... What's up man? Tommy I didn't get to meet you last time welcome and thanks for coming back to the show my name's Mel hello Mel HM yeah I'm always down to talk right on I was I was listening to the first conversation earlier today and there was a lot going on there and that was all before the pandemic so I'm curious to hear the other side now what what state well I like to belt MEL joins us last time we were just on the patio me an error and with Tommy and there was no video nobody nobody had embraced the zoom world yeah like we did during the pandemic yeah I forget that that's one of the things that really what because of the old government have an it was a trip for us man like having a live music podcast at the beginning of that I mean I just kinda same as having a band at the beginning of that like really just going how the fuck do we navigate this you know what I mean but like you what other people we just kinda okay we're gonna brace this thing and we were really lucky man like a lot of musicians were bored at home and wanted to talk so it it worked out for us are you guys based out of Portland Oregon right can gotcha yeah man I mean you know yeah but when we had that so we do right I mean that's for sure just like she's obsessed with if we end up so tell me we are gonna be together pretty soon at peach you're going to be performing look with the kuna at peach nine zero yeah %HESITATION yeah yeah yeah someone who in a right now yeah and now works for me %HESITATION you know yes I will be there with with liquor I assure me up and I'll be there and yeah with we were Mel and I were driving home from a friend's house last night in the the drive is about a half hour drive like beautiful drive through the forest lake overhanging trees it was the perfect soundtrack for that drive and when we were talking about it this afternoon a Mike how is Laguna gonna play they gonna put you on like late they can't put young like two in the afternoon after like you know what I mean really yeah you're the high bidder so like chill at the end of the night come play the radio team what can we do about well I you know I think it's also like a bit of a nobody really understands it yet thank you know %HESITATION you know obviously like what he had to do it when you when you when you don't you know it so that's a good that's one way to do it but are you are you also think about like late night at a special lesson like your personal stocked up on you know it's like they took the acid to late and like the other just like the other peaking after the headliner and like you know they're not gonna necessarily wanna although I I think we're single Kunal acid would be amazing yeah you know I don't know we came in yup I agree with you I think I think it would be a very cool like late at night thanks you know even like in like us those festivals like %HESITATION what the fuck someone that's in Michigan Alexion forest yellow shirt stars like you already have these these weird little farce things you walk imagine this in the middle that is just Holly nice making that weird music you know we that would be amazing %HESITATION you're just wandering mind you come across the forest lake %HESITATION my never leaving yeah I thought that music is definitely sound track to something experiential pressure lake it feels like something should happen or is about to happen or it's allowing you to feel something that music that you too did is some of my favorite stuff that you've done really thank you and beyond it's amazing to why what when I got home from work I was sitting out on the front patio with their nineteen year old son who's not to impress my hand everything there's not too impressed by anything we listen to you and I just had it on I didn't have the video on yet these all these all apple what what am I listening to what is how many people it says what are they playing so I pulled up the video and he sat there for like fifteen minutes with me because he's picking up a acoustic guitar and stuff and I was a may I was amazed that he was he was really dig in there and get into watching you guys play watch that video is mesmerizing watching what you guys do in the delicate touches and stop and he was picking up on and he's like oh this is dope and I'm like what okay right on man so tell me can you tell me a little bit about like how that came to be and what the what the like thought genesis of it was there wasn't there was nothing there was no while there isn't a it was you know %HESITATION so idle studio here in Philly %HESITATION media I have a partner to discuss future email and %HESITATION we've we've had studios together in Philadelphia for last I guess almost ten years %HESITATION and that's just he's who I make all my albums that you know he he's he's just a great engineer is a great song writer he's a great producer he's a great friend so %HESITATION we had a like we had we had a three studios I think before we always had to have like you know she landlords or owners we do want to add or whatever and next year or in last year got into this nineteen %HESITATION I moved I was living in the in Colorado I moved back to Philadelphia and obviously Pete we're doing a dude we're gonna we're gonna get our own place we're gonna build our own studio and we're not going to have to fucking worry about any you know any other shitty work just commuting to Austin with everyone in this place so we we we I found this the space inside twenty five hundred square feet I mean it's almost like a high school gymnasium well and %HESITATION and Pete knight from October of %HESITATION October of nineteen Intel February of twenty twenty we built a studio with just you know just being him and a bunch of tools and we felt this fucking place and and %HESITATION I we we finished a rate for Kobe thankfully %HESITATION so I was just in there and and and for most of of of of two thousand twenty I was just in this please but myself you know we like you couldn't have anybody come in with me and and building the building my studios is in its %HESITATION it's a it's a huge these the factory was a yarn factory back in the early nineteen hundreds so it's like a hundred fifty thousand square foot building but I lose one of the first tenants of this place there was nobody in the building the whole time you know so I had the I had this whole place myself all during the the the lock down and so I you know I got I really was just like fine tuning studio would like just deal with the gear even just like the aesthetics and almost just finding ways to keep myself busy and then come September you know things were loosening up a little bit and Holly and her husband were expecting their first baby and I think she's a good I'm going to go see my parents %HESITATION insulin east coast she says I'm going to see my parents and I was thinking on the way back to San Francisco %HESITATION we would stop through Philly and say hi to you and marina and %HESITATION and and Scott Scott was also with Scott from ghost lives also lives in Philadelphia and %HESITATION so you know that was the plan was just for her to come in we had a couple ideas %HESITATION but reunite at other okay maybe we can get a day in the studio and just as closely and work on the ship just to feel normal you know %HESITATION and the so there you have the plan was to do that and then you're just kind of hang out or whatever %HESITATION and she ended up staying an extra day came back to studio and I just you know I have I have a degree in piano there looks like all like everything is always ready to go you know so it was like Hey let's do some plants you and just kind of you know let's just play for for old time's sake I have %HESITATION I have all the stuff set up the video and the audio with whatever so okay we have one from the control room over to the panel in my in my guitar and you know we have record we just played okay and then fifteen minutes later we stopped and we had stopped and that was it we did save a number I didn't talk about or think about it for months you know just sat on a hard drive and then I guess it was around fish brewery of the last year I was you know everything was still kind of locked down I was bored and I found the hard drive yeah we had this thing I always knew she was like Hey man I got a call of a cold only does occur I think this is good and we we had done add peach a few years ago Holly knight had done a stat when we go just completely improvised for four yeah we did a forty five minutes so just improvising the %HESITATION that way okay acoustic and piano and I we were up and our manager the time loved it so much he wanted to press on the vinyl and and put it out right %HESITATION but then went cold it she quickly the music is %HESITATION should %HESITATION because he had just had a baby and %HESITATION so that whole thing kind of that whole project fell until a site so I you know I I ate this recording like dude this is really fucking good maybe we do what you know what Brad wanted to do with that other state with the peach set you know let's just let's see what happens you know the guy so I called I called Kevin Calabro it and I really the man yeah he was innocent tell me if you're on a date or not well I guess I just like I can pull myself you know right and any any back the next day %HESITATION so do I put this out okay okay okay while so S. like one of the things that I said the mail last night while we're driving as they listening to this music feels like we are listening in on a private conversation like you guys have allowed us in the room while you're talking about something that like really fucking matters to the two of you and nobody else was supposed to hear but we are there and we get a glimpse right or like two lovers like doing their you know dance with each other that's what I said I was like it it feels like we are %HESITATION listening in on an intimate moment whether it's conversation whether it's pleasure whether to whatever but it's definitely intimate that's the kind of Viber feeling that that brings in hi Lisa that it brought in I'm curious when you listen to it like what what does it do for you thank are you able to put your critical mind aside and not judge yourself and just listen to it for what it is so much yes no no nothing I mean there are there are there are adults like me that I could do that with the last babies record the epic battle album I I can listen to that and just enjoy it %HESITATION but yeah manusia just kind of like I think about the session arrived think about right here's the thing that I want to change I get yells showed that %HESITATION I mean bill Kristol it's your right your your hearing into the moment you know what we're hearing is the first time really that these two people %HESITATION Allen I had it I don't think I really played I'll play with anybody up to that point why don't we %HESITATION from from the a lockdown and she had an either you know yeah man I've been playing it least once a month right since I was thirteen you know how to answer all the sun he is under I can what I can say this number thirty years later almost you know I I I having to break that streak and friends along was it was pretty fucked up man yeah not that that that that that release that I always had you know and and you know I'm sure is it is the same for Ali you go regardless of of per bastard on and you know so you weren't hearing a a pretty intimate moment a single we still didn't know what was gonna happen right yeah no no one knew what was if we were ever going to get to do it again that that's like scary dude I yes I I remember a point when I was like I don't know if this thing can come back thank oh shit and it fucked me up to men like my entire identity is in music you know what I mean apart from being a husband and a dad like that's it N. yeah I don't I don't I don't have those yeah and especially at that time you know I was I was single for all three of us by myself and %HESITATION yeah fuck it yes congratulations on making it out with such awesome music and something to show for it man like for real like it whatever you think of it or not like that's a feat it being %HESITATION Miller I did I I you know I I don't I'm not I'm not sure except when it gets here but I you know I am proud of myself that I you know that I did use the studio we all of that while I was locked locked away you know I mean I ended up you know I'm not a meter I get up I I what I thought was a very interesting %HESITATION style live streaming diretta soul of solo piano %HESITATION thing that was I I you know I thought I am I really loved and I really needed to do we don't know I. I got out a lot I work through a lot of shit on that thing mostly you know %HESITATION and I got I got a new band together to stand more which is we just listen to that on the on your Instagram up the studio light that's on I said all one of the things I love was looking at the other one was more that is frickin amazing amazing yeah I read that you know and I I I I I love All My Children equally man more or is a great fucking band you know %HESITATION that that band so the aside from the drummer which is Scott it's the same the same drawn from those light the other four guys in a band that was my first stand we started playing together in nineteen ninety eight oh shit IBM B. and B. in those three other guys and and that team a band called brothers passed which was my first the band in the in the jam scene %HESITATION the original line up of brothers passed with me and these three dudes and we had a different drummer yeah at the time and our let the last time we had all played music together was in April of two thousand what was the last time we played music together %HESITATION and you know within the the lock down my stuff it well you're right before it hits the drummer originally drummer that band hit me up and I came in I you know I hear you you can build double studio I love the come check it out and use it to have all these little cassettes from when we were kids you know it always shows at least apply and he's like I love for you to you know for you to have the studio and uniquely digitize or do whatever you do yes your manual so I I wouldn't start going through these these cassette tapes I'm sure all the shows from nineteen ninety seven up to two thousand %HESITATION how fun Hey and it was incredible to me that was very good it was for a very young dudes you know we we were between seventeen and twenty year over twenty one I guess was the old mail and my brother was the old twenty one you know like we were very young it is raining very much worse Salt Lake City on song writing this was Vance the %HESITATION hearing and now it's like shock so I you know I wanted to start playing those songs again again I missed these tunes and heard the songs in twenty fucking years I love the you know so yes so I I I reached out so it's in the dunes no Sir doing anything you know what he for what everybody cool to like maybe get tested and make sure we're all clear of cold wind and come down to the studio and see yes what happens your neck original drummer who yell Craig I'll I love them %HESITATION but you know he didn't he was the only guy of the five listed didn't we keep playing since young you know so we're gonna get for drummer at the top I'm Scotty Wang from Ghostlight I had broken up with his girlfriend was living in this room this is my guest room and I'm just one dude I think you know I got I got a drummer you know he's he's he lives might help we just have sky yellow colored the material and may we got together and it was it was crazy it was fucked up in in into god damn decades since we played together and it was in a seamless athlete that was an easy question yeah man like I would wonder if after all that time it would click eight eight really dead man and and it was these were reduced at the I learned how to improvise S. you know we would lock ourselves in a basement for days weeks and just improvise and and come up with with the %HESITATION %HESITATION just different like games to play to learn how to be better at it and like all you just just exercises you know I mean we took it very seriously you know we we were really into yelling we saw when we first started obviously would be younger kids to meet we're just playing that covers and and an older brother songs and whatever else fish was you know this is ninety six ninety seven the %HESITATION fishes in the least amount of on io insight into our work our lives you know so we start out like that we just doing that type of shit and then after a year we were like man we want we want to do our own thing we don't want to just be plain easy these ticket stuff feeling breaks in the shed and learn and what and and come up with our own identity you know how do how do we improve so you know we know what the debt do we know what faced us and yada yada what we do you know and and that's we deal we we would lock ourselves in a room and just really got serious about you know we we stop listening to all that music yo because we don't want to be influenced by it anymore right let's just let's just move you know let's let's try to move the needle forward you know and %HESITATION you do that much work in yeah and yeah and that was so that still informs my plane today I don't think you lose that you know like those are like the groups that are just yeah man that's that neuroplasticity that yeah it's built in that's your foundation yeah I know it is it is that what we're here all on the more that we're listening to the Perrin Instagram is that is that your older teens in writing that you brought back there is %HESITATION yeah twenty years old now the first is when we were sixteen seven wait you said who who's writing the songs all of you the same time like you brought us up the table they did or was it was so great about that band band at their worst for songwriters in the event we me my my brothers the other guitar player Jim we both broke and Thomas unity were player and the bass player Joe we all were Somers so we always bring things in it and and it was very like be with the %HESITATION capital B. bands like you know they bring they would bring in ideas and then we would just sit there is a band and tossed around ideas Hey how can we make it better you know it like you it's very there was no ego and you know it was it which is a refreshing thing like you know like we didn't know any better extra fucking kids what would you guys like your learning together so it's it's all you know your ridge you're just claim like best ball golf about what you know so who is the best idea okay that's the one that we go with it doesn't matter whose idea was always it's just what is going to be this song the best it can be and you know and we did that me and that's what all of those fucking songs were all the songs were written between ninety seven and two thousand okay that wish yourself but that first song was so applicable to what to the coded and that's why I was confused when you said about like what Sir I I even asked her what we're listening to I'll go wait was this before because she goes oh no no no this is like November whatever day I was like oh okay makes sense but now you're not giving us a call back then you know okay fuck you saw earlier gains Tommy that's a legit stuff like for reals I know it's a good it's a great fucking band man and you know I I I and you know so we we we we started you know because it's like it were a great band was a great band and no one knows about like you know so we can just go on the road you don't know we're all older guys now and people have families and shit so we %HESITATION we we we so we we did a couple streams live from the studio and then %HESITATION and then over the over the last few months we did a couple shows the keyboard player owns %HESITATION yes %HESITATION up a school of rock in the address in about forty minutes outside of Philadelphia and the school has its own anyway so we just really aren't any less witches hat what's your show and what will you know it's like a small remote like three hundred people you don't start with is just only sell a hundred tickets and good because it was used but still try to be like socially distant future time and it's like wishes to undertake its at least you know venue that we control everything about and let's just have a good time and not worry about any of that bullshit and if we always sold out for fucking seconds and people came in and was a great show and we did it again the whole same thing happened and %HESITATION you know so I think we're going to kind of just try to keep doing that for a little bit you know just like fostering a little bit of a scene just our own thing here you know and and %HESITATION and with them I mean the best thing about it is that we're writing new songs %HESITATION we have seen that's how the bill we have put out an album in recent album if not two albums worth of new material because we still do the same thing you know if we still get in a room at somebody's ahead of this like this to have to work on and then we just sit there we kick around all fucking day and and you know and it's it's were there at the last the performance we had less than we had we played like five new songs it owns you know it's it's a really cool project and and you know I hope people are listed let's go check it out you know its %HESITATION music by more is to be Instagram handle and and you look up some more with an exclamation point %HESITATION and that that %HESITATION on Instagram %HESITATION I'm sorry on a Spotify and apple music and all that shit a you know go check it out and we we we propose a live albums up on the %HESITATION up up on there and and it's just fucking day you don't think it's dying is really great improvised by my house more context everything just your exuberance in the wrong about it more now it may look like more with the exclamation point yes definitely makes sense well for somebody who doesn't like to be derivative pulling back from your past to create something new that's amazing it right well you think I will say this idea and this that and every man I've been in since that ban existence I have worn it I've tried to %HESITATION green the ethos of that band %HESITATION every every every project that had H. you know like we you know so that was that was originally brothers passed and that turned and all those guys left you know we just need to keep our player state and then you know we got a new rhythm section and that the brothers passed everybody knows but you know with that group of dudes yeah we tried to implement you know one of the first things that we learned from the original and then he again Davies and the ending goes quite and and just everything you know D. that eagle less full bands everybody buying in improvising and you'd be amazed at how hard that is stuff really I I would think in the inner circles of jam community it would be easier to find than not no I don't mean this in any way okay but it's it's not it's not it's it's a different thing it's a different saying when you're really important when you're yelling at the beginning of a jam you're starting from nothing you know and the goal is to run right collectively compose together that's not easy she takes a very specific discipline and you know and and willingness the fuck up you know because there there's a real good chance that it doesn't work you know so it's it's it's thirty others definitely it's it's it's certainly a tight tight rope set you know %HESITATION you know it's just it's a different thing it's it's it's it's it's just very different from like your stolen over change you know we're so it's like a the band's going to play in the form of the song and and a solo is gonna play over that and then we'll switch it over to somebody else and the sexual daycare and she helped me out that's a different thing and that is it's a deal that's it's own form of memorizing whatever but this isn't that you know this is a eight it's yes just harder any and it requires yeah less eat less ego you know if you get in that which is a hard thing to find I don't mean that in like a way that is disparaging it's just you know men are distraught fucking nuts and we all have our own our hang ups you know so yeah it's not as easy as one would expect you know %HESITATION it did and I always and I am sure of my whole career I've always said to like my friends and and and you know people just like my inner circle but like I always believed that if that if the band that is more now exactly and I've never broken up I truly think that we'd be one of the biggest fans you know I think we'd be playing arenas you know because we were just meat improvised it's really great and we had four songwriters and five singers and you know what their work there's not a lot of bands like that do you know if that's the material that you came up with at seventeen I got to agree with you I like now and I'm not blowing smoke up your ass like yeah of course that wouldn't that make sense and to have that foundation laid for you at such an early like those are those years %HESITATION define us when we get older we don't fucking realize it when we're kids were stupid and we're doing shit to do it because we like it or whatever but to have that foundation to be able to carry that forward with you is a immeasurable gift man that's huge I do too you know I I I couldn't agree more yeah I owe those guys a whole whole bunch you know I did you go with in the beginning I'm sorry why did you break up in the first band you know me and just just stop because we were because we were young yeah and they were fucking stupid you know I mean like you know it my my my older brother %HESITATION I think I think she definitely can party with the best of them you know him and I think I think that scared him a little bit you know and %HESITATION you know I don't know he was older than us you know my he's four and a half years older than me %HESITATION and I you know I think at the time I was I was I was twenty one seventeen twenty five and %HESITATION you know I think he just freaked out and %HESITATION yell he ended up joining the police department and the army well it simultaneously %HESITATION and %HESITATION you have the bass player and the drummer I I don't think they were we didn't do heavy scoring yet yeah we were still regional band the %HESITATION we played really just you know from new York's first St Baltimore you know I think the furthest west we always like Ohio or some shit you know like we were really road dog in it yeah we did you know but we were away every week you know type of thing and and I think it just right I don't think they were cut out for the wife it's fucking art it's is it is god awful especially when you are just just starting out and even more so when you're you know frankly a bunch of tourists tell you kids from fucking west Philadelphia yell at you know we didn't have the benefit that a lot of band students likely flat affluent families right that we're able to just thankful yeah I mean that's a lot of bands or you know come from and %HESITATION yeah we didn't have that and and and yeah it just became a thing where do you live you know the drummer and bass player and and my brother the other guitarist just words like do we you know we can't we don't for Steve we don't see ourselves waving this fucking life you know and then that was you know and that and and you know me and Tommy Q. X. your player we are we're like well we both wanted to keep going you know we we were really the driving force yeah we were that you guys are really pushing the whole thing and %HESITATION yes so we're our wallets you know but it's just to keep the name and we'll get in the rhythm section and will move into this this next next chapter and your band they've been you know they'd be good sayings I've we made a really special studio record call this feeling is called by that at the time you know I think really meant something to people which is really like if I can ask for right now and in the end you know we we played Bonnaroo well yeah yeah that's cool yeah we did some shit and you know it it also is what it is blah blah but at the end of the day you know does that original group into Spanish they were they were the real special diets and %HESITATION and we're back is more yeah that's all has your brother continued to play guitar and everything after yeah so I mean you know here hi yes we are nationally when you initially stopped you know that definitely we kind of like at some distance for awhile but you know by the time I was in my early twenties and I was starting American babies I mean one of the reasons I started American babies was because my brother was back from the military and you know was like Hey man Leo it's fine I'll find a project to work on together you know when I was when I got always acoustic songs and the brothers passed guys didn't want to play the acoustic music you know and I was like well you know I have a we we do this thing so you know yeah I we tried to five or six years away from each other but after that we kind of just back in and yeah he played bass the babies for awhile and and we would you know anything we can find a recent work to play together you know we always did and still do %HESITATION yeah he was he and then he had a gun Afghanistan and whatever but like you know it all it all kind of whenever he's around Williston response you know that's that that'll have that with the family and you know men like I'm wondering you know after twenty years of not here in our plan that music and then can it back and have it just click like that is a gift but before the pandemic J. rad was on a tear you guys were a juggernaut and it was nothing was moving at a thousand miles an hour man N. when you guys came back after was it that kind of effortless for you to all play together again it was that same thing happening yeah yeah you know I I think well you know we did once we did a stream saying in the middle of the lock down %HESITATION worries lead at the we think that the cat can locator and there's nobody there we just you know which is like a thing to do that was kind of weird and difficult you know I can almost only and you know just like yeah you know it was weird once once like the gloves came off you know like once I think what once we once we discover the Westfield mall in Connecticut here now %HESITATION that place really I think saves saved us you know and saved every month well I don't want people to see you know the guy that you're doing the ball ski the auto here since he's a he's a great dude and you know he really put together something special at the venue you know and %HESITATION yeah I think it took us into the future is kind of like not the rust off but you know again there's that thing of like playing all the time for the last twenty plus years and then all of a sudden you don't play for eighteen fucking monsters I mean like I wouldn't say I can say I'm probably still only eighty five percent back really you know yeah I can still feel like dog shit a lot of the time you know I think the delivery like in C. Mr Freeman you know play at home all you want yes yes I'm planning to kick something to show that something to show when you gotta follow Gina Russo around L. and fucking Marco you know you like your standard used to fucking guys suit you know like still you're doing doing whatever the fuck I was doing at home even playing you know with more here and there you know what the studio that's not you know four nights for eight runs with J. rad and then six weeks with ghost light you know like yeah that's what I thought could play into that that's how you keep yourself in fighting shape you know so yeah I mean I'm still I'm still finding my way back from it you know and I I I think we're getting close you know I mean I think we we had a great run of shows this this past week %HESITATION in Colorado and I thought we did it we had some pretty inspired playing you know yeah red rocks is an inspiring place yeah for sure I mean in the place in the L. two two nights in in bail at this place called the Gerald Ford amphitheater yes Sir really fucking beautiful spot and %HESITATION you know it it's it's a yeah it does it does the trick you know like you can eat just getting there you're like oh shit and I can't believe this is like some people consider this work you know and %HESITATION you know yes so it was it was definitely cool you know and and and I feel like yeah I think I think we're going back and and and getting our our feedback under us you know it's been hard for everybody many I you know I mean the less you were Billy strings are fucking goose you know they're the only two bands that didn't stop playing a young man it's just keep going the whole time yeah yeah go to our in the fucking exploded man like that I'm sorry was that they'd goose did the the bingo thing and then that did it man like they start seeing them everywhere they blew up and you're right those two they didn't stop N. but you know we talk to them to billion the middle of everything when everything is going down and you know he is a pretty down to earth guy N. O. yes and it is the bass and he was great he was having you know a tough go of it so I'm just curious now that we're like kind of on the other side of things and and a plane again and shows are happening how's your head tell me doing okay yeah %HESITATION you know I mean you you said that the top here %HESITATION are you you mentioned the studio not be some good things coming out of comas you know I and I I I I will preface this by saying that I am very aware of that for a lot of people he was fucking hard and then it was terrible and I and I I I I am not a big deal saying anything our that that that is in some sense that I am fully aware but in my world it was a blessing all you know really was I you know I've I've never had how much time off the road C. O. S. since I was trials and I don't mean like seventy I mean like twelve you know I mean like I say it's like I would and I would have never taken that I would have never taken the time to myself you know I I'm W. I was really bad workaholic you know I have crippling anxiety problems and you know I certainly suffer from depression and the way that I I deal with it is by working I work all the time and so you know it's I tell you result would always say I stay active stay sane you know right and that concludes you know this and that so that was that was just my fame and you know I I I I I would shops work I would just find more bands to play with or or more albums to make or whatever I had to do I would I would build a studio with my own fucking hands instead of hiring a contractor X. nine Canadian yes %HESITATION your hands are precious man walking around being forced to take that time our it was really good for me %HESITATION you know I I %HESITATION I was coming out really really fucked up relationship R. that was just the interests a lot of ways and %HESITATION yeah man I I just the old mansion well that's what I did and I you know I I really focused on I focused on myself and you know I I just I really eat mushrooms every day just like what in the fuck in your at you know okay you and me we're gonna figure this out why and you know I figure some armed men and brother that's fucking cool I am in you know what manic we didn't we can get to see you when we spoke last but I don't know man there's a after you do this for a while and talk to people you know it you can feel the vibe when you speak to him N. you feel happier man your your voice is different you your face is different like it's just different and it's cool man I'm looking really happy for you brother that's cool man you know what I and it just goes to show like for anybody that's listening you can have all the success in the world and still deal with shit we all deal with shit we got fucking demons under our bed everybody absolutely yeah you know in the end and you know and you know I think there's a she is managing expectations I think it's real is a real thing you know you sure sucks sometimes yeah yeah yes yes it does did you know I you know I I I but I'm you know I'm just for this guy here you know it's like there's been a quicksand thing there you know it's like you well you know it if you sit there and fucking kick in and and you know they got things are terrible and you really start trying to like just like I don't know flailing yeah need to make it worse you know instead of just kind of like all right well this is gonna suck let's just let it do it's going to and the basic yeah you know and just kind of let's let's let's figure this thing out you know %HESITATION you know and again I know that people are people have a much worse than I do and and and you know I'm I'm not taking anything away from them L. as that's just how it works for me yes you know one of us can only speak from our own experience we don't know about anybody else's throat brothers W. yeah I'm not I'm not yeah I just want you know people are very sensitive what are you all in the wrong area I know one one you know I'm just saying you know it is is the is that thing you know eight eight there seven flow you know in in life and and and like you know it is she is things are for whoever you can get better you know yeah I think during the Copa Catholic leaders say until you said you mean shit is always going to happen but we've talked about this amongst ourselves and other people part of the coveted the inner reflection in the reflection on home life and your head it can help to figure out what shit really matters yeah like I wish the rest of the world and again I'm not speaking for anybody but it seems like a lot more people should it came out of it realizing what shit really matters and what not to get hot like you know choosing your battles and stuff like the people didn't get that I feel bad for it seems like you did like we did we learn what we wanted to do more we hone skills we learned what shit really matters yeah man but you know I need and that even with that I agree I you know I I I certainly had the sinkhole you know but like a man you know we're all different we're a diff cases %HESITATION and you know and I know a sky I will certainly save myself you know I am I I'm certainly in a true blue situation where %HESITATION you know where I didn't you know I I didn't have kids that I had to worry about while this is going on I couldn't even imagine what the fuck that would have been like you know I I I did have a wife or a significant other that I had to worry about I I you know I I you know I well you know I do have a mortgage on a fuckin sent a studio but Leo I was able to find ways to to not lose that you know at you know I'm very very very lucky and I know that you know and I mean you know so I I most people aren't as lucky and I and I'm sure you know it's hard to come out of something like this with perspective it's the whole time you're fucking white not you know yeah well you know that's a really good telling Tommy because like you said you you had yourself we had an actual opportunity to kind of go away from your home today to feel creative and needed to work on your lyrics and yourself and do your friggin merit checks and all that stuff and people that were not didn't have that opportunity and so yeah there it's still feeling like fuck you at the stop light instead of like it's okay to go ahead you know I totally understand where you're coming from and the fact of trying to be sensitive and I can appreciate that because it's like I mean are we are we were we collectively we've been robbed those almost two years are all of our lives today well you know you were talking about like having kids and stuff like that twenty twenty was our son's senior year and we were literally buying a dress suit and prom dresses for him to go with his gut like that's when everything shut down and element he had been having it for us when we we moved from Vegas to Portland at the beginning of his ninth grade year so he was already trusted us that is a culture shock yeah yes you are not wrong but so all the feelings that comes with like your teenager you're already kind of hostile and trying to figure it out well now he's Haas I'll be trying to figure out on in a new environment pissed at us and happy you right we're so happy we so she makes it through his life grade year barely you know tenth grade eleventh grades on a high dude he's fucking having a great time he has a girlfriend at the end of the year twelfth grade sailing in and that %HESITATION you know it was it again I feel like we're sitting in a privileged life like we have the ability to afford our mortgage and like you know what happened to have whatever we need to you know but absolutely we also how are people that have emotions and feelings and shit that happens to us in depression like you said a society and then spear and all that stuff in like looking at your kid and not being able to say it's going to be okay because you don't know that it's going to be okay it's like it and we had a fucking grand kids just before that yeah I was like double it was what the fuck yeah it was it was insane and I will say this though %HESITATION a lot of the and I just want to say this to you and then to all the entertainers out large though forgetting on those live streams and doing anything I don't care what it was frigging bingo Lake tic tac toe %HESITATION ro sham Bo whatever you want to do you like it was such a just it's like what entertainment always it's it's a like a good escape from your life like let me just go have this Friday night at a level though and it just really mmhm underscored to me the importance of entertainment that we think it's a luxury or that it's the kind of like a an item that you get to do after all your work is done but like it underscored how important it was as a part of life not as an adage you know that's what like I said I just wanna say thank you for that for doing the fricking livestreams whether you've killed it or not doesn't matter like you did it and we saw another face and somebody that we enjoyed seeing their music and now you're creating anything it was fricking amazing for real yeah well you know what else you gonna do it could be like a black screen and like solo and when I'm out for a while you know that would shed I'm not coming out to this is over man yeah yeah you were the creatives you know it's like me we still have to be great yeah so you gotta find find shit to do you know it it's this location yeah yeah it's not just like oh six tankers like numb and I I you know I have a primal urge to create shit you know so it's just like Hey I'm going to film the film a a you know at a stream on when it myself and with the only because it's just like well I don't figure out something else to do yeah do you still have the farm I do not okay no I do not so are you are you still a student the farm for most in the summer of twenty twenty %HESITATION and then you know the fucking housing market is an analyst and you know my brother and I really closings were just like you know what we we were going to sell it in like five or six years anyway you know that was kind of the plan but with the market being the insane person will do we don't want to mess up I miss out on that you know so weird it was just kind of like a list it was listed for something completely insane and if by the end of the summer someone buys it cool cool it was on the market for like twenty six hours do you think we could build that %HESITATION and it turns out and we got we got we we it was it was great it was great we went to a very good family that the over a large family that really was you know that is using the same the Atlanta using the you know it was a huge %HESITATION %HESITATION so yeah I'm I'm glad it went to could people that are that are you know that being said I do miss the shit out of it so I really loved it up there was it in upstate New York no we can get these burdens of that's right okay so we've never been to Mike Mel and I been Hershey to see fit yeah okay it's like an hour okay so but we're we're going to peach and you've been there before yeah what I would like my home yeah and what was the lay of the land the first floor of the telemedicine both it is very funny it's it's Scranton Pennsylvania which is where the office is the office %HESITATION they decide you know yeah it's it's it's all in it's just like a superbly blue collar like it's like a Springsteen song comes if you see a couple found the mill shut down yeah main street in what used to be yeah I'll I think it's cool it's just it's a very blue collar it's actually it's also our job items or okay fun fact %HESITATION we all right just not saying either raise over yeah he %HESITATION yeah it's like a it's just like a blue collar fuckin upper Pennsylvania northeast Pennsylvania sounds okay %HESITATION the fest grounds are really great it's yes %HESITATION the main stage the main stage is just fucking this huge like ample theater saying it like it's like a you know it's a cover for half a day and then the actual grass you know if your letter is a couple other there's like a there's another pretty big stage like a smaller like cool stage you know I think that's actually where we are to look to not end up in ski mountains like there's like a gondola that's always go in as a water park slide H. yeah specs appeal inserted during a festival in there is this is our second warning I was excited we've been warned a few times like you you don't fuck around the water managers go go or watch the it seems like a terrible any like water parks in general are kind of like all right yeah my willing but you know you had and you had in the works actor like okay what's your %HESITATION MDMA lately stress Laura really standing hello hi what I mean yeah I'm here %HESITATION we actually got invited by live nation to come out and podcast live from there so we're casting from the lodge I guess there's like okay little spot where they had like J. Blake thank you I couldn't think of his name John sure did exhibits in there and stuff so we're gonna be doing stuff in there man if you're around I'd love for you to come say hi I'm when I'm around I'm playing twice on Friday Noone in the chair and sat at night I can certainly stop by %HESITATION in between the two all of them yeah cool cool what do you do thank you for giving us an hour tonight and I appreciate it I know the time is precious well I'm here I'm here to do whatever you guys need yeah you're you're this is a reminder how fun you are to talk to you later and I'll miss the first one but me in there we never know what we're going to get you know sometimes we get musicians that yes my question there like yeah it was cool we have one of those you know it when you know there's certain people you are if you're like is animated on stage as you are off and everything in the things you do and everything we just so appreciate it again thank you for calling you know like your tolerance for real and and your ability to maintain that you know like that's just your I think that sometimes we can minimize our impact and it whether you want to deal with it or not it's your impact is big man and it reaches a lot of like small little people everywhere you go and Justin you doing nothing else you don't need to know anybody or know anything else but just you doing your craft is blessing people so thank you man and honestly dude like it when people love bands I've I've been guilty of this in the past like kind of like put the people that are in the band up on a pedestal and like you just even saying that you've dealt with depression or anxiety in the past that's huge for people man so just know that in thanks for talking about it with us we're all human you know I I I I think it's a a you know especially the technician it's you know it's a we also talk about and the only thing that took part in a talk about it yeah yeah yeah and I you know I know I you know though the last of could be these records I made %HESITATION called it's %HESITATION an epic battle between light and dark the is that whole record is just about my depression how I deal with it you know and and I thought it was important you know at a point when it came when it came time to like making that record and and you know starting to kind of like our line the ideas I had and and and you know that's the tunes at work work shaping shape and and you know my order like I keep a small apartment studio %HESITATION you know I just like to you know I think I think what we're going to have to come in dig deeper and and get into some real shit here and and the thing you know it was it was scary you're scared to write about that stuff the scariest to admit to it yeah you know what we are you know I mean like you know you you say yeah hi animated M. or whatever about and you know about my talking makes yeah I think a lot of people he does everything look fucking asshole %HESITATION and that's fine you know %HESITATION but it's just it's all just beyond just like a general do that like I yell is because I deal with what I deal with and and and this is just like the by product you know and and %HESITATION you know anything to write about it and just kind of be like Hey you know this is this is what's going on behind the altar what you see Max unions say it say it was it was it was scary but it also you know what the what the reaction from it was a lot of people being the case yeah I also have this problem thanks for talking about it and shit and you know I had a I had an uncle that took his own life he a couple years before I made that record and and you know the on the %HESITATION Saul who was certainly a friend you know man it's just it's important talk about well it's it's it's ordered to to know that are everybody deals with it even if you're like the ticket on stage jump around you know that guy still has it you know it is has those moments free doesn't leave his house for three weeks and and you know yeah okay talk can't talk to people because our crippling depression so you know its %HESITATION yeah it's deported daca and talking about is is important I think we've learned what's people pass and said it's important to ask people a lot of people not to ask for your like that pass and are you okay yeah okay borrow like with your with your inner circle like you said earlier to really be late like now Hey man now so that we could talk to me yeah that's important to you they are very important to see how your peeps are doing well press one if you build something yeah if anything was learned at least one of the biggest lessons for me is that like through the last couple years is we're all starting for connection in one way or another that's why we started talking to each other through screens when we couldn't get out because we need each other and so fucking bad and when we don't have that will do anything like you said we're adapt we're adaptable that's what we do as a species we adapt N. hearing that anybody else is going through the same thing that you're dealing with makes you feel like you're not alone it connects you to the world around you and that's yeah and that's like one of the biggest problems in my opinion we all feel disconnected from everything so thanks brother appreciate it dummy Hey guys I appreciate you you take the time and giving a shit about anything I have to say I will do it with us well yeah I can't touch with you about the peach man when we get it get out yeah I'd love to stop by in the okay get a nice you know in person hang right on and have a good night brother Tommy P. talk to you soon wow well everybody that is the one and only extremely talented that is a modern only Tommy is so fucking cool air from yeah he's a good dude man and you know everybody like we just talked about it a lot at the end but Hey if you're going through shit you don't have anybody to talk to we're here yeah I'm not just saying that that's not some like podcast book in post bullshit like hit me up at no simple road at G. mail dot com go hit no simple rode up in the DM on Instagram I promise you that I will respond yeah and that's the best thing put out there if you think were full of shit try to yeah no errands done it in the past for countless people well whatever I think it's it's a thing that is you do saying it now but it's been going on you know this is a summer day when this thing because we love people and yeah I want to be connected like they're like we're just saying at the end of this was Tommy it's very important we all need connection so if you're feeling disconnected connect yeah and and also I realized something over the past couple years too when I am one of like the warning signs of me being depressed because a lot of times when one is depressed or at least myself when I'm depressed I don't realize it's it's sneaks up on me do you know what I mean by that yeah I get the so there's warning signs for me that I've come to get to know one of his I stopped listening to music I won't put it on N. thank you don't want to make yourself feel better I like it yeah some call right %HESITATION want anything to make me feel anything because I'm not feeling good do you know what I mean by that and so you got to learn to recognize those warning signs with yourself whatever they are and get in front of them when it happened because that's how you go down the rabbit hole and start feeling like shit nobody must feel like shit man so yeah that's that you know it's crazy like when you talk about something with like depression %HESITATION there's so many triggers for people and then there's also so many things that %HESITATION work for people that don't it's one of those really weird isolating things that even though you know other people out there have it it is comforting to know it's it's true but like it's so depression doesn't you don't want to do anything you don't want to do anything about it it's hard to get out of that initial the phase you not one yeah yeah yeah the pressure yeah you're depressed exactly do not want to be involved and you don't well yeah and it is hard and and you're right apple thanks for saying that earlier about like ask for real ask your friends Hey what's going on you feeling good with where we have to do to each other around here so yes especially when everybody's not feeling the greatest he liked like Passover like okay you're good good I'm good too but we sent it with each other and that comes up late lately now come on man something's up I can tell I've known you a long time we could smell each other's car broke our way around here that's for sure but you know what man I think we've all had enough of funk an insult it's festival season and we are getting ready to go to P. H. N. I would love it if you all would come along with us yeah yeah beaching come say hi to us or podcasting from lodge and we're gonna be giving away a pair tickets so yeah stay tuned for that to that a gram I am well yeah stay tuned instrument that so yeah we're gonna we're gonna talk more we're not gonna leave you guys hanging will be back in just a second we're gonna we're gonna do a wait what we doing how do you say it this is a word from our sponsor by us is that right yep that works a word from our sponsor by a word from us about our spa there it is yeah you said it like Yoda you can set it backwards commercials there are officials %HESITATION you will all right well S. is us doing a commercial after that is it listen hello I am you're talking about I don't know but you know to showed up in some light but you know what else to do what we should go to define premium cannabis well why because they have the best smokable dabbles favorables topicals rebels NE a ball that you want they've got a sign and he works there single got annual yeah I'm at the Hillsboro we have two locations one in Hillsboro one in forest Grove we command you tell us I am a listener to know simple road we're gonna give you a ten percent discount on your purchase and if we're gonna want free T. shirt where that T. shirt back that's an extra five percent stacked on top your ten percent uranium processing percent every other time that I'll try again yeah so make sure you come out the one thing we do we take our time with you to get you suited to what you need and out the door and on your way to happiness and healthiness so come out to deepen our premium cannabis and get yourself set up at least at least bring NASCAR's do not be shy well made it all you are on the back and chilling with us staying behind me I just want to say that I caught your set with Rayna at the peach I know you're supposed to perform with Holly but she got you know she got sick on her last minute but man your freakin plan your broken heart out and Reina you guys did such an amazing job I just want to say thank you for that yeah little set that you guys I've got a I got it I don't get to see the whole thing because we had our thing going on too but it was rad so how again I know I said it earlier but thank you for your craft thank you for your talents in freer entertainment man yeah it is a very special thing to I feel like the time that we're living in right now and maybe everybody feels like this but like the time that we're living in right now especially for the jam world is super special like there's really amazing stuff happening like lake %HESITATION what's going on with J. rad they are like at the top of their game what goose is breaking out and blowing up the scene and then you have like all these other bands that are coming up behind goose there's like all these up and coming amazing musicians like dogs in a pile Aggie in an cycles in just all these bands that there's so much good music right now and we're so lucky hasn't always been like that there's been droughts in the jam yeah definitely not a drought right now and until that you like that's one of the lake blessings of cove it and locked down and all the shit that we've all been through the past couple of years is that there's this resurgence of music and and and we did say that like I remember saying there's gonna be a renaissance after the plague and here it is we're we're experiencing it right now ten a that is a getting to go back to festivals and them like we've been talking about you've seen on her Instagram and stuff we just got back from peach and that's a whole that's an episode by itself that experience I'm not gonna get into it too much here but we have northwest string summit coming up in in two weeks N. that festival was the first festival that I ever went to that when I walked on to the grounds of the festival like we had gone there a couple weeks before to go check it out because we had never been hoarding tied up before because we are new to the area and when I walked on the festival grounds and everybody was there in the festival's set up and it was happening I felt like I came home and I had never been there before and it was like seeing my family and I had never experienced that in a festival setting I felt like that online at ufficio or dead show it never ever to festival N. it's very special northwest string summit is a very peculiar animal and ten into if you guys like have you been to everyone goodness for out of twenty sixteen years you've done some as far some what is our sweet what was the first one like Ben well if we had first moved to Colorado or from Colorado and %HESITATION move your big string cheese fans so we pull in enough per mile in February and and %HESITATION went to our first incident warnings never heard of warnings but %HESITATION when you had to go to cheese five months so that the Portland that bam rewind a little bit explained we we took we took our three little kids three daughters who were what age were they then five and two two year olds twenty eight wow so good thought it might be a good idea because string cheese for four days %HESITATION unknown place I happen to be you know putting aside our wages %HESITATION it we totally unprepared %HESITATION to count but not prepared for mornings and for an incident of that compound okay so what what does that mean not prepared like well could you prepare for what you were in store for well it was our first transition from just doing concerts and festivals we are can't big campers are totally prepared for that but you know best whether something you learn something new every year and add your repertoire of luxury if you will yeah three daughters follow the three daughter piece in as it goes along %HESITATION as I said the other day I was it was tough as you can imagine that is gone how did I ever get a good to go to the second one I mean it was it was tough with a look back okay it was raining when you got there is only our first one I we pulled and then actually to have came a couple hours later but it was the skies up and I'm just like a torrential downpour there's no escaping and I couldn't set up a time and I couldn't do anything and then all of a sudden three babies and it's like yeah that that that makes sense like hi we were prepared with like rain boots you know higher yeah yeah so it was summer I wasn't really thinking along I mean we had some it's like we have a sweatshirt that was a different year that benefit that but %HESITATION yeah we we weren't prepared in that capacity but eight I think that you guys had had the same kind of experience you don't go back to something sixteen times if you don't feel at home there exactly well that's that's the morning's piece I made anybody opposing the hoardings it's a feeling it's there's no question about it so what when and if you want to be there it's like that and then especially about in those thought possible it's you know what happened that year that first year after all that rain and not being prepared that made you say we're we're going back to that next year forty thousand dollar RV and %HESITATION is that the rest is history I mean from that point forward the girls were so in love with it that you we couldn't turn back and I'm serious because first year about midway through we started to hear the vibe of it there's another festival here we're going I don't care if it's Barry Manilow placement working back here just because of IBM right yeah it does it turns out the northwest during some was I mean I don't care if it was and that I love well I would totally down hell yeah forty but then I hear it with it could be yonder mountain string band %HESITATION we were hooked on by that point it was like a we're going interview you have like we'll both you actually you so we went back up we met you guys allegedly no I don't remember this I remember the exact moment that I met okay laid on me the exact moment as I'm sitting at the bowl kind of toward that little walkway you know a little bit down from that what I the tweener state yeah no not by the tweener stage it was kind of like stage left all the way to the back okay by a tree buyers that yeah by entry was young beautiful you an apple were off doing actually all three were there %HESITATION where we as I was in my own world and all I remember is getting a tap over on on my shoulder and looking up and seeing Tiffany intensely and lake I was like what are these little goddesses what lake it was just the vibe of everything %HESITATION so beautiful and then I turn I see such a beautiful lake do only what the heck and then she introduces herself and why did you walk up to mail because of Ansley actually she hadn't introduced us to your guys show %HESITATION and then she had said Hey that's that much I didn't even know exactly what you guys looks like it has like all really I you know that's cool let's go say hi I'm just you know run into second welcome you guys too knowing that it was your first time and so anyways you guys reset and there's like yeah I'm gonna go up and say hi so any him can you hear me now yes okay fine so then we walked over and said hello and I was like oh my gosh so then they're so cute mmhm we didn't hang out after that now still yeah twenty one the one right is that right yep so many twenty one just a year ago actually we yeah anniversary anniversary room do you guys purchase twenty five acres up out in sandy that you're refurbishing and creating a new reading I knew festival experience grounds called rhythm grounds yep N. you guys purchased that land in in twenty twenty one I remember Mel telling me Hey I got a an email from a DM a DM a DM from Tiffany that we met at string summit in June yes I I mean I I think we followed each other at that time so I definitely were in my feet and I know you %HESITATION we were built in I remember that story I remembered you but we had ran into you again at Marco Benevento right I am Karina and yes yeah I remember that yeah okay so and we briefly you know and then then then yeah I I reached out to you I don't know when how many months later that was a long I don't remember the the months but it was it was a year ago that we connected and persons was about a month prior to that so it all night was you following your intuition yeah because you said that you felt like you needed to what happy childhood you reach out I'm I honestly like I've told you guys it wasn't because I was listening to the show on a regular basis I had definitely listen to you guys appreciated your stuff all that thought you were beautiful people when I met you had good energy all that enjoyed you know all that I'm Hey just one day I was doing some mushrooms on the property and I had to download basically that connect with Matt like she's meant to she's like my my fuckin friends like I don't know she's there but she's waiting to be someone in my life all of you guys and it was like the universe spoke and I was even with Ansley at the time and we were young talking about that we're walking through the our property and then join the list the time and I bring that up to her because we were talking about friendships and I randomly bring up how I just had that download to her so she knows I mean this is all a jet and she was like oh really that's awesome like you should you know reach out to her then and I even told her I said I can see myself you're even doing much to help because I'm looking for people that I can connect with on a genuine yeah level you know I L. and that's not to trip out into you it's it's you know it's still like a fucking %HESITATION it hang on yeah yeah like the mushroom for some reason came into my head Hey I can see myself even doing mushrooms right over with her not like she's someone I feel is could be real like a real good friend I'll give full second song from mail this week my operate these things to you when when you when we all connected everything it says things of of seeking out people that are on the same frequency yes and we definitely are was like immediate like again like we always say with people have become friends and families so quickly it just clicks well it's like we had known each other in a past life at this late whatever it just clicked in the other cool part of all of it is like you reached out to Mel yep and then we went out there and that would that's well that's very brave whatever and and you guys could have become friends and that would have been beautiful wonderful but we all became friends like Ben is the brother I never had Andrew Lee for real and then I had it yeah I believe it's been a year it's true and you guys look alike like you guys have like that similarly could literally could be brothers and the way that you all the trio of you him and apple fit you know you Ben and Erin largest and Ben are one of the few human beings on the planet that likes to get as high as I do I also want to plant it likes that smoke cannabis as much as I when they're coming over I get so excited bands coming over because the errands like weeds we ban comes over it's like tell me about that I can tell him about her it is excited as an idea about the store and appreciate %HESITATION yeah sure when I'm at a show and like it's the middle of the first set and I'm not high enough and I'm like I want to do more then we'll always do more with and you know it's really Tom's been will always do more with me and then when the middle do it's I know I'm being silly but usually like that's fucking rad I need somebody that can do that with you in the end it's not like oh really I don't know that's like let's go you know if I die I was waiting for that and end I'm I don't do that all the time and so no you don't know me and my arm are you sure me Mel do you do that would like are you sure pretty good but we usually end up doing that but there's a little this back but even the times when we're just hanging out like this like this situation that we all have together is really beautiful man and and %HESITATION one of the things that the birth place of this is northwest string summit literally yeah yeah N. and it's a lot of things like first of all of that festival was the first time that like we had a spot at a festival right like we had done I see %HESITATION prior but we were like casters that large banks right we were walking around yeah now if your new tell I know what that means what can we pause for a minute I don't know I want to pause but we're back yeah I had a far Babe and there was a pause for applause yeah anyway yeah it's the reason that we're all sitting here is that festival yes and it's been yes some it's been something that I've really been looking forward to going to with you guys again and hearing the stories of of years past from you guys and one of my favorite things N. I just tell some stories about some of the guys I have a fourteen day okay wait we have something one thing I really and my we have several we have a lot of friends apparently bad and one thing I admire about Ben and tiff is that this is a family affair yes their daughters are so awesome and they grew up where a lot of people out there know families like this when you meet a family where the kids grew up in the festival and the music life their special kids they are so well adapted to like the world in the balls they they know the bullshit they know what's true they set fire that so much seeing that when people are able to take their kids these things and some it is one of those there is we we've we've been once and we're there it blew my mind the entire time we were there how the kids just right it's so safe the run around free as can be expressed in themselves they know everybody especially when you go back sixteen times yes same familiar faces you get comfortable with their bodies camps it's magical and it's magical to see you all now what do you mean your kids are grown and they're so awesome but that's all I wanna say thanks they still look forward to just as much if not more because they are mostly adults except the last one so I want to at least put in a direction that I and I and we want to hear all the stories all that but like when you think or when you hear the word northwest string summit what conjures up in your head like what are the images in the memories and the ideas and the thought to happen for me early on %HESITATION it was clear that the girls had a real strong connection with Jeff Austin and that that really kind of was a catalyst and glue they love the holes the whole festival scene but but that I'd I connection that that he gave to them %HESITATION indication that they gave back to the main early age John they were running off the hill from the blanket to make sure that they have that spot in front of a it was at that point was Ben and Jeff and Jack also they O. not read many many many years like a deep into their teen years before they would that go so yeah allow Hobson just the girls like and so forward to to that freedom that you spoke of and and like I've talked to you about you know that we watch them super close we are right there but not always right right there at the at the Ralph so our girls have so many memories of being out the realm they started to make friends being down there and yeah so it is the love for Jeff happened at summit the girl yeah what what was it about him the attention he would give it was on their side it's it's now Israel for many girls and they would they would mouth every lyric hi man out there lurked everybody planet someone a man that was one of the common the comments of the band I remember the the the death %HESITATION Danny Barnes and %HESITATION %HESITATION the bad livers were planned and he stopped at a siding this like everyday people %HESITATION I see these little girls down here mouth and every lyric to the death trip right there the data collection on the hill no we your well if you said it like I kept the straight ahead I think a lot of people wonder about that %HESITATION just overall how does of a family because your girls are amazing not only are the beautiful but they're so sweet and like they have great personalities in there just they're just beautiful people and so to have that kind of a quality of family how do you maintain that in a scene that could be wild and how do you balance that how do you you know let them have fun yeah and you have fun and it was it for me it was on the sleeve it's tough for me for a bit to figure that out yeah and it took me a little bit to find my groove and but I immediately knew it was home even though I didn't have my groove and I didn't have like a bunch of friends up I wasn't meeting up with or anything I was kind of a solo you know I'm doing the mom thing Ben was super helpful but it was more like his time to let his hair down that weekend and you know get loose and stuff and he he knew more a few more people than I did which was totally fine I was just like I said I was kind of more I took that role of I want to stay level headed I wasn't into like I mentioned doing mushrooms that's newer for me I mean I did those things very little before I didn't do much it shows or its vessels yeah with my kids unless I eventually brought along like my sister who was several years younger I flew her out %HESITATION you know couple weeks to be able to babysit so she could help without it at night so we could enjoy the time in the day with the girls but then at night have our time and feel totally safe and responsible not that I thought they but they're young enough like I you know I wouldn't want to tow that line ends as you mentioned just the exposure would it gave them the girls are taught them so much by showing them dot dot life save space in a safe yeah yeah there's a lot of wisdom to be taught on the hill and a lot well as you know there is any in the ball your teacher with the high end luxury I mean you get used to these girls have exactly what's up in the vessel seen the good the bad the Rodney ugly others because there's questions along the way yes so this one is just as well as those questions quotes curiosity you know normal kids are like everything's hidden from Iran we figured if we put him out put it in the open let him see spawn works leading questions spawn works are okay and what isn't what are those snacks and candy tale like that %HESITATION and why they're operating like that you know they don't have any curiosity didn't go into drugs until a later until we'd signed off on it so they were sent to you know adults yeah they now have the interest but yeah they've had questions like what's in there and what's not you know we're like what are these people doing there sit in on that thing Dyson up fuckin acid you know street yeah like what's not colorful stuff and I have a couple brothers who were you know worker either they have somewhat green I'm %HESITATION and so it was you say it was like you know they're fine and it's good it's like and put on top of that it's people even like if you look at whatever it's not even about being a work it's just those people are doing this and or you know some about cannabis and marijuana and eventually as we became legal in Oregon for medicinal we you know had that going for us is well and so then I was like okay now we're partaking in that but it was something that I like I said I didn't partake in any of the the document back then and stuff but the music was the music was the thing and even laugh when the good job was the glue yeah he was younger it was all of them they're just they were so because we we would jam out to them all the time I mean the girl that's how they knew the lyrics because they would I mean benches he was one of those constantly playing music and and we got hooked on yonder %HESITATION after what they said when was the afternoon string cheese and everything get in into panic and seen tons of shows back in Colorado we were deep and they go into all sorts of concerts some of my earlier footage it stomach was %HESITATION you know even watching the news today the girls are having a face painted when he stepped down in the main goal yeah at that point the transition is happening within the the jam grass seed but bluegrass but the green sky was planned at like noon in the main bowling for like ten people they were hula hooping so why bring some of we got to see a lot of this cool transitional things happen that they are amazing I mean I kind of like what I was saying at the beginning of of this of how we're going through this like transitional phase in the scene right now with these up and coming bands have to send the strings and everything that's happening you saw that first hand at summit years ago in the jam great see you actually like had a front row seat to the metamorphosis of jam grass yeah yeah well I also contributors to that I mean if you think about it you're going back year after year you're contributing to the success of these bands because you're saying I'm paying this money to go back and bring the whole family with me is it I mean some of really is kind of a gateway for %HESITATION for bluegrass music for the west coast I mean as as these bands start to come up through the ranks I mean they're they're they're coming through string some of the ones that that stock the ones that %HESITATION that they showcase the means guys done a great job with that I mean I'm glad dusters and railroad earth and and change the way the whole gamut that's one to alors once again taking things to a whole nother level it's amazing and that that's what turned the three of us on to yeah crashers in bluegrass was there and it was like okay we'll listen to it here and there and then we came back from some men were like bluegrass is frigging amazing wow you can dance to my is what they are doing to it like everything yeah I I honestly at home I was like I liked it but I once I went and saw it and felt that yeah I'm going like gender I don't care if I have to put I gotta say I like it one funny thing that popped in my mind that I loved about you guys that you did in the and the it was Ainsley that that went when we went to fish she was on the answer the never been to fashion she asked you guys why haven't you ever had dish before you guys said that %HESITATION we were injured we had to save something for mom dad faces a different animal now you've banned and now she's books was like immediately like me being grandma's all of them that next week yeah yeah so you get what you've been said you had %HESITATION I we had to wait until you we were sure you were a lady are you in or do you say that I'm a work and jump on the bomb yeah let you come in at work as far as for all you work session we love you say it low because that works in my family I am no I was like yeah we also have your what has turned out is that we all have a little look in S. well that's a good idea we we we've been to one string summit now that the purse strings I'm and I am I'm a clean freak a shower every day and while we were there I was having so much fun we're partying having fun I didn't shower for days hi read today after I got home you know brash's happened in the about it or run around walking ten miles a day running here and there but oh my god it was so fun and I was I was dirty that my work came out we think that's that's rad about summit now is after twenty years thank you likeable so we've only experienced one but it was a well oiled machine that that crew the color is everybody that was there we were treated like family from the jump anything we needed we had one for number is super smooth the vending was dot one like the stages were set everything was dialed yeah one of the things and people ask me about it about it just say one thing it's that significant about it I mean we do shows all over we do festivals all over but there's only one festival and its summit that on Saturday night you know how special this because every single person in that sold out bowl will leave their every belonging right we're system work out of that bill and rage all night long and leave it there you have full trust every person they leave their belongings are only long after I've never seen that happen in another group of people like that and I've never done it was more confident so and we're ever doing the same thing we did was left everything there every single day and I came back to every single one of my items while that's frickin beautiful says domination of can pull what was created that the culture and and what magic that morning's really brings it's truly magical place special I remember on Saturday night somebody came to us and they were like you guys need to go put a blanket down in the bowl in the morning and I was like and I was like what they're like you guys should go get a spot down in the bowl for tonight and I was like we're gonna leave our stuff there all day like somebody's and they're like no just go which break down there we did we left our blankets everything for two days yeah we did the whole time and nobody knew nobody sat on it like it was left alone everything was fine it was there something to be said for that %HESITATION what you just said about everybody just collectively enjoying a night to whatever degree you want to I remember feeling so that that's I still maintain that that's the best night of my life until another one comes along like that like I married have children but this was such a special because I felt renewed I felt like I was in another planet almost I really did feel like we were in another plan and chest of all my kids yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I totally I'm down with that place a rebel said to mills at two after we all agreed it made us feel like we're mostly it was like high school prom especially Saturday night because yonder did that eighties like makes night and then we we didn't know what to expect as our first one also this allows our blooms in the middle of the crowd down the bottom the ball all these kids start run around dressed as bumble bees and just there's just stuff going on everywhere we were dancing our asses off and we did it we all felt like kids that night yeah it was just amazing it helps you that's where I felt it would help me connect with my inner child so we could still get older it may as Jeff %HESITATION yonder would say let your freak flag fly you know like new do it like we all have like let it out you know check it out but you gotta do you show it off the yonder actually helped you Jeff actually how did you find yourself yeah I believe he helps all of our girls are yonder in them themselves just the way it is or Jeff you know we talk from the stage about just just certain comments he would make and then come sometimes he would come over and talk to the girls personally and let them know like so glad you guys are here I look forward to seeing you guys like every year like and then he'd start coming up even as hogs over the years we and CMS other shows he has a like just jelly fish and stuff and just like gummy bears think treats you know and then and he would always recognize and acknowledge them from whenever and then other people on the bounded to %HESITATION yeah he encouraged he helped us fill that we belong there even I felt at home I struggle like I said for a little bit to find that balance you know I had kids young kids and I was a young mom and I was I don't think everybody realizes but Tiffany is physically drop dead gorgeous wait a minute feel company you well and then you meet her and you're like what do you like twenty one like beautiful and so having I'm I'm saying this because we have something in common that's rare but it's it can be kind of like a thing you got to deal with in life where you know you've got this gorgeous woman here and then you're with your daughters and so that's kind of weird and it's the people give shade people are can be really mean another time they were young when we started going so they were yeah gorgeous you know things that now people look at and a whole different light at the time they're these little kids and some people actually did give us grief not just like people in our community dead and maybe even some family members like why are you taking your kids to these things like trying to judge and throw shade not having any real idea and then even people at the festival itself would be like like make comments that goes were standing like my kids and stuff and like his own belong but yet some in particular encourage that in northwestern someone dead and they gave that you know comfort to kids and like my kids they literally looked forward to it every year it was lying we can't wait to go back on some and it was like it was more it was more than that yeah and we raise money too and now he likes and they start to hit the aisles like sweet that you know do you loved it and then they especially loved it so you couldn't not go back yeah that is like all right a little pain under and well the only thing we got back up there because you were flattery George we gotta say also the band is a very handsome man yes yes I will not lose our you have left yeah yes but it is a very handsome man he's standing the first time after we met that we get right on it I was I was like he's like he's like the Wolverine but cooler and better looking than hue Jackson he's the Hollywood he's real like it is in there and gets dirty and get shit done and takes care of her family and life yes this is the due date you want like if you got a like storm the hill this is a guy that you want with the what what's the what you told me recently been says he's like I'm the type of friend that'll help you get rid of the body but you just gotta wait till tomorrow is he right now you got to just put the body on ice no man it's it's we talk a lot on the show about the magic of the scene that we're in an the magic of the music and going to shows and festivals and all that but like there's something particularly cool about summit and I think you just kind of hit on why it's because they welcome family yes I believe that's what I felt walking in there that's why I felt at home was I felt that vibe of like wow this is welcoming and and it's like it was created out of love yes it's not like let's throw festival make a bunch of money it was like let's do something for our family yep we're gonna be together for a few days that was made with love yep zero nine rolling no that summit you know started because of the string cheese incident plans are having their incident out there and so then they were inspired to contact you know morning sun eventually on their own festival there %HESITATION which is now the unbelievably twenty years later %HESITATION so involved and it is it's so special to our family %HESITATION I as much as I'm sad it's ending I you know I get I get things have to end the night we just move a template right yet our thing and we're not that three hundred acres of Bob's got but yes we are %HESITATION we do definitely have that thought as well the vessels to break it out in a lecture for does does does it over two weekends we could do that yeah or you could just do with smaller we do smaller I was gonna say there's nothing like a yeah boutique style festival where you actually get to spend time with the people that are there because when you're out these bigger festivals you lose a lot of the people that you want to spend time with so yeah kind of scale that down everybody's we wanna hang out with and no matter whether you get side tracked you're still in that core group of people you want to be with N. that's what I feel like the festival scene is to the world it brings these people together the want to do these things and want and enjoy the same type of things and it it like puts it in this lake you know %HESITATION it concentrates it and the only way that I could thank based on point of peaches past time based on meeting you guys high Sierra all of these festivals they bring these like minded people together are these people that have these family values they don't wanna leave their families behind or they want to have a good time or they're in jail like they're taking time out of their life basically is what I need to like enjoy and to savor like time with friends or good music or a you know a high time whatever and it's so cool to be able to do that with you guys and to have to be a part of that for everybody else to do you do you guys have a %HESITATION individually like Ben do you have a favorite memory of summit I honestly have to say video tape in my daughter Payson and shoes on a four months old laying on the stage passed out arms back and Jeff just completely not face over my mental head big head banger swatch displayed often and yet I thought that was baptizing illegal is it he knows the sleeping baby also I want to say back to the dot that's why another reason that you asked earlier about why the girls Putin caught over you know yonder and stuff it was %HESITATION their performance their songs that they knew but also jobs antics the way he acted on stage is performance is that he would put on they just thought was so funny because he was goofy you know you'd make he was in drama and so he had some dramatic faces he would and he gets he gets in a deep and they were just like get in there with him and feel it and they they you know now I know the stories because I've heard it I've since been able to have the fortune to connect with some of the other members of yonder and on their wives as well and hear stories that they watched our kids from behind the stage you know for several years and admired them because they would watch them and the girls are singing along and had a bang and doing you know their antics as well and playing air guitar and whatever and acting silly let their freak flag fly and it is several of you know the time Ben and I right next time as well and like you said even at one point we had a baby up there and %HESITATION you know it was just it was so awesome so I for me it's tough going back to that question what do you think what's your favorite or what or a fitness this is not a it's not now it's no it's not I did it with I got to do it with those my girls and I it's also specials on them I think it's hard to yeah there's just so much it's there's so many good times I will say I was fortunate one time to have some just give us some very good magical downloads I will it's hard to blame but yeah just amazing at times that are so special and not a man our our our top goal of our time yeah UFO sighting I stop in the crowd was pretty strong in the middle of a tug and so totally stopping as long in the middle this at it was it well it was super cool because %HESITATION times fly over by the space station yeah the production company that but on you know the like the flower thing that you described in the beads think it's Tyler Fuqua procreation creations so they put that on and they won you're hot it like a mock saucer UFOs you describe that you're better at it it's just that that that yonder was finishing the sad news like I had no expectations and %HESITATION it basically stops the song and the metal and one of the has everybody point up to the sky and all the times with the space station yeah mixed up yeah I am get it mixed up but he times he knew that the space station or because someone had told him it's going to be flying over it did when we were there to do in that that's right but at that time it was just it was super yeah it was the just everything that was going on at the time was the the whole thing was memorable but clearly I didn't remember that part is details the other big %HESITATION it's always been the the campground picks I mean that's really what that that does it will become legendary for is is in a lot of times artists %HESITATION will jump on stage and insisted that the the crowd not only do clubs on the other stages but you know and the and the campground a lot of other than sermon picks up the campground stuff like that all wow man and so having this be the last one what was your feeling when you heard the news you guys that this was gonna be the final verse all I was I'm still I'm still shocked by it but but then again and I and I knew it probably would probably have to come to an end and then it is the the the budgetary piece alone at the expense is bound to be common I don't even see how sky pulled this together with this is a blow out man yes this is definitely a blood has gone vertical like that and those get out those bounds become more money now I think to those bands that have been there they love it too and they extended their favorites there was a time the green light all three nights and it was for years and years so as things progress and things change a little bluegrass scenes the this is not a little anymore and twenty year I mean we decided with peach V. do anything for ten years it's amazing they do this for twenty years now you got ability strings rocket that's not helping anything so I mean it's like it's been catapulting us out of these little venues like warning side up right it's amazing our scene and bring on new brothers and sisters let's have a look yeah this all greens guy playing with the ball ten people like half paying attention more like background music and then last year we got a red rocks to see %HESITATION sold out red rocks and discretion it for three nights you know it's like Andy Dunn again from %HESITATION little Smokies he was in a band competition there you know years ago before he was even little Smokies so it's fun to remember that we've seen people like him and it is the several other Rostelecom revival essentially become a band at the last moment and they've been a while and so going into this do you have like do you have anything that you buy want to get out of the last one for yourself yeah I'm we're getting older synonyme try to go deep and try to finish strong enough what is things are done with kids you know we haven't been out and just you know just stop all night long for all four nights %HESITATION we may do that we talked about but yeah I know right %HESITATION no actually what we do want to run the matter we want to know where the summit is actually to really just be present for is what I'm looking forward to really take it in and %HESITATION taken more music than ever taken more variety and then all the girls are common all the girls are going to be there and just take in like I am right trend taken right now yeah it ends yeah so get up and try not to get too emotional what are you gonna be a motion I can't wait is gonna be so much emotion I K. I just can't even imagine what Sunday night's gonna be like okay so %HESITATION this is just like a you know a subsection but how do the raver to get ready for festival my goodness I want to hear about this because I know this is very important costumes Tiffany's a woman after my own heart who she loves to dress up and have fun bends also a man after my own heart and loves to dress up and have fun and you also like luxury and you're also vegan then there's all these per car like things you guys have to take into consideration while I'm so I want to know how this happens how does this go down well it's a little bit easier now that of course the girls Yeller so but like I told you I feel like I'm already running late or X. interest to get ready and I don't like to you know I want to be super prepared yeah nice soul being that we do have our property it's like a little bit of juggling yeah this is here so we're not sure this year it's all new because we haven't done it you know on the athlete and we've been used to having an RV in the past and this year we don't have an RV pastored anything so we're going to be camping old school style but like I said the girls are older we're gonna bring generators so we're gonna pack %HESITATION starting probably this weekend Stephens the short answer is generators the only way to survive with poor women five women there's a little might not line at old generators %HESITATION so you have to have all their stuff and then I like %HESITATION you know mailing clients and they will be with us plenty of rayon and then we prepare yeah we you know %HESITATION kind of Hey we're gonna go simple on food especially Maurice go way overboard plan breaking all these skills because I had younger %HESITATION and it was it was different but I spent way too much time preparing food and inside or not or outside just cooking you know yes since like now I missed out on too much good music like you're old enough now of course third alts yes will make your own ships or whatever you're solid and so this time let's do it together and or you can I have more freedom than ever at yet at this festival yes yeah I told Mel %HESITATION yesterday I was like okay at every show that we've been to every festival that we've been to whether it be on the west coast to the east coast we always end up with a bunch of people that are part of the no simple road family N. we have never taken a family picture to show well that's not true we did at the gorge we did at the gorge it would be me but we haven't taken a family problem talk to Erin saying you just want to take a harder and no no no no yeah dot that stop and listen to me that's why I am just one clarification I'm talking about not just us I'm talking about anybody that listens to the show US in one spot for picture like schedule Tammy picture okay not us on the on the here somebody snap picture of our does were hanging out with at the moment now there's another group like that I think that that would be a cool do not legacy but marker in time for this thing that's about to go down lake especially because it's going to be the last one and like for all of us to have that memory to gather would be super cool press to have that like ocilla dated yeah now I'm gonna make half were gonna have to have a great plan on it but schedule also talk about food I think we should do like like a family breakfast too that's way too much I honestly know PI ambulance in Tyler love fantasy idea of it but it just already stressed me out by using it really no there's still people don't go to sleep they wake up at their own time yes they are there they missed it I think everybody would love Mel Smith %HESITATION I will she's that's different I just happen to be like getting sixteen cores forget you I'm not committed to any of that one like difficult descent that you kind of got lost in the that like too much food preparation holes yeah out of that tells it does and then packing for all their stuff I used to go they looked so cute all the time and not all the fun stuff like we have such cute home video's been was always %HESITATION really good about holding the video cameras in all according some fun moments there so we have lots of video footage of them just jamming out on their own totally in the moment and let loose with price so should your play at their wedding new right I started to shut down its bond I want we had to do you like it like it like after installing do a viewing party that be coli hanging out having a little thing out was slide show of stuff because thank you all but so while so the last thing I want to say is I'm looking forward to doing it northwestern semi with you too I'm sad %HESITATION excited about it it means a lot to us it means a lot to you we get to hang together and B. share space and laying just have an amazing time it and it's four days it's just now that we're know each other and we're actually get to spend the time together it's just I'm excited I'm looking forward to add extra specialty exciting always to see what the Roberts have up their sleeve been talking about the king out like we've been talking for months about this now and let him set up and it's like it's like oh I'm bringing everything online this is this going to be so amazing so I made him scale back I got an email disclaimer I just wanna say tiff thanks for listening to your intuition yes I'm glad it's what it was I I think in my words to you was the universe like compelled me laugh to listen like I'm just hunter and you guys got that we appreciate you and how are like twins I got a message saying you have the same goal every dangerous so your twenties yeah yeah it sucked up so I got a mention to him we did connect that day over a year ago just little over is like a hundred and sixteen degree record day saw it with the fact that you came out still like I mean like I said it didn't have to go it who knew we all do just kind of rolled the dice yeah Hey it's good together next thing you know well and I did do our little shroom trip I remember saying I knew we were going like we're the up we we we did it and it's been amazing and I were often some corner somewhere giggling yeah we're fortunate for all of you and I believe that wasn't there that day like you said yeah hi his car hit is a brother to and it's like you guys are just super cool family friends that we appreciate so much and super grateful for automobile one more time these chairs are fucking awesome they're like this is like my second bed I'm like all look amazing yeah two they've been waiting as long the national all right they're already given the arms or legs plus yes yeah apple is a luxury I S. and sent me well like is a perfect I'm not sure I like me some good yeah BMO or watching alone today if you're seeing the show where they like to drop the people off in the middle of nowhere how I got this right I met Matt was like you would never last in the show and I was like no I know I go of my shows who can last the longest in the five star hotel yeah I will not want to be called who G. so offered evidence %HESITATION we're gonna do E. lie now you're gonna %HESITATION yeah this is a trip report from fish I believe Anna E. Y. the wolf put together some incredible sonic painting for you guys here so this is the that amazing thank you for do I have to say thank you again for doing this forgetting the no simple road family out there in the wild and do a little compilation and I just love you thank you so much and what also if you're still listening to the show it two hours and whatever minutes wow man right on thank you good on ya que ha good on yeah I mean we love you thanks I hope we were interesting they really do love you guys so we really do yeah remember to follow us on Instagram and Twitter and all that and other things smile a stranger we'll be back next love one another often things high rate and safety third and happy festival seems to get out there and see a live music do stuff %HESITATION and like we always say make sure to tell a friend family member whatever about no simple road yeah right here we go let's do you lie and then then we'll be done we love you guys well %HESITATION hi there no separate family this is you I Paul come into you again from Cincinnati Ohio with yet another trip report from three nights of Deer Creek at fishing at the theater %HESITATION I'm actually calling it more of a field report this time because that's what it feels like to me %HESITATION these little mini podcast episodes and I'm sending you so I hope that's alright %HESITATION and judging by your reaction from the one I sent in last year I felt pretty welcome to try it out again %HESITATION so I'm gonna get right to it this time there's a lot of meat in here %HESITATION in June a say hello to the noticeable road family hi guys you may remember them from last year they brought me with them for fish and by putting us on your podcast so here we are again for another again I don't know field report well it's it's more of a field report for me at least so %HESITATION to see the few the proud the fish for three nights each we will check in later hi this is Liz with grateful that taro and our friends what's your name the card they were going to side note I got the same fucking card when I pulled one which I'll get into later she I never really got a no I always walk down there and like like walk down there not dancing like halfway through and that's just you gotta swing please people dancing in front of in the middle Andrew all so this year I wanted to try things a little differently as I know you know the hangs after the shows are tried and true even winding up better than the show sometimes between the conversation the belly laughs and whatnot but this time I thought it would be fun to ask a few people one simple question what does fish mean to you and some of these responses blew me out of the water I asked a couple people who met throughout the weekend a couple of friends who you don't know full of road trippers who you do know family show here and we're talking here about this means where to even start minds love for me clearly lie for me as a guitarist is so interesting I mean approaching guitar from a more percussive standpoint coming from %HESITATION drum background being a drummer myself I think having this four piece electric band two drummers that aren't playing the drum as tractive these past couple years been selling food for all the shows and then when we can and meet new friends and just Kickin it join the all of the little moments life gives us through the lands this band that means so much to so many people and it's incredibly inspirational and full energy force to be behind to be a part of for however long which used to be our %HESITATION however long they who knows who knows how much longer you have so every second is %HESITATION is not wasted now here the shows for me and %HESITATION overall what it means to me is just a joy I think you get for music as it is within a five to the friendship the stage next we have a new friend Ryan from Columbus Ohio who we met there at the campground equally generous as he is resourceful and prepared we're really grateful to have been able to connect with them and spend some good time with them fish to me is this been pretty much the soundtrack to my entire adulthood and from them the minute I first heard fish there were some type of nostalgie %HESITATION that I felt which is odd because I've never heard it before but the A. brought out like the creative innocent pure child like in mind and visions and things like that I had as a kid so I guess that's where the nostalgie came from it also got me on the road as a young adult you know around the age of eighteen traveling the country C. and stuff that I never would've seen you know if I would have taken a different path and %HESITATION for me it ended too soon which would turn out to be temporarily but you know %HESITATION three was my first show and I did a lot of the toward zero three no four and it ended abruptly and consequentially I had a lot of depression and I guess anger and I you know I really dove deep into into hard drugs and alcohol and %HESITATION when they came back I was not a good place so I didn't get to see a lot of shows and then %HESITATION I just wasn't able to go to shows at some point so I missed another five years and %HESITATION once I was a couple years over and %HESITATION streamed all the Baker's dozen shows I was back in the back on so %HESITATION it's been a hell of a ride and it continues to be an amazing experience that never never seems to disappoint and %HESITATION continues to bring up feelings of nostalgia %HESITATION from not just I guess the purity of childhood but also the times that I had %HESITATION when I was a young adults so it's been the most amazing part of my life and %HESITATION I wouldn't trade it for any amount of money or anything in the world one wife UP next is our homie Chris also from Cincinnati who we spend every night at the shows with along with his crew who is great to meet one of the most lovable human beings I've ever met and he kept it short and sweet for us so read on I get to travel across the country listen to good music makes some money some beer on and just be free more for myself and now we have another new friend her name is Shannon from Kentucky I didn't get the city but she was also camp next to us and we immediately fell in love with her upon meeting her %HESITATION this woman is mama straight up and she really knocked it out of the park on this one and I think you guys are really going to love what she had to say that for me is music in general is my lifeline %HESITATION I was a deadhead I knew as a dead head when I was eleven years old and I watched a documentary on the Grateful Dead is a black and white TV twelve black white TV %HESITATION and as the music come out here with the community really I was like I knew that was my tried and that I would find that I've always been a lot of time for these items total stress us with dad when I was really really young what I would listen to music that was just I was the time that I can just close my eyes and just be at one and they just I could just feel the healing this is one of those rare instances where all the talent just happens Billy strings has right now that had it and for me there are different elements of that and fishes how do I win a little bit it is church it is also for me personally had prejudices against the commute the fish community at first that is so like it was so weird because when they started coming around I worked the thirsty Thursdays at the dead end bar in the nineties and this is a whole different light with a camera he was like the music and what that but I just never had we didn't have all the music was not accessible to as you had to find a year to year the be lazy to buy tapes I just about that it says what I did at the time three jobs single month to put into that and my youngest son was born and I would be driving back and forth a lot listening to the satellite radio station yeah and I would just be like who is this guy can belting my face they can drive it out high sixty four way Hey you're not even smoking weed in the car you know I'm just like I hired hi it may be higher than a fucking high eight and I was just like other days like Christmas tree to stay here better than like %HESITATION that straight from fish and then the jam on channel the %HESITATION the Jemaah Joe they had that gone Fishin our anti realize what was happening but I I looked out of his way down to the this is fish to fish and what not and so I'm really glad that they have now the opportunity %HESITATION my life fell apart my mom passed away twenty twenty nineteen that is that the closest and since the the number that was half it just has all the right places that's what I felt I was selfish that lock in and I I really enjoy like the energy that was there like the crowd and it was so funny because it's that that they played with almost the seat the one CD that I had ordered their music like I was like I know the songs that I like so really glad that dollar I have the opportunity late yeah it that my husband left the right network so a lot of the music community and just getting here so I guess tell you on that a lot of a lot of on that one of their particularly I feel like that fish plays my shop is late their music speaks to me and it it it it it reminds me that everything is still good is it puts me at one end there are very few bands that I can stand up there and I do and I stand in for live music and I close my eyes ed hi experience it it it is what is the view that I can literally feel every note go through my body I feel that he had just to watch the they have so much fun to like it just might Friday night or trade as they get into the show and he was just like yeah the bodies in there just to share that with us that is that is a life of TV and to be able to experience that to me is hotter and religion is that it connects me to my higher power she had by higher energy at I was so glad that I fell that element is that fire I have when Billy strings is our water you know it it it just it it I love it I love it and I'm so glad it is joy it brings joy and I'm so grateful to the people that share that I got love I don't know I feel like it %HESITATION Jeez it brings our energies and it brings the people who are open to those ages to cap %HESITATION and it pisses were supposed to be hello it really does so bed to watch like the sheer joy like there was a do down there in front of this and here's all Jammin and inside was there and he was jamming in the dazzling back and the kids like playing the piano in the guy's chest and I was like I'm just like oh my god I love that and then I don't know the song there is a job that is daughter and though I call I didn't understand what was happening but I did understand what was happening just watch them like images that led them to watch them shared that together makes me I've lost so much of my life I'm fifty three years old I have the thank you by tries to see that connection I do see people are clearly just love to to grab hold of that energy to it that that's life and that's what it's all about here is not about showed up for three jobs that you don't love the food on the table because in the end you're still going to be on that log thank you finding your joy to coach Billy strings yeah thanks a man feel sour Ricky every day ready our justice and that gonna make everything else watch my dad figured work his cell to both %HESITATION it died I watched my mom thank you working give in better and try and find his joy her whole life and I made a promise to her that appear in the ocean she sent me a bill does remove Mr heard it U. S. A. so whatever she'd ever got I mean her bald like her she just had a lot of reason to be better she never could figure out a let that go Justin promised her that would let that go so how do you and lastly is David one of my best friends in the whole world who you've come to know through these two field reports I've sent in his bed got cut at the end because my phone died so here's what I was able to scrape together this is the beginning %HESITATION what I think of my life where I really started to come out of my shell loss in two thousand eleven and I just absolutely fell with everything in the crowd energy and all the people and through that eventually I started going to other bands and I met other people and I created a really awesome family friends that I love with all my heart and a lot of %HESITATION completely to fish and the experiences that I had in two thousand eleven two thousand twelve deciding to since you need and the like John this past the place the music like having fun they completely changed the course of my life for the better and and I also super nerd out over everything they do today is a complete genius and just be able to watch them create music out of things that he's done like the thing is in Thailand from my so there you have it and I suppose all throw my two cents and the CDU %HESITATION it really became apparent what fishes role in my life is %HESITATION after this three night run and they were one of the bands who really walked me through the door %HESITATION to this whole world that we exist in and %HESITATION as far as like my growth and my development and like my ability to navigate the human experience they definitely have given me the tools to be able to do that while staying afloat %HESITATION I went through a lot during the second sets of both Saturday and Sunday and and I I would I would I would just close my eyes and I was dancing and my body was moving the entire time there was music being played all three nights and on night two you know I was I was really introspective in a really good way and included me nothing but thing tends to deep deep self affirmation you know like like my my higher self telling me you know you've got this you bust your ass for what you have you you know you deserve everything that you have your heart is true and if you follow your heart you will find truth and it was like it was like a really deep like self hugging of the soul and it was it was amazing and then just so refreshing to have an experience like that when a lot of the time if I'm in an altered state at the show %HESITATION I can have a good time and be engaged but there's there's a really sound line where I where I slip into some crevice in my brain and and and never return again and never have I ever had such a brilliant %HESITATION conversation with myself that was so positive and refreshing in affirming and then on Sunday night during the second set of eyes closed body movin hips swing in %HESITATION I had another conversation with myself that was almost more cautionary and and more like like tough love on myself because like I said I also got the KC Jones card when I pulled one from Liz's stack and the conversation went more along the lines of like I know you have a lot going for you but every time you say something about it shit goes wrong and it's like a lesson you know to like not get so ahead of myself and and and boast about the ship I'm working on because when you think your life is easy street there's danger to your fucking door you know and it's like I I have a lot going for me and I I like to express that and then shit goes wrong and it doesn't work out how I thought it would and it ends up working out but in a completely different way and not the one that I told everyone it was going to work out you know so it was like nine one was like you've got the stuff you've got it you've got the heart you have the vision and then night two was like like but the slayer fuckin roll baby boy like you know you can't keep like over exerting yourself in life giving more than you have and ending up feeling like you've been put out by your own ego because it is working harder than your heart is as hard as your fucking heart is working you know so it was like it was very yin and Yang and you know with with the music as my saddle I was able to navigate all of this and process it in real time and not get swept under the rug with it you know they they gave me that that that that real that fucking fishing line a tether or with which I could return from like these spaces and I I don't know man it was fucking wonderful and I'm so grateful because I've never had an experience like that seeing live music you know %HESITATION Papa does he owes my favorite band they make me feel out one they connect me to my higher power and they they give me the nectar that my soul needs to survive the Grateful Dead is my piece they they console me and let me know that like at the end of the day like everything passes and and then there that better Sather's %HESITATION that that that keeps me like and not like like a safety net you know and then fish is the band that literally gives me like the tools to to excavate my fucking brain M. and like work through shit and like %HESITATION this is all still like super fresh to me but it's incredibly exciting so like you know like Shannon said like find like these elements that like are like my my direction in life you know and %HESITATION again ten out of ten fucking weekend %HESITATION I couldn't be happier or more grateful than the music for the music and the people that I was with and and you guys as well again I thought of you the whole time and like honestly I'm really also grateful that you've given me a chance to explore a whole new art form you know whether or not I'm gonna like to pursue it %HESITATION it's been really fun to do this and have it be received so warmly by all such so I'm gonna hop off my soap box here %HESITATION but I just want to thank you all again for everything you do and everything you are because you all are the fucking best and that's just a straight fact %HESITATION so Erin apple mail I love you all so very much and %HESITATION give Darwin us smack on the ass for me %HESITATION and I lost the game thank you