Dani Battat of Eggy on No Simple Road- June 10th, 2022

Without further ado the No Simple Road Crew gives you Dani Battat of Eggy!Q

... it's going well I'm really happy to be here with you guys this is Mel so nice to meet you hey Mel and then I'm apple Hey apple yes yes I am big and red today yes yeah Daniel welcome dude is it Danny is a Daniel it's %HESITATION Donnie actually Dani okay yeah why does everything from the I do my best to confuse everybody okay well and it's pronounced Donnie will spell D. A. N. I. yeah okay okay so I'm Daniel less the E. L. okay there are a lot of running theories as to why I want to hear all of you know the one that the one I was first told was by my brother like when he's a couple years older than me when we were kids you had a hard time for like saying Daniel okay so just be he did he just he likes to think he dubbed me Donnie all right which is very possible but I also %HESITATION I have some Israeli roots my dad was born in Jerusalem and in in Hebrew dot Danielle is Danielle okay dropped the L. at the end of your Donnie all right well look that also somewhere in the middle go head up it was this is a do do us a favor because now we've got your name right for our listeners if you like introduce yourself from telemarketer %HESITATION what band here and what you do it's a good idea sure my name is Donna baton I planned the bandh Aggie I am the keyboard player I sing songs %HESITATION I do a lot of a video editing here for the band %HESITATION %HESITATION %HESITATION spin by a project I've been involved with for well about eleven or twelve years now wow %HESITATION well founding member of of this band and and I've been doing it since my senior year of high school as as the first iterations of Aggie wow oh shit every you hear on the podcast from new haven Connecticut yeah so we were wondering if you guys ready yeah yeah it it's a trip for us like we're all the way on the other side of the country in Portland Oregon and the the jam scene is is since twenty fifteen really M. in my perspective things have kind of blown up you know what I mean there's a lot of bands out there %HESITATION N. there's a lot happening but from our perspective we're all the way on the other side of the country so that's the beauty of social media N. N. M. being able to find out about new music and I don't know what happened with the algorithm or whatever I had never heard of you guys and then all of a sudden maybe about four or five months ago all I started seeing was eggy all over the place and %HESITATION have you guys felt that is that a thing that's like a wave that you're writing or or is it in my office no I think is most certainly a wave that were riding %HESITATION in the last years since we've been able to get back on the road %HESITATION we've been able to expand our our reach out now as far west as Colorado most recently %HESITATION and we've been having the great fortune of being able to see a lot of the country with bands like Spafford Indo pod in the motet %HESITATION twiddle bands that we've we've been able to go spend some time with out on the road and %HESITATION I think that's that's really helped you know push our gospel across to you guys yeah yeah and we're for for me to you is there Erin brought it what you have months ago he was like if you listen to this Agee band and I was like yeah I just started the other day when you guys all sudden pop up on nugs TV %HESITATION they're not going on at whatever I was there on the on uggs and I was right and it's also it was bam bam bam I was then I started listening and ably bar at about the same time we started listening and I I would say no excess had a huge impact on our ability to reach new listeners I mean we're playing in %HESITATION in Iowa for the first time was maybe last this past November we are playing with Spafford and you know I met someone that had traveled to couple hours from home out of the show and to me it was just the coolest thing being like there's people in Nebraska well I don't know anybody from Nebraska all someone's listening in and and so much of that is is thanks to synagogues and their audience because that's something we we we joined with them I want to say was in July of last year okay how does that happen like do you just like reach out to them like how how did that whole you know thing get started I'll have to credit Kevin rondo %HESITATION %HESITATION from from the Jamf the management team that's that we've been working with for the past few years %HESITATION you know he's he's he's built relationships over the last many years %HESITATION and through it all %HESITATION and I was able to broach the bridge that %HESITATION relationship for us and and it's been a really great thing %HESITATION we do a lot of our %HESITATION audio mixing and BDO editing all in house so it's gotten us working overtime %HESITATION but it's been so much fun and I know it's really exciting for fans to be able to listen back to the shows within a couple of days and you know if you're not at the show you can basically you know I'm a I'm a big sports fan I love keeping up with with my New York Mets wherever they are so it's like in the sense like you get to just keep keep up with the season even if you can't be there yeah yes in and you know what to done is like for those of us that aren't in the areas that you're playing especially with the kind of music that you guys are making in that we're all into its like it's really difficult to get a feel for a new band listening to studio album yes is it it's not the same animal at all he gets more Polish there's over dubs and blah blah blah but seeing a band live is a completely different story so for us getting to hear it live it really does gives it it gives us the full experience totally and I think it's interesting because so many of the artists that I've been listening to and %HESITATION lately you can't find anything on them live we we live in such an interesting scene where there's so much emphasis on live music and it it's not the same in any other genre except may know a in like a jazz right like a band might do a live album every few years and we're going out on the road essentially putting out a live album every night nuts yeah that's it and you guys are doing all that well you you're doing all the video stuff in the back and stuff yourself yes so our drummer Alex Bailey he is who I wish was here to help me set up the I just little over to channel focus right but %HESITATION he's he's become quite the way it is at you know mixing and editing through pro tools and %HESITATION a couple years ago we we we invested in like in in your monitoring system that also doubles as our way of getting the sound boards every night multi tracked and it so after show will you know what happened when we hop in the van it's starting to dump all the files this computer and we've got a multi cam set up that we we break out every night and then were dumping footage and I'm I'm trying to throw together you know some either a song you know if we can get a full set or show out that's great but you know just a lot of water just doing it in house well it's just a small operation at the moment brother Matthew through it yes %HESITATION I see you're doing an amazing job and we're sitting around this morning watch and the videos from the survey answers shows and he said he's all man they got somebody professional do is they're not even there they call me an exit out of it he's good whoever it is so it's you guys man yeah that's a whole other level shit right there yeah it's it it you know it was born out of necessity I I didn't necessarily have any background in doing that but you know we just knew it was important %HESITATION you know honestly watching the guys from goose and their hustle and their ability to put things out like that and knowing that like Peter is in the band doing audio and and video editing and and that was like saw the response that fans had to bat and you know the new just it was clear the value in that %HESITATION so we kind of just pick it up on that and you know I was I was just looking the other day we were doing this every Monday we are calling it Monday rewind %HESITATION and we were trying to put out a song or a video you know a week and I looked in it's funny I said to the guys just as like Hey so I know its %HESITATION Saturday answer I don't have anything for Monday and %HESITATION we we looked in I looked at the playlist and it was sixteen videos I said you know what it's been sixteen weeks straight but I've done doing business like maybe we're going to you know maybe we table this for a little bit as you know I was just had to reflect for that moment being like put in put in a decent chunk were gonna let that bodies sit there for a bit and you know we'll have not not to say we're gonna stop doing any live videos anytime soon but %HESITATION you know especially now that there's festivals and things coming up here that we're going to be releasing its there's just so much you know if the shooter Mattel used we we've been we've been talking about that's a that's why is he in her chocolate is less like cramming it we just did our first live stream this week so Mike I knew Jack shit about live streaming Monday I had one week to like learn everything I needed to know to make learn and purchase them yeah yeah yeah and trial by fire yes absolutely and I can't imagine like so we did it yesterday afternoon and when we were done I don't know have you ever experienced this like your all stoked to go do something and like you've learned what you need to know I've I've been magic music is like this and like you go out and you do the show or you do the thing and as soon as you're done you're like I'm fucking exhausted like I don't want to think I don't wanna talk just the excitement of doing it and then when it's over it's not there anymore and you're like whoa you realize how hard are you do you go through that with the plows out early I I've I've I've said that like being on the road is this it's this duality of like constant adrenaline and also the ability to fall asleep at any given set up put your keys in your dislike %HESITATION yeah but I could have been taking a nap in the green room fifteen minutes prior yeah shit yeah it's it's a trip to and what you say about the video part of it is so true man like it adds it adds an element that you can't get anywhere else and it and it it makes at least with you guys like the music is amazing stands alone all by itself please don't take this the wrong way but thank you the when you add that video production into it it adds a Polish to it that wasn't otherwise there do you get what I'm saying and it and it I know what you're saying and it really made me want to see you guys live like wow that's what's going on at the shows I want to fucking be there totally you know the music is is is obviously the the focal point right central figure of it all but you know even even in times where we we play some places and %HESITATION you know we're we're getting to the point now where we're psyched all right lights there needs to be lights at every show because that like half the experience as an audience process is them that immersion immersive experience and you know some sometimes the music goes into some places that if you're just looking at us it's not gonna feel right I got to yes thank you know it's it's you want to you want to feel like you're kind of like in in the sea a little bit more than INR in in a room well I think we we is a scenic especially you guys that are your age have a real advantage when it comes to that ship because we've had the opportunity to see bands like Phish and the dead N. others come up and so you see with the progression looks like and what you need do you know what I'm saying you're not starting from scratch you're getting to build on this body of work %HESITATION every summer in there would always be like a you know Phil Lesh and friends or further or rat dog and like you know that's where we got our education and all S. and really got to see it happen like and you know it's it's really humbling feeling to like you know start to feel our growth within the greater conversation as well as seeing some of our you know our friends that I've started to you know have success and and and feeling like well you know I was going to gala vibes ten years ago you know things have shifted in in in the last ten years and like you're saying since twenty fifteen I'm feeling like things are really have really changed in anything it's just it's crazy and hang on one second Mel we do me a favor we unplug the fridge was that what matters that's what did it yeah we lost audio for a second hang on here one second okay well it was you know yeah yeah I always back up would you like said that friends of yours gaining traction to do do you have anybody wanna throw out to us that we should be listening to that like up in common %HESITATION yeah I mean well I mean I'm even just like thinking about like you know I'm sure you all very familiar with goose yeah %HESITATION those those you know it we were playing you know those guys a couple years older than us but like we were very much a part of like the same local scene for awhile and you know now to see the kind of like %HESITATION you know the Billings that they're getting this and the %HESITATION the the types of %HESITATION venues and things that they're doing and and and like like I said with you know with the kind of output we're trying to we're we're striving for is that those guys hustle and those guys are very %HESITATION determined yeah that was that's been very inspiring and and just around here I mean there's you know it in like I said in in the northeast we have this like because every I think in the northeast like everything is very tight Tom you know between you know Vermont Massachusetts Connecticut New York there's so many like distinct hubs for music some you know even around here like I was gonna throw a shout out to our Karen Edwards Pravin Edwards and %HESITATION the %HESITATION the band residual grooves is these younger guys from Connecticut they were cutting their teeth just doing like residency is out here and and growing their craft and haven't even big you know the gun the greater conversation to be a part of but like there's you know I remember being the twenty two year old in their position and now I'm twenty nine and even in a matter of five six seven years feeling like there's that next wave coming up words I'm not you know I'm young maybe but I'm not I'm not the young guy anymore %HESITATION the the guys from dogs if other dogs in a pile yeah band out banned from New Jersey like really cool to see we're like you know but some younger well I would call me I'd say I was gonna say young cats but they're most certainly dogs you know it's it's it's it's really cool to see and it gives me so much space for the the greater scene at large it's and it you know it's and and it's interesting to see to it like there is a level of uncomfortable lady that I think some people can get from seeing new bands and artists in places that they were used to seeing you know Phil Lesh or string cheese incident over the years or you know any any any of these acts that we've been familiar with for a long time and and I think one uncomfortable ideas half half of what makes our seem great I mean getting into that hairy situation of a jam and you know whether you're performing it and being like how are you going to get out of this or being in the audience being like this we get mad as okay %HESITATION freaking out right now yeah you know that that uncomfortable idiot it's it's you know it's what it's what and you end up makes everything grow in the end that's that's a mouthful right now because I've actually said to Mel an apple in the past like I've done psychedelics a lot in my life but like take you we taking psychedelics and going to shows has made me comfortable with being uncomfortable like especially like the separate experience at a show when you super super lit and the lights come on and it's that's fucking weird it's a weird situation AT Austin %HESITATION weird the other night one of our freight %HESITATION what our friends are reach these are you know it's at breaking the lights come on it looks like everybody needs an ambulance you should well god looking around sweaty pasty in the I just but I never thought about it like that that that uncomfortable it is the thing that causes growth but that's true that's absolutely growing pains yeah and then I also never thought about seeing some you know when you're used to seeing Phil Lesh at the cap and then you see exit the cap as that could be an uncomfortable experience but I understand where you're coming from it makes sense you know what I think yeah yeah I know you're saying in an nope everyone is in a lot of ways naturally reluctant to new things you know we like the things that we like and %HESITATION you know you are oftentimes I'm delightfully surprised when I hear an artist that I you know I have heard of me probably for years and maybe just ignored for not a good reason just I like what you know I like what I like listening to and then you end up maybe here in an artist's though like you wouldn't have expected solves available you just changed my life I am glad to hear that yeah yeah you know what do you do you mention Goosen %HESITATION it was that we like that a hundred percent with them for me thank I never really cared I heard a few times I was like yeah whatever and then we saw them open for pigeons and I was like holy shit how did I miss this like where was I and you know it talking about that like the larger conversation and what's going on in the scene seeing a band like that in a I don't know how many people think the wonder ballroom holds like two hundred thousand a little over a thousand so like thousand person venue right the last time we saw them there when when the show ended I've looked at these guys as like that's the last time we're ever seen them in a venue this size there's there's no way that's happening again and then not like a month or two later they sold out the goose miss things like what was that a five thousand seat arena right so I out here yeah and Connecticut Mohegan sun %HESITATION I have it's got to be at least five thousand right and so that's the thing that like four bands that are riding the wave that we're talking about right now that that's what's that's what I see coming for you guys that's that's the next logical step in the progression of how things are going and especially with the %HESITATION the work ethic and the hustle do you know what I'm saying like if you're if you're doing the work and and obviously again the talents there how can it not happen well you know I I tell myself that actually all the time you know I I hope to have this conversation it's like I just don't see it not happening for us so long as we just keep doing it excuse me so long as we keep our our drive in our you know our spirits high I %HESITATION I just you know every everyone everyone's a center their own universe writes I like to think in my universe I have a you know a successful career and doing the thing I love with the people that I love that's the only that one out now I I gotta ask because me and Erin were talking before the usually we don't go there and ask this I hope we don't really want to know you guys are kind of cryptic with step it's hard to figure out there's not a lot on you guys to look up like I usually do a lot of research on band members where did the name he gave your found you the founding member right you said yeah one of two that's where where did the name eighty come from I'm really happy that you asked me because I love actually answering the don't do that yeah %HESITATION well and and and so that's a it's a little bit of a serendipitous story actually %HESITATION Aggie is the childhood nickname of our good friend Edward torrents %HESITATION and it was coincidently his birthday yesterday and I was just with his family today %HESITATION so like I said since I was in high school senior high school the first version of this band existed and we're like coming up with names at our lunch table and like someone through Alico why do we call the band Aggie and he was like please please please like don't do that like I don't want to name the band after man and so you know that was all the justification that put the gold and the ally we we we thought it would be we thought we'd be cute with it and so is originally we were Agee and the delegates he would be Agee he wasn't in the band he was like our guru you know right %HESITATION he would be again we're his delegates it is delegate still %HESITATION but after after yeah we graduate high school or like I think we should drop the and the delegates thing it doesn't really market that well Agee is a lot more you know punchy yeah %HESITATION and the unfortunate we lost Edward Tom five years ago %HESITATION he had a you know you'd be battled like many do with addiction and substance abuse and and and so we carry his name baggy %HESITATION do even more okay that's dope it's it's really just become this like larger than life kinda literally thing where it's like where where we're doing it for ourselves because it's we're living a life but it it it's for it's for something so much greater %HESITATION it's you know you know his family is like our family I live with his brother %HESITATION like I would just just just an hour ago I was over at his parents house you know while celebrating his birthday and %HESITATION so I was as I was leaving I was hoping you guys actually asking I I just I love to you know take a road trip you talk about Edward and I mean he was you know he was just like such a creep he was a musician himself he gave his incredibly creative and passionate and I would you know imagine is just like would be incredibly proud of what we're doing and if he was around would be doing some things that would totally blow my mind and %HESITATION I feel honored I play one of his keyboards on stage with me %HESITATION if you see any of the videos of that white synthesizer that I have said on top that was his keyboard that was like his the brain of his workstation so you know I can't help but feel like the connection to him whenever I'm a plan that and you to flattery yes well he said that he was like your guru so what kind of like what was it about him that given that title you know it's he was he was just he got he got like the joke that we were going for like he got our in our sense of humor he was he would be %HESITATION just whenever we have band practice does he be hanging out taking photos he was our original video guy right %HESITATION so he was just along every step of the way especially in the earliest days %HESITATION and so he was you know even though he was never in the band he was just such a huge supporter of the party he was part of the band yeah yeah part of the band yeah yeah and %HESITATION you know we we would make me you know we would jam he played drums played keyboards you played bass we were Jammin if it is a place he'd come over we would jammer you know we we we record some music together or play piano together and you know he's just he was as as much in the you know in our in the in our musical family as as one could get a man that's a that's amazing it has now that I feel that now that now that gives it now gives a meaning to that that's so deep and so special and everything because we were jokingly like I said like everyone don't worry they're going to get some bullshit answer some vague cryptic bullshit answer or it's gonna be a really great story and it's a really great story yeah we know we do tend to be a little cryptic I mean I just today we posted some like really weird cryptic teaser for a release we have coming up this week I wanted to ask about that yeah I mean yeah can you spill the beans a little bit this is going to come out after that so well absolutely yes so %HESITATION we so last fall when you're on tour with Spafford we had a couple of days off and %HESITATION we were %HESITATION we let's see okay so Alex had a friend in Nashville he works at a studio suite a couple days off in Nashville and said why don't you pop in there and we ended up recording this like to track %HESITATION it's going to be really says a cassette what yeah I can listen to and we and our %HESITATION we have one of our buddies %HESITATION actually coincidently went to high school with was on the road with us for that week and he's a videographer and so we did like an in studio music video for one of the songs and it's coming out it's going to be %HESITATION on Tuesday were announcing the tapes the release of the tapes with music video to come out the following week and then everything's gonna hit streaming on the twenty seventh oh that's so sad on K. so that you can you know and to add to the like the work ethic element it was like you know we had just played like five shows in a row and it's like we got two days off let's go in the studio and I this is the end and have been %HESITATION fourteen hour day here in the studio but I mean I don't member that being tired what I remember is now that we have this cassette and everything and actually you guys will be receiving one pretty soon yeah in order to surprise because again and then we'll get in the mail your short term memory loss yeah every new all time low yeah man you know it I wanted to ask like how long have you has he been lake all you do I quit my desk job in January of twenty nineteen while also since then what what right but right before our first two week tour okay okay so was that the %HESITATION the tour was that the thing that made you finally say I don't have a choice or was there some other like deciding factor that would lead up to it well I was working for my dad at the time so if I was like dad can I take two weeks off they'd probably be like I mean the %HESITATION but you're my son and I'll try to make this work %HESITATION I had you know the Jake our guitar player Mike our bass player that already quit doing their full time thing and Alex our drummer I just graduated from college so he was like you know he was he was gonna moved out he moved down the new haven right after I graduated from Berkeley and was a guy like if we're gonna do this I I we gotta be able to do this you know full time in and it coincided perfectly with the release of our fall out our first album water cooler days %HESITATION because I'm just we are able to go on tour and then really start to practice for like that Alan you know we were doing like you know all day practices for awhile especially after once we are all in the same area and we could finally %HESITATION do that it's %HESITATION a work perfectly or as like I've I felt like I could put my money where my mouth was very sick I am leaving this so I can do this all the time and I actually was able to do that all the time %HESITATION that some wow hello my S. well no I I mean there are always reasons why you ask a question but like we're all you know going through that right now and early on we had a band called the Higgs on and we X. yeah the Higgs they're great %HESITATION so we did a live podcast from terrapin crossroads %HESITATION yeah it was amazing and Jesse the keyboard player it was like Hey you know %HESITATION one thing about you know being in a band like it didn't start like really going up in like being amazing until we all decided that we were all in it wasn't like weekend job and you know sorry I you know I can commit to two practices a week or whatever it was like everyone's all in and once they became all in they really start to gain traction in in another band is you know you know it has a little bit of changes and stuff but we're facing that exact same thing where it's calling it it's literally asking more of you and if you continue to do the same things that you always did well then maybe the call will still be there but the opportunity could probably you know go by the wayside I'm not saying you never get opportunity again but it's like these particular you yeah you need to go when the fires there otherwise your answer the call that your you know your heart's telling you to do and and it's funny I remember %HESITATION you know what in our first line up of of Aggie what was that again the delegates and our drummer at the time like yeah because everyone is going to go off to school and do you think you know they were going to go about their lives for them and %HESITATION and I are German time being like I need I need like us to reach a certain point before I can say that and it's like if you keep you know because once you once you cross that line in the sand it's just time to make the next one yes so it's like it's I I think it's the same with any business endeavor %HESITATION and probably many things in my words like until you actually give yourself about like full commitment and the full opportunity to to live inside it's like you'll you'll never necessary you never really be able to achieve that full potential you're hoping for it was like in and out also like well especially with something that you're that you're you're passionate about like playing music or doing this doing a show or it you just you said it so right just now living inside of it because it is the thing that you are in all the time and when you have to step out of it you are giving your energy time talent creativity to something else right and %HESITATION and I have your attention that's the biggest part to like you said you were in Nashville just the other day on a fourteen hour day you remember being tired but you remember the end result the product and you have something to show for it so okay you lost a couple hours of sleep but you created a new baby and you're putting it out there and that's something that you I mean it you can be like %HESITATION I slept eight hours at night and then what you know that's not really furthering what you're trying to do right because I'd be you know I was sitting at my desk at work anyway like trying to write lyrics and you know I I wrote a few you know I wrote lyrics to your songs from that desk %HESITATION watercolor days twelve pounds pain how is it there try to write even back when I was working that job I was I was doing a lot of our booking some like writing emails and coming up with you know show posters and stuff so that it helped that I had a desk but as like I don't really work here yeah %HESITATION but you know it's it's I think it's just you know like you said living inside of it in work as Aggie were coming on three years of actually living together in a in the same house our motion yeah our our three year anniversary is in June how how's it going I'm it's a net positive yeah I'd say it's it's you know it's it's not without its share of of pick ups and I think that talk about growing pains I mean it's one thing to work with people it's one thing to live with people and then there's one thing to live with who you work with yeah and and so you know we found what makes each other tick and also what excites each other and you know we've gotten frustrated at each other and and talk all day about our dynamic and we've also had days where we just you know played music and created all day it's it's it's a it's a push in Poland sense it's like because because what we do it's it's so you know it's just so every everything is everything right and and it's really hard for us to like like you know we're like watching I like the last dance like Michael Jordan bulls documentary and like watching it analyzing it and how it like relates back to the thing we do or like you know you know they say hi do one thing is I do everything I like and and we'll we'll well like I said like you know you know it might even be right down to like like Hey Donnie like what you're doing you know in your relationship or like you know the way the way it you know whatever whatever it's like it's reflective in how you are in the jam like it's it's everything becomes everything almost to the point of X. excessive mass but it's like that extra step over the line that like really like drives us to like I don't know well like an end and we go we you know we cut ourselves slack but we really do like you know were the kind of people that if the first set was not good in our opinion were in that green room like just picking it apart and like making sure that the next one is better like kind of like if you're losing at the first half like you can't just accept you're gonna lose the game like you have to analyze what Hey what's not going right okay you know the pocket that you're sinking into is your your your to your at your two active %HESITATION like Donnie like you're you're getting your own had like got address these things at face value so that we can like overcome them and it might be uncomfortable in the moment but were able to like actually like you know because no one wants to lose the game so it's like brother you know what our job is just to go out there and entertain at least you know baseline that's all we're doing is just trying to entertain people and put aside our own you know feelings towards what's going on is it is not you know it's a bit of a challenge Donna you talking about our life right now yeah you literally just explained it's R. rated because we just had a whole like thing yesterday like the only issue that that couple days ago just kind of like passion shit out well it was like you know sometimes you don't want to hurt people's feelings the letting them kind of have their moment but then like you said you're you all live together you have the same objective in mind so if you don't say something you're screwing up not only your objective but also there's so it's not helpful to not say something whether there's another company yeah if it's not comfortable or if you just well it's been a long day or no you got a fucking say it because that'll then what happens you know sometimes you know it's gonna like staying it's gonna start some shit but like all day yeah well they're they're married couples with a talk about is me well you know it's not really the way that it happened I started it by saying this I went up to apple's like so apple me internet been talking behind your back and I looked right at I go I know I I was like I can tell when like I walk in the room the guys get quiet just look at me that some spring going on in the live with people you like you said you know where people's buttons are and you also know like you said what makes them tick any trendy respect for their cause by and then that happened the other day she brought that I was like please tell me and then which is funny me and Erin Abed I'm fifty three errant's fifty we've been friends since we're like twelve so if anybody should not have a problem speaking to each other it should be me and him but we do you were the ones that end up having a hard time approaching each other and like each other so that's where Mel comes and you know and no ads like Hey you need to talk to apple why do I gotta talk to him and he's like because it works and then I talked to apple and apples like yeah you know just the way that you talk to me just feels better like and then I was able to talk to him and then we round about came to the same thing but at the end of all of that all three of us what it came down to a price with you guys when stuff goes wrong awry lack of communication yep trying to spare somebody's got a lot of fun experience somebody's feelings of it's gonna progress things like sometimes you gotta step on each other's feelings and be like guys like with me sometimes they have to sometimes be like did you get in for delays I I'm in the cannabis industry at night I die but home managed to dispensaries so I you know I smoke a lot of weeds and sometimes I get a little more out there and disjointed from them because they're a couple there talk they're going to bed talking about %HESITATION what we're doing they're going to store talking about I I'm by myself I'm not talking about a podcast I have no one to talk to I to point that out the other day and they're like oh fuck okay what do you really think about that yeah like I don't have somebody I'm talking to all the time yeah they always aren't it's like include me tell me what you guys were talking about I don't know so we figured it out by like you guys it's like communication is so important absolutely it's like as much as you can gain you know outside perspective and and trying to get in someone else's shoes it's like gives you such a more well rounded way of moving forward and %HESITATION you know I'm a Scorpio so people tell me that means I bottle things up so I totally feel that you know it's a all about like you know just have into like you know not be if not even be afraid of how you feel like and dislike speaking truth truthfully and honestly and you know sometimes the truth is ugly and and it's going to hurt D. notice that like I've always wondered this about playing especially jam music like when you guys are beefing or there's tension or even on the flip side when things are going great and you've like had some victory then that comes out in the jam like like the like the energy that we bring on DNA it yet is it come with you hi it can it can sometimes you know it and I think I think it everyone has had those moments of that to make the concerted effort to just you know leave their shit at the door Anya and an arm and remember that like we're here to do a job which is you know to make everyone that's come out to make this whole event possible have a good time and you know my idea of a good time sometimes also includes it being a thoughtful experience may be you know it's it's like you know obviously we're groove N. N. word Dancin and were partying Abbott you know I love I love tender moments in music and we try and paint a full picture but you know I think Jim Carrey Khanna said it best rates like I can't get like I'm gonna paraphrase but it's like you know he picked the job of entertainer like no one wants no one wants to see like his you know his kind of drama appear it's it's not it's not we so we signed up for this role so we have to accept that yeah whatever what you whatever we may be and you know a lot of times you know you can you can channel you can channel your negativity into something more positive %HESITATION I was reading Quincy Jones just put out a %HESITATION a new book that I would recommend everybody re okay twelve notes on creativity %HESITATION it's kind of like what he's learned about how to you know channel creativity as well as you know handle yourself in a more professional business environment it's very much catered towards musicians but it definitely applies to %HESITATION anyone that does anything creative a large and %HESITATION you know channel channel your look you know you can I think I'm paraphrasing gamblers of all about channeling you know negativity into using that as your fuel M. and China trying to overcome that kind of stuff and %HESITATION you know I can think of one show kind of in particular that was like when you're on the road with with double Todd I end this past winter where we had a we bought of so prior to the tour we bought a van this like oh six sprinter it's been nothing but a headache since we bought it I know I've I we've owned it for six months and we've missed as many shows in it as we made it hello sh %HESITATION so you know we're you know this is like middle of private you know middle of this run with the %HESITATION pod we're feeling pretty down on our luck because we're renting were bleeding money like we're like it's the middle of the winter and we're in the northeast like you know we're feeling like kind of just like burnt out and tired and %HESITATION god bless my parents they drove we had another vehicle they drove from Connecticut to Pittsburgh all with with our old van that was just sitting at home being labour's forgot about a survey out I've been perfect and they then they drove it out to us so that we could return a rental and I have to keep hemorrhaging money %HESITATION they wanted to come to the show anyway so that's perfectly but they drove through a snowstorm actually I love you my parents my dad %HESITATION and I just remember they they came to the show and we were just feeling so just down on our luck like feeling just like I lost my voice prior to like to the show I wasn't even gonna sing that night %HESITATION my mom bought me some baked potato soup or whatever and like she was like you guys look like shit all N. N. I felt so embarrassed like I didn't I was like this is the show I want you to see like when you see me doing something like also yeah also and and then but then we get on that stage and like it was just kind of like you know when you got nothing left in the tank essentially like we're I remember like what we'll do like a pet we we like to do this thing worry power before the show's look we'll do this big this bomb thing everything I don't even know who did it that shows just like I'll just you know what we're playing music happy to be here like let's just let's just do what we do and it was such like up from the first like I'm like yeah I'm like feeling that emotion from that from when we're playing it just it's like from the first notes of of that of that sat just it felt different it felt like we were taking all of the like the the rough in turmoil experience that we're having which is condensed into like a week right in a world we're living in it that's it and I think we we we just we decided we were going to open with like us they were going to open with the slower tunes the song we have five Frederick %HESITATION fly yeah and just from the Jake plays the first notes out of it and just it just felt different than anything before where it's like it was like so much release and just so much like like like I don't know is it it felt like we were like overcoming like through it through every other every moment and then it turned out to just be this like happy and fun step or like like we like one of our buddies was in the audience we started riffing on his name like just just joking around having the best time and I remember after the show my mom is like how the fuck did you do that you've got like an hour ago you look terrible and then you pull that like where did that come from because like I was expecting this to be you know yeah bombs were initially I thought this is going to be like a trip a drag essentially and Mike turned out to be one of the best shows of the tour it was released on YouTube like it was like what's the show I think highlights from Mr Smalls theatre okay from the side of Pittsburgh I'm blanking on the name of it I'm sorry okay that's a look at our yeah that's enough info to it was like I I could feel it when you were talking I would even there like that's that's the best shit that's if they were all the best show you ever played or if they were all easy who gives a fuck then but it's those it's that that moment when you're exhausted and you have nothing left to give and you get out there and then the muse takes over well it's like Marvel shit is out your way yeah well we've talked about that even like the Grateful Dead said that these details some of the the result what are considered some of their best shows or what they thought were some other extraneous he would get J. were like that was a bucket that was a that was a horrible they and then they listened back heard it differently and the fans loved it you know what he would do yeah I said I would I came off stage that night night I yelled at Phil because they just the show sucked it was just awful and then two days later with the some of the tapes and they were crackling with energy I know it's amazing now that happens because you'll just remember how you feel in the law it's it's like a it's like with anything like you you all remember what someone said you just how they made you feel and it's the same kind of thing with us or it's like you know and it's something that we address and talk about and try and be like all right well like now let's make it sound good and feel good but sometimes sometimes it doesn't feel good in the moment like you just don't feel like you're connecting with anybody and and then you listen back and you're like holy shit like we like we aren't we're on fire let me %HESITATION you know and it's one of those things you know no one likes this nobody usually likes the sound of their own voice yes so it's like you know it's like this year it's like you know and and and like if you guys have a podcast you hear it all the time I hate we all went through hating it you know but yeah seems what you're saying yeah we have to get past that you have to totally this is what I sound like either start sounding better improve yourself or yeah I like it or just go yeah go will say to me all the time if you have a great voice and when I hear myself it's my hair you know I don't want to roll down like I love your being on you know that's what I hear but they're like dude you got a smooth voice it's deep I don't hear that no pride never will it do well I wish the comes down to were all our own worst critic yeah yeah and I'm sad to know I'll never be able to attend the Nagy show %HESITATION I just love to know what that's like oh shit hi while our love that I've been to all of them but never seen us yeah I went alone man was like my band mates get to sit in with other bands and stuff because it's like I I as far as like when when when Jake sat in with double bod on our last tour with them and like hearing things I'm used to hearing and hearing a band here like get to interact with it for the first time being like I know this progression I know what I would do but then here how he lies interpreting it being like %HESITATION but that's really cool to and like I just you know it's the closest I kinda get to you know seeing on the front side yeah hi yeah you guys like you guys aren't just like them killing the music thing either you're involved in a lot of like other stuff with the band like philanthropic stuff like that is it a like the dog adoptions stop the where the dog lives and the yep the bloom like collection you want to talk about that stuff sure yes so %HESITATION it all it all started for us the alumina a we caught the eliminate project you know I can too our water wheel foundation %HESITATION total with the white light foundation and just seeing how like we have this bigger platform and wanting to find ways to you know just do more good at large and so the first thing we did was over the pandemic it was %HESITATION home wherever my love surrounds and we mmhm we we made these like sweatshirts that ended up of where a portion of the proceeds of that sweatshirt benefited like you know like equal rights sort of foundations equal justice initiative it's groups like that %HESITATION and then the home is where the dog lives one as well as we're releasing this one was kind of one that work backwards as if we are releasing a single home is where the dog lives and you know thought let's let's add this element to it to like just make it a bigger a bigger thing than just years music we're like oh there's something more we can do with this expand on long and so and then with the arm with like the bloom like collection that we are %HESITATION we collaborated with %HESITATION Val Wallace from new Paltz New York she's a jewelry artist and she was wanted to make this collection of jewelry based off of our music and lyrics end she actually had the ideas of what are we trying to do something with illuminate through this like what's you know what we ended up picking up a foundation the Jamie Holly arts foundation here in Connecticut %HESITATION that they work with schools and and helping to promote you know arts programs and and they give scholarships %HESITATION for people to you know continue their creative education %HESITATION I think Mike our bass player he says that he was the first recipient of the Jamie Holly the award I thank you okay I believe so we had like a close tie to it to them and not you know similar thing where you know what we're doing this %HESITATION this is Julie release and it's like well we you know we're bad we're we're constantly putting things out to people and asking them to buy stuff from us and you know like I just feel like we can do you know any any more good we're gonna try and hopefully you know things just scale up for us and then our contribution can just become greater %HESITATION is we ask a lot of a lot of people so we really just want to find ways to give back and it's you know it's it's it's tricky you know like being at the stage of like business that we're at like it's not it's not anything that's asked of us %HESITATION and I guess a lot of times people say it's the people that don't have as much they give the most pleasure now now so it so it I'm deathly something we want to start you know doing more of an %HESITATION figuring out I want your first hatching the idea for it %HESITATION I know like I could mention with water wheel and white light bait there whenever they go on tour they find local foundations and charities that they can contribute from that specific in that area that they're playing at night and I think that's just so amazing that's great yeah well into ads %HESITATION it adds something energetically to the entire scope of what you do that you're not just taking N. I mean yeah you you are performing and entertaining and that is service to the community but you're not just taking in that energy you're putting it back out so it creates that that you know that flow right yeah it's important man it it I think that it's beautiful yeah that's one of the most amazing parts about having a platform of playing music having a podcast having a talk show or is to be able to give something back you know and and to to help because look when we all know from the last few years that things can get really weird really quick and there's a lot of people that you know that we know that we've lost in like you friends that we lost in mmhm it's just important to remember that and to to give back so that's that's really cool that you guys are doing that mountain thank you yeah is also said to be said to like we've said like it like that %HESITATION like asking for your help support and stuff like that when you're asked like you're talking about you when you are already asking so much yourself and put in so much into it it makes it it makes it easier to ask a lot from other true you know it it's like a good boss that he gets in there and cleans the toilets and everything too yeah you know he has a right to see things that normally somebody that wouldn't you know so when you're doing so much yourself okay the like asking them to go out there and thank you because that's something that I actually really struggle we do too I that that's what reminder yeah because I think we do that we have a tree on thing and it's like man it's like at you know it's like put your hand down that's like but what we're providing a service over Boston but doing it so it's okay it's okay and they're as Jake wrote in our song letter to myself don't be afraid to ask for things you want impossible they may seem with a little patience conversation life becomes a dream yes Jake back at really that's it it's one to go out on also did a very good did speaking to Jake for with its but like we're watching the videos were like I hope your next okay Jake he he might not wear it moves you guys know a bobble head artist we want to make good as possible he is this constant it was like old man but I am I'm older yeah it's like oh man if I did that Marlboro show would be like and was that you and Jake at peach doing that %HESITATION head thing like with the keyboard and the guitar %HESITATION yeah yeah yeah that was yeah we like that we like to get close we are a private airplane show the other day and %HESITATION in Holyoke mass I think we touch noses going back up just going back on the old neck thing we have a very good %HESITATION %HESITATION massage relationship an Aggie each other yeah that's important yeah this is actually what you what you guys do when you're moving all over the place and lifting heavy equipment then you're back on the friggin you know tablet or whatever like posture and a massage or very important things about you guys all about it yeah I just I just I just got a a Hammond organ and a Leslie speaker so I I have to disavow because of anyone's gonna help me move that thing they deserve it yeah absolutely absolutely so you know I want to just athlete you just have your head on so perfectly for this you really do later you're very aware of like you know going back to the foundations and things you're very aware of your your band and your charismatic you're mindful of your even your friend ed dear parents like you really you're a great representative of eggs and cheese yeah you're definitely a mensch and I've just grateful that you spend time with us and to know that you are putting so much effort and so much behind this literally there's no way it can't fail unless you stop yeah I think that is a in the studio observation and I really thank you for those those kind words because it you know day in and day out by I'm I'm living and breathing this so I appreciate that sort of recognition of of the of the work that I put in that my team puts in and %HESITATION you know and I want to thank you guys for having me because this is was so much fun I've yeah I've never really done like %HESITATION a podcast like this rise I do to be honest I I I wasn't so familiar with your format going into this and when it popped up with three of you here I was like this is going to be so much fun like we just can't get out yes I guess you know like we're out get out I you guys had some really amazing questions and and we're obviously there was the interview element of it but I just I. we're hanging out like I'm looking forward to when we get out to your neck always yeah these young guys and hang out with you guys when I bring up and we're going to be a peach yes they are awesome N. M. we're gonna be live podcasting from there this week and if you have time I would love to have you come have the band out with us for yeah it's on stage just just for a few minutes yes totally %HESITATION we're gonna be I we're gonna be hanging out bomb for most of the weekend okay you're right Thursday right but then you're going to be there if we are that's news to me at all okay okay I don't know yet I'm this I'll be honest I'm not positive what day I'm playing at the information just hasn't trickled down to be at now we don't have any information yeah I had no no I got I pulled this off your guises site to serve the upcoming tour and and it says Thursday peach fest %HESITATION I think we we may have just listed as like the whole weekend or whatever yeah starts on the Thursday but yeah we did we did the Thursday last year and that actually was way better than we could've imagined in the first we were the first band of the entire weekend %HESITATION although technically they did a Wednesday last year %HESITATION but we were you know we're going into half a hundred people are here will be happy and then thanks in our plan to two thousand people in that small growth stage and like I love I love it because I I'm going to listen back to that stat and I pull up where I go to actually address the audience and I I felt like I was tripping I was like I can't speak I can't speak I would I would just like this is awesome I'm like just speechless right on the rain no less like I didn't realize it was even raining like the whole that whole thing was just like on a on a second blur I'm glad it was captured on video and stuff because I just I was there but I do yeah yeah yeah so yeah we yeah %HESITATION been to montage mountain we've never been to Pennsylvania melon I bet her she but we've never been to peach what we will do hit me up a little going to peach I'll let me ask you do you guys of are you guys camping on motel no no we're we're staying at the artists artists %HESITATION dorms there are storms yeah okay so that's already had start I'm gonna say why can't that peach one year and it was a you know it was it was it was you got it you're often if you're camping at peach because it's everyone's camping on a mountainside yeah so let's remember I'd wake up on the other side of my ten because I was like roll and rolled all the way down to the south but each is awesome %HESITATION you know we're really excited to been asked back for this year %HESITATION so many great acts and it's at least I remembered with last year like it was a lot of people's like first festivals back in for a lot of bands as their first like real fast everyone sounds so good right now like everyone's had this extra fire and energy and it's really cool it's like a lot of my personal experience really is from gathering the vibes or was like those big open fields type ones right %HESITATION having the pavilion in like the ability to be like on a lawn or inside the pavilion it makes a really good concert experience for the main stage the viewing area for like the they have like this when the mushroom stated is right by the way like the water park hi like you know it's it's great I can like you could hang out there all day and just you know the existence like %HESITATION and then you know where we played on the growth stage it's like kind of tucked away a little bit like I I think when I went there my first year I didn't even know existed but that's where we played I mean %HESITATION said there's their first set there %HESITATION which was like a really %HESITATION you know people are like that pizza that was like well lit the fire for so many people right and it's really cool and you know people are bouncing around there's like with manifesto sit ins galore and it's just a really good bye about there I can where I can focus on me and I'm is it you that I've been corresponding with on the on the social media I think it was Jake actually okay okay I think he's yeah I'm in it %HESITATION the band's Instagram but you know everyone kind of just if someone started talking to them they just continue I'm gonna send you my phone number there sure in the definitely shoot me or so that we can stay in touch as this comes up so we can figure out where we're at there and all that yeah please I would love I would love to see you guys and I'd love for you to meet the rest of the band yeah and so you know whenever you do make it out west this way at least Hartland we have a habit of just having everybody here come stay if you want to stay in your van that's cool but we have a beautiful home we don't want to say my we have like we got laundry we got you know of the groceries groceries we got like little we have room yeah we we we had I don't know if you've heard of Apollo sons they're banned Canada and they they came not their whole conglomeration there were six of them were like wow six that's a lot of people in a band there Instagram they were so comfortable good they were so comfortable they were so it was January first in a in a living room it was like it was amazing so we just want to extend that to you and you know get a little comfort and some relaxation before you hit the road again if if we don't know if we can help get you out this way in any way please let me know and we'll do anything we can to make the connections or do whatever because we're just we're selfish and want to see you guys %HESITATION when it what is it we're you're going to be what is the you're playing a festival coming up in Montana that's right %HESITATION Jammin at the Gulf jammed in the culture good friends of ours out here that are up and comers out here the band sponge %HESITATION yeah out there playing with you and they said to say hi and they look forward to that's all jamming with you guys are the no simple road family after their great great yeah we're really excited it's it's gonna be the first to show that we're flying to settle you know nice to feel like will feel like a rock stars for as well you should exactly chance as well yes Donna I thanks man that's right I want to say thanks man just for the hours of enjoyment that we've had listening to jazz S. from the hard dude I I don't who am I don't know anything special but like I have a knack for seeing what's happening and what's going on and you guys are on a really good trajectory man it's it just don't doubt it for a second it's happening well thank you so much and and likewise to you guys live I really love what you have going on here and and I want to thank you so much for having me and wishing you guys all the best our success and and lock in this endeavor and take up take whatever jump that is you need to take so I took it just now I I I did I quit my well not it's within a desk job but it was made my day job kept me away from our yeah soundex in graduation thank you yeah he's already he's R. and like I was so excited to have hopped on and and you know I listen to my fair share of podcasts you know it better I love just like the conversation element of things and I I think we went deeper than if you were just asking me a bunch of questions thanks thanks I appreciate that it's always nice to get confirmation on the way that you do things you know because we do want to keep it light and fun but we also want to know cool stuff you know and yeah N. I am looking forward to meeting you and giving you a hug each man yeah absolutely yeah thank you right on thank you Donnie care take care guys all right all that was fucking dope %HESITATION one as we didn't know we were get we didn't know we didn't know who to expect we're like is going to be J. is gonna be Donny has again that you like wow just like I said what an incredible representative for the band yes just the level of together is nuts and the dedication of the band that of that name that story is yeah it could have been something super silly that it makes it so much more special now from what you know what I was super silly too big for them they're joking around and even after you do that and then it became something beautiful yeah that's yeah right on and then also there that to you Donnie Donnie have this but like all obviously you have awesome parents yes and that is dope all you out there if if you enjoyed this you would even more enjoyed their music if you haven't already listen to them please go follow them on all the social media platforms and do do us a favor it was a solid if you listen to the show to this podcast this particular episode and you enjoyed it when you see a key post that they were on our show leave a comment and say Hey we heard you guys are no simple road that was dope that would be cool yeah we loved it you guys are rad to select a number let you listen it's pretty easy to do than cost you got this far in the interview well and now you're gonna listen to us talk for another hour so all right good on you right on well wait there's gonna be a commercial and then and then a I need to relax yeah you do and come up tonight %HESITATION I'm glad what I'm up in the Portland area so I'm gonna head on over to one of our fine sponsors shops define premium cannabis where you're a liar you work there and I know I know a lot of bias but we do Kerry dope stuff you're going there because you're going to work yeah so if you're up in the Portland area come out and visit us in Hillsboro or force Grove we pride ourselves in taking our time with you to get you suited to your right medication is on constantly changing world of cannabis they get you suited so you can get zero did yeah wow man that was heavy so if you're up in the air you when you come in you make sure you tell me your listener of no support road so first of all we know that then we can tell you that ten percent discount boom or throw your free T. shirt when you wear that package that adds in a stack for a fifteen percent discount so me and look if you're bad at catching it's okay they'll hand it to you they're not just gonna throw all the stuff for you they might throw that discount at you that's true go to go out to if you have to come out to find out yeah and go to Hillsborough and bug apple defined premium cannabis you're gonna go bottom bracket bug this is us this is the end of the show there's no more commercials about me yeah we're here about him Hey there I hope you enjoyed that interview along thank you don't need a man I mean I really really like Iggy before this but now like it's it's full on the benches sweethearts doing their thing yeah how can you not love that and it's so cool to seriously I I don't know if I've got to say this before but like it's really cool to see a band breaking out like your they haven't been out west too much like we're getting to see them break out of their market and travel across the country and grow their fan base and let's see how they're greeted and then acted and then you could have like bragging rights if you like in a word for the room came out west %HESITATION you just found out about them yeah the research brag that mentality is after the bearers he didn't even wrap bro I'll be here you know what it's it's cool because they're dope and they're finding lake spreading their wings or their yolks yes %HESITATION I'm sorry wow look that up just give these matters %HESITATION found that what's better than I was expecting when you're like I want to see something I've never said before they can be like chicken but Han solo in the south the things you said last week say that last week I hear you say that just a minute ago or maybe my timing is off but I heard it okay one day anyway but I mean like I said I see two of my own two eyes you know part of the charm of no simple road is the feeling of being here with us and this is exactly the kind of shit that goes on when the mikes aren't turned on so I hope you're enjoying because this is it you you got to the end of the interview when you're like I want to find out what no simple road is up to and then it's the three of us being fucking weird well yeah this is where we get our belief they can really shine yeah zero nine he's yep this is where you find out what we were up to yeah well what do you apple's shine %HESITATION my help to know what kind of Chinese are going well just we just had a big fucking blow out from her %HESITATION yeah as horrible as it was all it looked like we always do little little sometimes and everybody has a sterilized sometimes communications not a hundred percent and and then you get to communicating things come out and then it feels good because like out the pimple I'll hop yak and then it's all good so yeah we had straight a few things out this evening but all the heels M. and the threshold of what's coming in and on the heels of like Mel said earlier we talked to Tommy Hamilton Monday at a great interview with him which %HESITATION here coming up on the build up to going to peach we talk to Henrik Heiser we talked to Henry Kaiser this one and and Rome %HESITATION we're going to hear that one %HESITATION we just talked to this evening we just did an interview right before this with Sean from the kitchen dwellers which was amazing as he's driving in the in his car up through the mountains of Montana to go have a little retreat with his girl before they jump back on the touring schedule starting with telluride blues bluegrass festival yeah so I mean things are just a it it's getting awesome yeah it in and it feels like a specially up here we're hearing that a lot of places %HESITATION Sean said it we're talking they have they've had a very late spring in Montana we're having a very late spring up here it looks like we're gonna be jumping from winter is spring all right in the summer yes summer is here lots of things are coming up like you keep hearing us talk about we're getting very excited we got the mo Jo family fast coming up we've got that's coming up right after that and then like a tiny little break which I know is to be filled with awesome things and then we jump into northwest string summit and then camp suds ending campsites was just announced today %HESITATION yeah they're tied down no I have to say that I am highly impressed with sponge well okay I know why but tell them why well at belt magic happen at Beltane I mean I the more the further away we get from belting the more I see it's a majesty yeah its majesty and its its workings in Nintendo simple road and myself personally like sometimes things take a minute to settle before you realize the gift you know but %HESITATION it just taught me so much about our dynamic and we were recycling of this bunch spot %HESITATION sponge they gave it back on track of sage came up to me on the dance floor at Beltane and came up with this idea N. well I think the idea was already well up but it was original for him like the way the holiday like have us there yes okay you know he you know he wanted to punch to do a festival and you know at the time you know heard like with pricing is kind of joking like you know in the future and like say just like no made it happen this year by early in September September right yeah so that's amazing yeah it's simple resolutions on Killin it in such a timely manner yep sponge cycles family mystic body mo Jo on a whole bunch more and us by podcasting yeah so that's another thing that's going down this summer I wanna instead of doing our week this week I wanted put the script a little bit mmhm are you guys a call is that I was thinking about something and I want to know what your opinion isn't please don't just answer in the they're cool I need I need like a content here okay I want to know what your %HESITATION actually Mr with apple apple I want to know what your thoughts on aliens are what my thoughts are the aliens are where do you stand on the whole like alien to a N. N. a disclosure and like if they're real or not or if you think that like humans %HESITATION alien hybrids are you know aliens man well I first saw the George Clinton is the leader of all aliens that came down on the mothership parliament Funkadelic by concocting all right I believe that there's yeah that's right all the way yeah I thought that date the alien thing to me is there cool I'm not really I have always believed to me it's one of those things and that's how you word this care not to offend anybody it doesn't believe a number anything but I I've always I've always agreed with that saying of like it's Cheney ignorant to think that we're the only life form that exists in the if you believe in space and science and everything out there kind of hard to believe that we are the only life form that exists in this vast nous infinity of planets and solar systems and everything so I E. ever since a kid and that is never Chang I've never liked doubted that I've always believed the aliens are real growing up in Las Vegas likely dead and spending a lots of time out in the desert in that you know Campion dirt bike rider everything being out in the desert scene many things in my lifetime they I can't explain they're definitely UFOs we don't think that like most if not all of what we saw because I thought I saw some things were out there in the desert to yeah and I wasn't always on acid no no it's I tried saying even from the air from the air but being a kid right but I think most of the shit that we saw at least this is just my take on it and we'll get to where I stand on the whole thing in a minute is that the we saw stuff of that was from the test site that they were testing that we what we probably saw the most was stealth what your and then fucking with alien technology whatever bye baby in a nutshell I I don't and and this goes with most things too I don't discount that anything you know that it's not possible you know I believe in just about anything is possible the hard living leaves other lines absolutely okay at the end of it %HESITATION that that there's I mean there's not there every time you think something's impossible you get read it can get proven wrong and stuff but what what the alien thing I believe I also I have no proof like most people but I also can't discount the the the you know a lot of what people conspiracy theory put it in that shell that they live among us that they have it fuckin make sense if you look at it so when you're writing a lizard people trained in say the lizard people doesn't have that that's where everybody immediately jumps to the lizard people know but I believe that there that that there are forms of life that live among us whether they're in human shape or not there's some weird shit out in the jungles of the forests and the places that are uninhabited that we don't really see and the %HESITATION and things stand in the ocean we know like they say we know less about our oceans that we do space mmhm you know as far as the depths and stuff like that we're exploring all the time but to answer your question I totally believe in aliens and I hope they're real I hope that there I mean it makes sense to me okay why do you hope that because it's dope to know we're not alone we're not we you know there's this whole all people we deal with that I mean if they're assholes like in the movies we become a blow us up all the blows up it's over within that state you know but I don't believe they're assholes I believe the way that maybe our military would deal with alien invasion or something asshole would turn them into assholes when the your windows media at Lee the what is the like attack something that isn't you know unfortunately that is the mentality of our defense kinda just answered a question that I've been thinking about that made me want to bring this up tonight was like I'm I'm always watching anything they do like disclosure and aliens and like all that and I am a hundred percent in like I think it's all real I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole and tell you all the shit that I think is going on but you know I well the government pretty much at this point is a minute it's real with all these documents are like okay they're gonna put him out no they're not no they're not we already know and there's already enough stuff that's been leaked over the years of very sane people that have not experimented with drugs during our whole lives that have dedicated their entire lives to be in pilots like in the navy and stuff that have seen their share L. A. N. quieted but here here's my thing like what I do believe it but I have this question of like okay there is these other life forms and they have figured out how to like N. space time and travel through wormhole technology or they've built ships and they know how to travel light years or they don't even need ships they travel in in consciousness right %HESITATION notes will happen though yeah why aren't they showing up all the time maybe they are that's why they're being talked about like why aren't they like over LA right now they have with an escalator they have the bill that maybe somewhere and not be seen and and I I also I mean there's all that talk out there about like they look like they may intervene at some time but they are like watching to see what the hell happened they're not interfering but they will there's so many theories and so many angles and so many theories on kinds of aliens and stuff and that's why they are cracks me up but it's what you believe the lizard people that's the point what it like it's also human beings on earth and the lizard people from you know if you believe there's one other there's got to be tens of I like to think of it like the like Star Wars and Star tractors many galaxies many life forms many aliens wouldn't that's dope when it makes sense was it sting that the woman is believed to alien that's different know what I'm talking about I'm I always from a very young age I grew up believing in aliens because that's what my uncle used to say that I was an alien because I had was born with six fingers twelve R. well sixty is an H. and M. and so he would always say that I was an alien I was from out of this world and that's when my mom didn't understand me and it would kindly make it feel better better and so for that is really cool for that silly reason I always had a kind of a fascination with them and I always loved learning about aliens and let me recently I've had my share fair share with aliens at lake Hershey in when we were a fish and stuff like that but and with rain camping and even at Ben and tests lake and when we lived in Las Vegas so it there's no doubt that it's real I just think that I know that we don't think in the way that they can do things right I said there's no like you asking that they're probably here right now doing got there maybe were under constant watch I mean we don't know how their end to T. or how their energy works so it's might we might be amongst them all the time I saw a thing with Michio kaku the business is business N. he was talking about like mmhm different levels of civilization and like type one civilization is this advanced and type four is million years advance from type one right in the in the explanation that he gave us like think of an ant hill and the answer just doing their thing and they're digging their working and going about ant day and then we come human beings come and we're building a super highway right over where the anthill is the ants have no concept of superhighway of human beings of what we're building they don't even they can't there be minds can't conceive of what's even happening there you get what I mean yeah and so if there is alien civilizations that have been around for millions of years they would be we would be the N. L. they would be the humans building the superhighway we wouldn't even be able to conceive of what or how or do any of it like we think to travel the stars you have to be in this compressed can that has air in gravity inside of it and shield you from radiation and has to go a certain speed and what if it's something completely different yeah like we don't even know you can get like in tune by doing like some certain yoga postures and breathing techniques and getting the right amount of you know in your head like you can make some shit happened what what if it's like they're communicating by putting information on sports N. because spores can live in the vacuum of space and they travel and they land on planets and there's information encoded in the spores and then when the fruiting body of the spores come up in the whatever's living on that plan in jests that thing that information is encoded into that person or thing maybe that's a way to communicate that we E. haven't even thought of an wow wouldn't that be there's like no limits yeah that doesn't exactly there's no limit where's novel try to put it all into one cat at like a certain kind able there's so many parts because first of all if you believe in aliens there are so many possibilities and so many different life forms in so many ways of communication and you know it didn't influence yeah like the universe but I do wonder like and I guess maybe just kind of like I said a few minutes ago maybe you answered it for me because we're assholes we had our first thing is to like let's let's fuck it or let's let's beat it up do you you know what I mean that's that's where humanity is an ailing the aliens of %HESITATION probably like yeah we're gonna wait until you guys reconfigured the bill you guys watched it look like a lot of the UFO programs and stuff and everything and that a lot of the experts that like Billy even stars have said that himself his astronaut players but this this this plan and this world society in consciousness most of this planet could not accept that and is not ready for it I would react in a way that would not be conducive to the people that do believe dude M. two with the furthering of consciousness I think it will get there one day but not the way everything's being done right now because the first thing right now is like defense to get the fence all the whole narrative which is turn to that date so we're not we're not calling them UFOs anymore if they're called you a peas now unidentified aerial phenomenon which is a military term and every other yeah and everything that you see that has to do with UFOs now is like if they're coming here and we can't their their technology is so far beyond ours then they are a threat to our national security everything that you see on TV is all about that shit isn't it now yes yeah I mean it's I I've I don't know about that last part you said with the UA peas I knew about that part and the changing of the way that you say or or that the speech sure which is my kind of goes along with the whole thing our last couple of years later following the release all the dock and now they're %HESITATION yeah their leverage they release the funds added that the like had already been leaked into the lake %HESITATION cool but that is the other thing man like I had always been into friendship always I loved reading about aliens and learning about magic and like all that shit N. thought a lake understood and believed it until the first time that I really blasted off on DMT and then I was like oh that's alien fucking technology that is a portal like I just saw something other that's in it I'm not like a it has nothing to do with like another planet or or maybe it does or necessarily aliens are healing but it but it opens up the knowledge that is that understanding among other rail right that's the definition of alien not here right so I know for a fact now that aliens exist because I have communicated with them you get a personalized Ariens fucking personal several personal experiences with them N. I like in my travels on the internet and Instagram and stuff people have had negative it's experiences with entities on the M. T. N. personally I have never experienced that like every experience I've had there you should count yourself lucky hasn't been super positive and like transform it yeah Donna that's it the everybody's different yeah and some people are this some people are wired to accept things the answer I mean some people can't you some people can't you can't even have THC now now and some people like a person your family bullshit you're just Trippin in your head you fucking get over it you know but a day I mean that not everybody has the same experience on DMT there's a lot of similarities and stuff but it's also very personal also does the hearing is is very like regal and it feels as if I know that there's so many people is the IBM TVA pads and stuff like that but sometimes you can get you know bitch slapped on the spiritual side for you know doing it in a way not you know like respectful to the NCT you know this could look like spirits alcohol right even marijuana at lake any I feel like it's like that prescription pills you abuse it and you'll Frick and pay the price there's one way or another medicine yeah I believe you've been bitch slapped a little bit haven't you wouldn't smoking DMT LER yeah couple %HESITATION one time was about trying to look like when we were %HESITATION which we we we all learn from that when I came back that is like okay we're not supposed to NASA XP leased for these trip not like turn the music off you need to be dark you need like respect and get that head space and like Mel said to you know be smoking a joint before and everything but then again I mean that's personalized to whatever you want that was again do you have any other title it was like a couple times like when one of them stands out to his likes summer meltdown because we were doing so much stuff that whole we had a great experience I don't think I've ever ingested as much the M. T. as it did at that experience in summer meltdown but it was convoluted with other stuff going on and doing other things throughout the weekend and stuff yeah I talk about fucking aliens do dat dat niet summer meltdown I tipper opened a portal to another dimension in that place and I do you know the first time I'd ever seen the trees with the faces and now I can only see it in the internet a lot but I never see I never seen no shit like that lights making the trees and play a little bit like these gorgeous huge lady there's a video where we're here we're temper performed at red rocks %HESITATION Noreen makes the entire audit the whole thing turns and faces like on the rocks god if he ever plays gonna be playing there again many so it's on a schedule tipper at red rocks yeah that's a pilgrimage worth taking while I vote for that all the way here so you know in life like you go through phases with stuff and and I don't know about you but like as I get older my intuition is more plugged in and I pay more attention to it like after fifteen years of being around you I've been around long enough to see cycles happen and like stuff come back that was cool that what you know what I mean N. after the last two years like we went from pandemic to war right and it seems to me that the next logical step in all this madness that's going on is alien it seems like that's the next make big reveal that's gonna go down like we've done we've done the you know the globe in turmoil with pandemic we've done the war thing and that the alien thing see I let I I like to think that the lady I in my mind the whale I think aliens are fucking cool and I think they have something to do with the air when you look back at all the theories and stuff of like the Egyptians and how the pyramids are but it's a lot of you know alien help things that come in there and stuff and the whole gap in science of the missing link how did we get to that point of the apes walking upright all Sunday here's Carl there is there is big gap something fucking happy you know he needed to highlight the link their goal and I like to think we are where we're headed with a lot of people want power and stuff is not the past and I don't trust these people and I don't like our government school I don't know either do exactly they shouldn't they definitely you should fucking not but %HESITATION but I believe when they they mean that shit's getting pretty heavy in a ship but it did mean it can always get a I I I like to think that when it gets to a point of light let let like a tad less like it like it goes any further it's been really fun that they're gonna step in and but what okay Jeez motherfuckers unless an okay sure but what about during World War two we drop the fucking atomic bomb nobody showed up that's that's at the point of total annihilation of one place one little place it were heading toward lake were heading toward that was there I mean I get that's horrible but that was one bomb that try to solve everything and created us as a superpower hearing them talk and that right now but like when it comes down to where we're heading towards %HESITATION of and not just by war and stuff but like human extinction global annihilation right like on a whole for the first time in recorded history ever we just had a two year thing happen to the entire planet right usually things happen two different societies different things in kids disappeared this that it's always a group it's not a massive hole there's the other thing too I like to also think sometimes amid this theories out there T. of light they're waiting for us to realize we need to work together we work against each other it's all throughout history always work and goes back to caveman tribe or their lives fucking a mile away is Killin this tribe and say you know it's always been a conflict and I like the either we get to over that conflict and work together for the heaven on earth whatever you wanna call it and stop whatever it ends up being but either we do that on our own and fix that or we keep pushing it to the point of annihilation which would mean you know planet annihilation or human extinction that they would step in but that's just my that's my that's my happy place I go to like it when it gets to the worst they're gonna come who'll alien is going to make everything okay cool I like that way yes Sir I just got this for me because I'm just chuckling because my dad was texting me I was talking earlier this evening and then easily he went he's like why don't they but my dad's getting older and when you hear this data not picking on you my dad's almost eighty leveled apparently they they know they repeat things and they forget things and stuff and he was telling me again tonight you guys you guys need to do the YouTube thing the YouTube thing is where it's like that I told you many times were on you too so he is watching our live stream from last weekend and is laughing he says what watching your podcast on YouTube you guys are awesome but my Butthole is my personal business it's got to be one of the ones where I was talking about my hemorrhoid issuers and he's like you are awesome because he either but that's not the type that's gonna share personal effort you know that old school you don't share perfect right that that is funny in the middle of this is like my personal business thanks for listening data anyway back to back to bill Daley okay that's in my mind I like to think that there that I I like to think that they're good and I mean the feud Sperry anses and things I've felt in my life and stuff and have all been very positive and encouraging I I've never seen something or felt something where I'm scared when it comes to a possible alien I have thank you I absolutely have N. a well all right yes okay okay yeah right touching go man hi I was on the couch at my dad's house %HESITATION the door was open up stairs but the house had gates on it so you can like get in like every house has bars down Vegas %HESITATION N. as a sleep it was like two thirty in the morning TV was on and I woke up and couldn't move and there was something standing at the head of the couch that I was sleeping on and I was fucking frozen all I could move my eyes and I was trying so fucking hard to move and couldn't N. was terrified and then there was like a snap and it was gone and I can move again can you believe that was alien that sure is it just something from another round I don't know I don't know yeah and not to sound too fucking crazy have told Mel this I've never said this on the show but like that happened two nights in a row there N. the second time it happened in the morning I had a bloody nose the next morning no I wasn't doing blow worst K. no I wasn't a kid I was in seventeen or eighteen okay %HESITATION woke up the next morning at a bloody nose in my nose was cricket your probe so yeah I missed the whole story when I have IT pro got frozen on the couch at my dad's house when I was a kid well not a kid the team a young man can take one of those you know faint memories okay well anyway I wasn't yet into the I don't know man all that that shits terrifying and I've heard other people have experienced like that weird shit in the end and then the okay that and I mean I've had terrified it like those the week in the waking where you can't move itself I've all I've always associate that more with like realm's lead like that that the undead D. Berger Tory in whatever the men's ghosts entities not Nestle aliens but I've I did it so it's one of those things that where there's not really any proof of any of this so you have to believe and that's where I'm not going to that's why I'm not gonna discount anybody's beliefs and stuff right when they going on over there Mel I like you got ants in your pants no what some thing like felon like a tool like I put my I brought my head down and like something fell out of my hair yeah there's always shoot your hair there is always there but like it fell and I like her like a I was like well it was a substantial so angel and I'm wearing all black so I had to kindly check myself I've I've actually seen something attach itself to mail in her sleep %HESITATION that with Simon that we ought attach yeah I mean again sitting on your chest interact yes we get we interacted for sure yeah it was it it was really scary and mmhm late profound and not like you know profound it was like the fact that it was happening and I was like lucid and the ice was seen yeah that you were see he hit two was like oh shit this came on to me like it it came at me like we're like what's the word paralyzed but to to wake me up you were like moaning like and you couldn't you were barely moving in mon yeah I was like really tense like trying to like bye yeah move and I wouldn't let me move in I feel like when I think about that day I remember our hallway in our house and like I felt at the energy cut to come into the house lake while we were sleeping like I felt it and then I will that's what woke me up was like felt something on the side of the bed and then it was like come on yeah I remember you asking about this too yeah I remember sure though that with my mom my mom and my step by step that does not believe in any of the stuff for anything but the house on Bronco and my mom woke up in the middle of the night my mom's kind of moaning doing that kindly and and he said he saw something on her side of the bed I had a hold of her and was pulling her out of the bed and he woke up and full Suan adit and his hand went through it and then it disappeared and my mom had a bruise mark up like a ham that was on her wrist and was there for like my mom breezes pretty easily it was it was I hate where where she was being pulled was a physical like hamper it that was trying to blow okay C. man yeah and shit happens yeah and I in this gonna sound weird but whatever this is the place for that I don't know yeah we got a weird as a kid like I'm talking like five this is in third grade we were living in Colorado and we're renting this big gas house and had a guest house behind it and my bedroom had a loft so like you walked in and right above where you walked into the room was like a platform that was attached the wall that you could like climb a ladder and that's where my bed was up there N. three different times when we live there I was always fuckin scared at that house I wasn't a scaredy cat little kid really but when we lived there like I always felt like something was following me or with me or like watching all kinds of weird shit would happen but three separate times right at that moment of drifting off from like conscious thought into sleep I was like she can %HESITATION awake by a gong and it was it and it would still be ringing when I sat up freaked out but I was the only one in the house they heard it hurt three different times so just right third grade I don't know how old you in third grade eight eight okay thanks apple that's easy one kindergartens five every grade from that you have that number to five so third grade would be eight thanks apple so yeah that happened and I always have felt like there was something that was either like following me or lake protecting me for like making sure how do you know the different I guess I just it was a feeling a Nikka it never the only time it ever felt scary was at my dad's house and that like all the rest of the time it it's been chill you know since June yes this is official and hang out yeah I've always felt like that and I think that's what %HESITATION initially piqued my interest in the learning and trying to find out more about aliens and ghosts and all that fun shit like and then I realized that it was real when I started doing psychedelics and smoke DMT and ate mushrooms those like that's what yeah anyway what took us down the rabbit hole that was different the one yeah but it's switch it up around this joint is the mold steels that's what I say to the right body all the opinions and things you've heard their farm my beliefs man yeah not the beliefs of the whole no I didn't what does the whole believe anyway the house to get into that M. D. Hey everybody ATS following a command on on Instagram and download their music and follow him on Facebook and Twitter whatever the hell they are at you can buy their merch and go to their shows and when they post about this episode on their social media re posted to repost it and comment so that they know that you listen and that you dug and then we know we know they know done no interviews around the whole lake community gathering thing we are a digital fire for you to gather around every week all Darling looks so cute everybody yeah it does yep so I think that we're gonna go we're gonna go to bed now we love you guys we'll be back next week with who's next week we have it on our board I could see it Kendall St Kilda streak our industry company next week everybody so stay tuned other that hope one yeah you guys although so we have we love you guys remember hydrate and safety thirty actually I'm the slowdown hi Jerry it's getting warmer it's summer you're at festivals hydrilla in certain shit a lecture lie yeah take your yourselves the summer you guys hydrate that's number one safety third washer hand smile at strangers lover named