along lake when we %HESITATION maybe it twenty eighteen nineteen hours talking to a lot more bands that were touring yeah definitely not during the pandemic like you know how do you stay healthy when you're touring what you know what do you do when you you know are in African food desert or something like and they're like the best we can they have broader with us or we don't stay healthy you know that was a reality that I have heard a lot of times do you know good we don't we don't yes so like the better off you start at the more abuse you can take a guess you know what I mean thank you so I just want to start off good man Hey real good yeah we got it this this speech thing is turning into a a monster of its own made I know you went crazy in here getting crazy but it when when they when they first reached out I was like oh maybe maybe we could plug this line the peach said now he's a big boy voice was like that now or like you have a one hour said every day like %HESITATION okay we're gonna be talking to like Daniel Donato who N. Jennifer hearts with John Medeski and mom %HESITATION all those three people are alumni is and we're still going to like have more alumni and hopefully we'll get James Casey I'm working on it but we're we're just working on good stuff so like come get crazy I'm crazy I'm getting serious well you are get you get both you get a little crazy will fare in serious I mean look it open mouth give fed right true and if you don't ask somebody else S. then you get fucked I'm asking first from now on that's that's all so yeah I don't really know if I have anything else to what would you grumbling about over there it is said wow what just everything we're talking about an eight let's hear apple I destroy all the fucking three things his match I'm not doing on like like vitamin game at like like taking care of myself and finding the time for mental health and everything and I need to work on that that's all yeah man we need you and you should because you deserve it and what is a good time where's the time right well there that out in that we have time we have time to take care of you know what Erin told me the other day which was very profound for me I was talking about lake not having time for like posting stuff on Instagram and he was like yeah you do you just got to use your phone different and it was kinda like a little punch in the head you know it but but in the best way ever because I thought that about so many things it's like yeah you do you just need to use your time differently period and it made so much sense it's like your car commute that could be a time to listen to some shit or to dictate something or to learn a new skill or wake up half an hour earlier now you go for a walk before you leave like I don't know but it opened up a flood way of me thinking differently about everything because that's what you said I only remember saying say that to you you dead near like you you just gotta do use it he's like yeah you do your on your phone every morning just tell that's true yeah I do okay I remember now yeah well I mean it was inspired yeah it was inspiring it was really inspiring because you're right we have minutes all over the place we just scatter them around and then we say we don't have time and and I I know for myself like I I like to say I don't have time to do shit but I spend a lot of time doing nothing so watching the fuckin stupid shit on my phone or watching TV or that's time that I could if I need to take care of myself I could insert the take care of myself into that you know what I mean yes I and I realized all this debt like not that I wasn't taking care of myself before belting doom fucking pretty damn good about taking care of myself but like I just realized for me I got a double down because there's a lot of my plate and when there's a lot on your plate and you're burning shit your candle at both ends that's a recipe for fucking disaster Eliade N. N. I don't we don't have time for disaster no this is only like good things are coming well not only real deal with everything but right now that things are going to be like to push this terminal terminal like well who's that with the bracelets one one hundred won't be like Wonder Woman exam pattern you're not using them Ultraman yeah mmhm okay that's what originally I'm gonna rewind and edit that I won't be like Ultraman you should be like Wonder Woman everyone wonder women still is to I. with the start now because there's no way that didn't like him lasso of truth come on well that wait wait hold on bull shit hole window I posted I posted my dad's quote on Twitter today %HESITATION part about getting older is knowing somebody's fellowship before they open open their mouth yeah that's true yeah well now the thing for everybody listening to our stuff and yeah this is any kind of humor or inside it we found humor in this this is but we've had a good well the last year we had a good run we're laughing so hard I could that I had to pee and there is no hole in it because %HESITATION said laughing so much as like okay I'm gonna put you myself because I got to get out of all guns to cedars all proceeds look we all this doesn't just apply to her simple road we all need to fucking take care of ourselves now there's people that love you and that need you around and goes for everybody listening also can I say one thing there's people those same people that love you would probably be in a heart beat say I'll help if you ask yeah you gotta look fucking open up your mouth and ask for what you need out your hand if you could it is that is EDS is I know all about the show and stuff well it's reminders all need reminders so thanks for bringing up the subject today being welcome yes but seriously everybody take care of yourselves ma'am because there is people that depend on you there's people that love you there's people that enjoy your company N. if you're not taking care of yourself and your head is awful fucking cobwebs and boulders you're not doing anybody any good N. it just sucks and it sucks for you too so you know what take your vitamin C. take the fucking zinc drink water eat good food get sunshine get a little exercise and rest your mind a little bit and have fun it's not hard it's easy shit right there it's not like you know quit eating me N. or become a vegetarian or don't be a vegetarian only me or like you know quit sugar no keep it simple man sunshine is too slow during some water takes a vitamin it's cemex that sounds like a lot it's not that I know but it's not a lot when you're already doing some of it but when you're not doing any of it that's a lot start with one thing nobody got time for that view featuring the water I drink the water I wish I had a Cup of coffee for a couple water what I'm doing you know then you're moving in the right direction yeah don't screw up your adrenals that's a that's one thing I've never had a problem with hydration I'm a hydrating son jade hydrate in full your opinion entering a mother fucker do all right everybody you get the gist we love you and we want you to be healthy and safe and have energy to have more fun and we want you to come join us a peach in summer and camp suds we haven't even talked %HESITATION %HESITATION that's for next time and mode your family fest and that too we're gonna be all over the place C. Oliver died over the place M. second say totally just lost insurance thought it just happened like you just saw that in real time everybody all right anyway this is me losing my train of thought we'll see you next week we'll be back with more stuff and things that trade will come back around who will in the next half hour while I'm trying to go to sleep and I will be able to fall next time that's how it is going to start except the Saudi led Arab your memory and we all we all said several things this yes I would be pretty bad well remember a mall we'll do a recap take care of yourselves take care of each other smile at a stranger hydrate yeah regimes yeah we slip that in their safety third sunshine you know send your thank